What is your opinion on transhumanism and the idea of upgrading humans using genetic engineering and cybernetics?

What is your opinion on transhumanism and the idea of upgrading humans using genetic engineering and cybernetics?

Attached: transhuman1.jpg (672x372, 152K)

i think this is bullshit
no thing can mirror the consciousness

Fuck off Russians. We already have the technology in neural networks we just need to completely understand it

Senior Citizens would use up all their retirement savings just to be secure with the knowledge nothing can injure or hurt them in old age when their limbs become stronger than iron.

Never going to happen in our lifetimes so I don't really care about it.

Cancer. It ruins evolution and allows the trash to survive and breed. Another idea like communism and anarch-something for arrogant brainlets.

The consciousness is a collection of countless neurons and electrical activities. It is totally possible that, with enough development, we can mirror the human mind.

Only hope.

The last hope.

>implying advance technology will be given to the masses

I think this sort of thing will be the exclusive domain of the very rich.

I like it but wish it was used for good only

Modern medicine already does just that user. People with heart mummurs can take beta blockers, people with broken arms and legs can recover, ect.

Also, development of gene therapy can give us the power to be immune to disease, increase intelligence, possibly grant biological immortality. It's even possible to make everyone white on a genetic level.

As long as boomers miss the life extension boat im 100% okay with it.

For morons. Enjoy your cyber zionists, cyber niggers and cyber crippled.
Oh, you expected to be part of it ?
My fucking sides. Only judeo-masonic elites and their pets would have access to such tech. Dysgenics turned up to eleven.

This. To see a vision of the future, imagine a boomer in Rockports stomping on your face forever.


Cool. I am gonna be part of childfucking cybernigger gangs.

>What is your opinion on transhumanism and the idea of upgrading humans using genetic engineering and cybernetics?

Transhumanism = Transcending your humanity beyond your own limits. If this can ensure my survival without succumbing to mental illness then I will take it. But what is mentall illness really, if not a mind too weak to comprehend the real truth of things?

Attached: Transcendence from humanity.png (771x1600, 1.86M)

Unsafe (you can get hacked, spied, data mined just like it happens with your cellphone) and genetic engineering cannot be done safely yet because humans don't know how genetics work with enough accuracy yet, it is all poorly done reverse engineering.

bio-engineering isn't there yet and won't be for at least 100 years
we've only just recently got around to have proper organ replacements that don't come from the black market

By your argument we should not have access to many of the marvels of the modern world because elites would want them for themselves. Yet we have access to internet, 3D printers, genetic screening, and fleshlights. Remember, there's money to be made off this technology, and the wealthy, despite elitest inclination, wish to profit off of this.

Imagine having your wageslaves never grow old, and being so healthy you never have to pay for insurance.

lol sure man

Yeah. What a thing to hope for. What a bright future .

>upgrading humans
using with tech controlled by them?
no thanks
i don't want to be a mindless sex slave for the elite

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Bullshit nihilist's wetdream.

We should do research a

> get spyware installed into your body
No thanks

By my argument, 99% percent of american population should be sterilized. By my argument, our species improves through evolution, and therefore survival of the fittest. In absence of selection pressure, eugenics are required. Transhumanism without eugenics is just affirmative action on steroids. You do not upgrade the flawed ones. You make them disappear. And you do not provide the tech to your elites to dominate you. A counter power is needed.

No, because it would fuck us up. The brain is already stressed from all the stimuli in our modern reality. Short term memory is already bad across the population. Plugging the internet directly into our brains would cause a lot more damage. Turning kids into cyborgs without their consent is also morally wrong.

>genetic engineering
Maybe in the very distant future. There are 10-15 genes that are linked to pattern recognition and general intelligence. If you have them all at the same time, you get schizophrenia. We know what genes do and what they are associated with, but we don't know how they work together.

Selective breeding is the best thing for a healthy population, and will continue to be so for a very long time. Find a good partner that's not too close (relative) or too far away genetically (mud monkey) will create the best offspring. Stick around and teach that offspring sound values and they will have the best cultural as well as generic means to reproduce themselves. That's all there is to it.

>not installing malwarebites on your body

Absolutely heretic.

So this is the french defeatism?