India is hitting the United States with more tariffs


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US tariff on India
>worth 6 billion
India tariff on US
>worth 240 million

Totally based

Holy shit, which countries ISN'T Donald Kushner starting trade wars with?

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we pooed on their space station

India is the real chad.
>literally have no toilets
>most of the population is in iron age
>follow a non-semite religion

>poo on murican space station
>poo on murican money and scam them
>poo on their space station
>LITERALLY announce to build your own space station in 2030

How can china, and EU even compete

What kind of fucking retard comes to Jow Forums and thinks people disagree with opposing (((globalist))) free trade deals, you cum-sucking faggot? Enjoy losing 2020 when Biden makes it clear about how much Chinese cum he's swallowed over the course of 30 years of supporting disastrous deindustralization policies in the midwest you dumb liberal nigger.

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This is not news. India massively utilize tarifs for a long time to fuck with USA.. Now they just do it with headlines of what they are doing.

>What kind of fucking retard comes to Jow Forums and thinks people disagree with opposing (((globalist))) free trade deals, you cum-sucking faggot? Enjoy losing 2020 when Biden makes it clear about how much Chinese cum he's swallowed over the course of 30 years of supporting disastrous deindustralization policies in the midwest you dumb liberal nigger.
Biden is really such an asshole. He really is!
And now they are running elizabeth warren aswell. Just as much of a joke. But she's 'less mean than drumpf'. As if anyone gives a shit weither a president is 'nice' or not, it´s not your fucking uncle. He´s there to do a tough job.. But this is how retarded the US democrats seems to be.. It´s like americans, i guess it´s just the average vox populi. Are just TOTAL FUCKING IDIOTS that don´t understand the seriousness of having competent politicians. People who know things about business and about running things.. It really surprises me it took so long for USA to get a businessman into the white house. You can clearly tell that these career politicians either don´t know what they are doing or are fully compromised paid off.. and just ignore certain things.

I know trump is not ideal with some things with jews etc. But he´s getting a lot of shit done for european americans and other americans in general. And this trade thing, you really see how much china and india and mexico have been fucking with USA.. WITHOUT ANY HEADLINES.. for years they have been doing this.. And nobody has said a thing. You don´t think biden and these people know what has been happening. Ofcourse they do those assholes!
If i could just pick someone running and put them in instead.. I´m not sure if i would go with someone else, if i look at the things he is doing and the oppinions he has about usa and other things.

How did you poo on their spacestation user?

Don't pretend this is a standalone issue. The deficit is at 738 billion and climbing rapidly thanks to orange man's tariffs.