Cringey manifesto aside, what was his endgame?
Cringey manifesto aside, what was his endgame?
Hey was a sloppy mossad agent. Israel is so fucked and Bibi is gonna die.
Read it. He tells you.
>what was his endgame?
read the manifesto
youve been saying this for months tho
he clearly just had fantasies about shooting some people and he found the excuse to do it
normally these kinds of guys just join the military and get pushed around for a couple years then end up as cops. and if he wasn't white he'd have just been another nigga with a gun getting shot
I guess he has even worse long term planning
Total conjecture.
no way in hell was he some lone gunman crazy, this was a job.
a pleb with power fantasies would have pissed himself or gotten dogpiled on after the first shot, if that. This guy had experience and had a job to do.
He had 2 years of preparation and training and a bone to pick with Islam after years of Islamic terrorist attacks.
never having pussy
Accelerate the cuckification of New Zealand and get them to clamp down on guns, which he hoped would spark outrage/dissent towards the government. Instead of letting the government slowly take away the rights of the citizens over many years, he wanted the government to take the bait and push the changes quickly, which they did, though I'm not sure it panned out exactly how he wanted. Here's a paraphrase of something from his manifesto:
When you boil a frog in a pot, you do it slowly with low heat, the frog won't escape and eventually it will be boiled alive. However if you turn the heat up the frog will jump out immediately.
This is supposed to represent how if the government slowly revokes rights over many years, the normies will not notice and this will eventually lead to the death of the country. If you accelerate the cooking of the frog, the revoking of rights, normies will be alarmed at what is happening and some will get redpilled. They will jump out of the pot.
If he is mossad than I’m mossad
>Some people partly satisfy their need for power by identifying themselves with a powerful organization or mass movement. An individual lacking goals or power joins a movement or an organization, adopts its goals as his own, then works toward those goals. When some of the goals are attained, the individual, even though his personal efforts have played only an insignificant part in the attainment of the goals, feels (through his identification with the movement or organization) as if he had gone through the power process. This phenomenon was exploited by the fascists, nazis [...]
>But even if most people in industrial-technological society were well satisfied, we (FC) would still be opposed to that form of society, because (among other reasons) we consider it demeaning to fulfill one’s need for the power process through surrogate activities or through identification with an organization, rather than through pursuit of real goals.
so Brenton Tarrant couldn't go through the power process so he identified with mass movement (the racial Autonomy movement) moreover, he was a kind of Leftists in Ted's sense of the word in that that he identifies with an inferior group (the low fertility Whites being victimized by the more superior, fertile and robust Islamic civilization.)
so basically, not much to see here, basically another symptom of sickness the technological apparatus inflicted on mankind
you don't just go out and kill people like that is what I'm saying.
Anyobe with half a brain would just toss a few grenades inside and fuck off, not double tap every single person without saying a word except incriminating memetic implications.
>yo dude, i read this manifesto online, its by the NZ shooter... no, no, listen... hey will you listen..? ... listen, it says that we are being genocided now, were literally dying as we sip on this milkshake at our local mall, listen man, we need to do some shit to stop this from happening, we need to kill some people.. no no no, listen up man. we need to get some babies... YOOO! WILL YOU Listens? dude... we need to kill some brown babies or those babies will grow up and kill us and our babies... yeah i know im not married but listen.. no she wont return my calls, never mind that now... you have something sharp? lets go stab some kids and save our race watta you say?
>cringey manifesto aside
>what was his endgame?
Huh its almost like he said it in his manifesto or something?
It wasn't Tarrant that told me that, though it is part of why he did it.
everybody has a manifesto.. you want a manifesto? stay here for 10 minutes ill write you one
To further discredit nationalism for whites and Europeans associating it with terrorism and genocide.
t. retard
nationalism is already discredited for whites and we are already associated with terrorism and genocide. so why not give them a taste of the real thing
write me a manifesto, it has to include a hate for volcanoes and a lot of appreciation for Bob Ross' art.
That's why it is doing so well in Europe and managed to push the useless faggot Trump into office. Your Brexit party is the largest in the UK right now but clearly what we need are more fucking idiots like you involved.