I’m a life long Republican, but that weak reaction to Iran's attacks was so shockingly wrong and treasonous that I can’t in good conscience support a man that deepthroats arabian cock nominating Supreme Court justices, the judges trump did appoint should be impeached and removed and his next pick should be blocked until he is out of office.
At this point I don’t care if the democrats appoint 9 justices, that’s better than Muhammad appointing any
>tfw this cesspool thinks it's "ok" to mock a MAVERICK war hero that gave his life fighting to save his country from that orange tyrant
This man served our country for 36 years of his life but user faggots felt extra butt hurt and decided to shill propaganda about him in this dumpster fire of a thread. The fact that flagposters from other countries will reply to my post proves that America is just a game to other people . This is my fucking COUNTRY. Yes Biden is a shit stain but Donald Trump is just a sleazy billionaire with no ethics the fact that you retards cheer makes me so disillusioned with my America. You retards arnt even republicans. You make me embarrassed to associate myself with a party that was glorious 100 years ago.
The left goes into purity spiral, their goal of pissing off the right becomes "pissing off anyone who disagrees with me" hence TERF/SWERF kike fights against trannys and whores
>Six million Jews were killed Six million Jews were killed? in only 4 years! with no mass graves! in only USSR owned parts of the post-WW2 country! localized entirely in your kitchen
Welp it finally happened guys. I just got a letter saying I've been drafted to go die for Israel in the war against Japan that Drumpf just started trying to frame Iran. Thanks a lot jerks. I can't believe you let this guy get the limpet codes.
its a dead corpse being held up and fucked by like 3 people now they need to let go
Sebastian Richardson
>Oh yeah how is /sg/ these days
Easy to get riled up. Combo of dumb and easily triggered.
Jacob Parker
You're talking to the same people that have been here since before his inauguration. In case you were wondering how much of a non existent chance you have of convincing anybody on here that you're nothing more than a harmless retard.
Everyone who doesn't tow the fucking line is a shill to you braindead parasites. If Trump fucked a child on television and had you personally suck the cum out of the hole you'd do it and call anyone who grimaced at the spectacle a shill, because you're fucking dull.
What happens next time there's some innocent Saudi tanker that ends up with a hole in its side? Do we just throw them another sanction? Do you think we can just continually ignore Israels safety every time some arab in a boat gets uppity? What the fuck is wrong with you people?
he has certainly already drank something that is for sure imagine if you drink the water, so much lead rushes up to your brain that your short term memory becomes shit, so you forget you drank it and try again, and again, and forever
don't fall for the tits meme they tricked me into posting my vag and i used imgure and didn't know i couldn't delete it then because i wasn't logged into my account they made fun of my labias because they're pretty big you fuckers i won't forget that day
>user faggots felt extra butt hurt and decided to shill propaganda about him in this dumpster fire of a thread.
Oh that's is Rich coming from u...
Luke Carter
Oh I never cared about changing peoples minds, this is just fun for me.
Robert Turner
My fugging had is sdill hanging in my fugging wardrobe. I voded :DD in florida.
everyone who doesn'd dow dhe fugging line is a shill do you braindead barasides. If drumb fugged :DD a ghild on delevision and had you bersonally sugg dhe gum oud of dhe hole you'd do id and gall anyone who grimaged :DD ad dhe sbegdagle a shill, begause you're fugging dull.
whad habbens negsd dime dhere's some innogend saudi danger dhad ends ub widh a hole in ids side? do we jusd dhrow dhem anodher sangdion? do you dhing we gan jusd gondinually ignore israels safedy every dime some arab in a boad geds ubbidy? whad dhe fugg is wrong widh you beoble?