So today I was on the sub and it was really hot and there were many girls wearing shorts that made half of their asses hang out.
I imagined what if it was hotter. Like in a middle eastern country. They must walk naked. If it wasn't for Islam prob it would be like that. I unironically support women covering themselves up since today. I had some work to do and women walking around with half of their asses hanging out fucked up my whole concentration for the day.
I hate Islam generally but I can understand for practical reasons why they would make women to cover themselves up.
I know I'm going to get called a Muslim, a kike shill etc. But practically speaking do you think it's something that will help?
I unironically understood why Muslims make women cover themselves up today
I agree I can't stand the sight of the whores at the gym.
That chick is literally sucking in her gut for an instagram photo, she'll let her flab hang out the minute after the picture is taken
Their women are covered because muslims are violent animals who can't contain their impulses. In reality most women aren't insta models and are fat/not hot enough to rape. Most men value their freedom over getting their dicks wet for a moment.
The only reason you agree with them is because rather than get Jow Forums and hit on girls to fuck them, you'd rather stew in Jow Forums-tier rage over how you'll never get to fuck an instathot who heavily airbrushes her photos anyway.
It's nothing to do with the heat it's to stop infidelity which mozzies (with some justification) believe destroys social cohesion.
You know what they may have a point.
Iranian women before the Islamic takeover dressed like 'trad' women dress today, semi-modestly and with skirts just above the knee. Even today, despite Israel's "Europeanization", Israeli women, even the ones on holidays, don't dress like absolute whores despite the climate. "The climate made me do it" isn't an excuse for degeneracy.
But I'm fit and I'm not a loser. I have access to hot girls but seeing them everywhere is fucking my whole focus. I have something to do and I see a bunch of half naked girls and my whole day is spent thinking about sex
would breed her in front of a large crowd
Except you're retarded because they cover themselves in all black, so your logic doesn't apply.
Agreed OP. You're gonna have some kike shills call you an incel in this thread, just ignore them. If you have a girlfriend especially, why would you want your girl dressed like a whore for guys to be oogling at everywhere you go? I feel like if you oogle at skanky whores everywhere you go, it takes energy away from you. It does fuck with your concentration. So I understand as well. Women also use it as power over men. What I do is just not even look at them, and you can tell they get frustrated at this.
I support the classical 50s kind of dressing. Much better than having them half naked
No you're completely right, that's why all bros want a WHITE SHARIA to take over.
Have sex.
Most of Jow Forums would agree with you that the muzzies got a few things right. That doesn't mean we want to join them though.
and what's going to enforce them covering up?
islam in saudi arabia and other fundamentalist states imprison women. less extreme nations like the UAE imprison women who dress like thots and expose way too much skin. laws cannot contain the thot from how uppity they've gotten which results in massive political shitstorms and riots. I'd reckon religion would be the strongest internal motivator for dressing modestly. But that cant happen unless a major traditional revival has been started.
Sophia metro still have those TVs playing music channels?
White sharia is in Christianity I think. I mean there are some instructions on how women should behave but dunno if there is the same instructions on dress code
Every summer the bathing suits get smaller and any girl that is 5/10+ will have pictures of their ass bent over at the camera on social media. I have 100% given up the idea of marriage to a western woman.
Yeah they play news now. It's fucking annoying
Wtf- Why would you hit the gym if not for all the cleavage and ass cracks in yoga pants?
Do you miss the music ?
Bro she is skinny and kinda has a do nothing body but don't hate just cuz she is tensing her abs. Put her in the gym for 3 months with a fundamental lifting program and in 3 months she would go from a 8 to a 10 (once she takes off the hose ring).
Yeah thots used to be regulated and shamed by the church but now straight white conservatives are the only ones who are shamed it today's clown world!
The tide will change though....
>the muzzies got a few things right
Nope, keeping whores in check is a universal thing, only in recent western history this has changed and now we are neck deep in niggers and muslims thanks to it.
What does that do for you leaf? Do you go home and beat off later? Guys like you are pathetic, letting your sexual urges control your every move.
No but if I was leader of the country it would play Erica and Hitler speeches 24/7
I go to the gym to lift and use the sauna sometimes. Using it for reasons of lust is pathetic. If you need fap material so bad /gif/ is right around the corner.
I don't know about you, but I go to lift and make use of their treadmill. Gym thots are nothing but a distraction, and I'm glad I found one that women rarely go to.
They outright enshrined it in law though, it was implicit in a lot of societies.
What do you work as ? Never been to Bulgaria but just know about the metro
Up until about the 1800s Islam was spreading throughout Africa converting tribal Africans to Islam. What do you say what were women doing if it was hot and there are no rules exactly what you say they were literally walking around naked. Islam found out fairly early. Clothing equals civilization
shariah has very little material on dress codes. the main controversial excerpt from hadith came from "women should cover of what is not apparent". some say that means covering your privates and their proximities. the sandnigger's mind interpreted that as covering every inch of a womans body since they cant handle their urges on even sniffing female pheromones nearby.
You sound like a fag. I love riding the train in the summer for that reason alone. I love getting into a relatively packed cart and standing behind a thot with the shortest shorts and letting my penis hang out through the zipper and slowly grinding on the ass as the ride progresses.
Logistics in a company but I'm studying programming since its more comfy
The greatest gift to men is the beauty of women. Dressing them in trash bags removes this gift.
Yeah there I can live. Srsly how is a men supposed to function when every girl is dressed like she is on the beach
>europe talking about keeping whores is check
thats right. we should emulate them africans sticking their dicks in anything that resembles a slit. Atleast they appreciate the gift god gave them
yall niggers gay. its a good fucking thing women have breasts and asses, why the fuck would i hide them in binbags like a shitskin animal.
She is clearly sucking in her guts for a photo that is heavily shopped and airbrushed because instathots are basically "artists" selling unrealistic shit to beta faggots like you who literally give them money merely to exist and continue taking pictures like this for you to jack off to, you pathetic faggot.
>t. creepy 80 year old man
they give wifi in jail now?
>worlds largest exporter of black on white interracial porn is shit talking others
Shut the fuck up mutt
>start talking to random thot while you have a half-mast protruding under your shorts as she gets self-conscious of her slutwear
>i cant control myself around a naked woman
semite brained moron
so distracting especially when they do straight leg lifts like rows etc. like im trying to see myself bitch not your goddamn roast beef mound.
you are quite correct good man
if women are dressing to tantalise men i welcome it, it means they are still not men, nor are we women.
>Harf Harf I'm a dog in heat!
>muh distracting
because ur work can't wait for like 5 minutes while you admire female beauty. wuts wrong with you. you seem like the most boring person ever. yes lets live in a world where you have no sexual desires and jsut devoite ourselves to gay faggot boring work
>desire is bad hypothesis
desire is what keeps us human and alive, we will never live in your puritan dystopia
fuck you and your putting pussy on a pedestal you fucking manlet queer.
>being this much of a cuck
Unironically have sex.
Wow, you can almost respect these women.
also who has 5 minutes to just stand around in the gym?
I'm more disgusted at the uselessness of everything they do in the gym than I am distracted.
I kinda want to know who the succubus of semen is.
I was driving today and right next to my house is a trail many people go hiking up.
There was two girls walking towards it and one was wearing only a bra.
They both looked at my as I drove past and when I didn't look back they both seemed confused and started fixing their hair and breasts.
Another girl was at the store with her mom wearing yoga pants and we exited at the same time. She was walking in front of me and I could tell she was trying to flex her ass. She turned around and smiled but I did not look back, I looked at my car and walked away undistracted.
If you can't help but look at sluts, you are part of the problem.
I think the exact opposite is true, actually, since humans are the only beings capable of outright willingly refuse their instinctive drive to reproduce and live for an abstract reason.
I don't think I've ever read a post so pathetic. You muzzies have zero self control, you aren't even human at that point. No wonder you are such sub humans.
>putting pussy on a pedestal
nope, i put beauty on a pedestal above your insectoid obsession with work.
Literally gay. You like guys. Just admit it.
This - except the opposite - because I'm not a flaming homosexual. When I'm at the gym and I see a hard body my T levels go up and I work out as if I'm on steroids. This is what happens to straight men when they see hot pussy. Good luck on your gay conversion therapy fellas.
>I imagined what if it was hotter. Like in a middle eastern country. They must walk naked.
Are you Karl Pilkington? There's something quite profound in what is a completely stupid comment.
I thought Jow Forums realized Muslims were based ages ago
Fuck off, Islam is just another Jewish religion and we already have thots appearing left and right, in 20 years even Saudi Arabia will have half naked women roaming around, these Abrahamic religions are the biggest scams in human history
Because women ruin society
We should literally make hem cover up too
if all humans decided to wear feathers and fly like birds, that would not become a human thing to do. to be human is to live naturally without suppressing your desires, turning yourself into an artificial creature.
I thought it was because Muslim women have a lotta facial hair, look like Saddam Hussein, have huge fat hippo butts, and deformed physical features.
Frankly I think social shame should be enough, but until that snowballs into a proper force, yes I agree. At the very least it needs to be enforced on under-age girls since I can't fucking comprehend letting your daughter go to a beach/pool essentially naked. But even in schools and public they dress like the point is NOT to dress. I can only imagine the type of hell we're in for once nudity is legal for all ages... Rome all over again...
>need a semitic desert religion to put whites women's back to their places
Shame.. so shameful.
No islam need, just beat these big whores and put them back in their places, it's as simple as that. But you don't do it because you don't have the balls to do it. And because many of white mens like the situation of white women nowadays.
Nah, your real problem is women being in the workplace, that's what fucked up our society.
nigger in europe young girls shower naked on the beach and nothing bad happens, stop making problems where none exist
that girl was 14 in the pic, is now 15
why are all the hottest white women spanish??
i thought spain has the highest child obesity though? where are you getting your info.
idk every time a particularly hot girl gets posted on here and I look her up she's from brazil or some shit
Civilization is fundamentally anti human nature you fucking brain dead lefty fag
shut the fuck up, kike
whites have low t
>female were made to seduce a male and I absolutelly hate it!
D I L A T E YOUR WOUND, seething faggot
the lady doth protest too much, methinks
Why so aggressively defensive? Projecting your own insecurities on us is so transparent.
people didn't dress this liberally in the past, and we had higher birth rates then
i think society will be ok with some modesty
>sees flag
oh nevermind
how are the gyms in detroit
Bulgarian talking about Islam like he's not a middle eastern Islamic fucking nation.
>sees flag
Opinion discarded
so basically detroit before and after
OP is based.
I'm pro sharia now.
after all the shit we've collectively concluded/discovered about pedos, would you let your daughter do so? why? what's the point?
it's one thing to live in a small town (filled with people you know/trust!!!) and ur dipshit kids decide to run around naked everynow and then until they're old enough to realize how embarassing that is. but i can't possibly understand how anyone would be ok with letting their children be gazed at by complete strangers which could be pedos. and on top of that the clothes that are being pushed on kids now aren't just hey this is "'skimpy for the heat"' but full on runway whore and lgbtqp+ clothing. pushing make-up and all sorts of shit on them
The muslims take it way too far. Making the woman always wear a hijab and of course a full burka is just ridiculous. But yes it serves a purpose. First of all, modesty is much more attractive and respectable then we give it credit for.
Also this. I believe masturbation is forbidden by islam. If so then you don't want to be tempting a bunch of sexually frustrated guys.
> it will never be like that again
Nah, kikes generally want westerners to hate Muslims. Mossad wants you to sympathize with wars in the Middle-East. Otherwise, all those false flag attacks are just a waste of resources.
>I hate Islam generally
It’s funny how brainwashed and browbeaten the kikes have you guys. Basically most right wing white males agree with Muslims on 99% of issues but they still have to signal how much they hate Islam. When you ask them why they hate Islam they can’t answer with anything substantive. It’s usually either kike vulgarity or a flawed historical analysis
Eric Striker is that you?
You probably have an inherited tendency to crave exotic mystery meat
Civilisation is completely compatible with human nature, but the goal of civilisation is to allow man to fulfill his natural desires, not suppress them.
>Basically most right wing white males agree with Muslims on 99% of issues
Bullshit, it's maybe three issues: treatment of women, treatment of fags, and treatment of jews. Everything else is completely fucking wrong and Islamists should not be tolerated.
>what's the point?
so they can clean sand / salt water off themselves and be refreshed
non essential yes, but whomst is going to limit their daughter to just essentials