Are people on this board productive members of society or do you just sit behind a screen and shitpost all day? Be honest.
Are people on this board productive members of society or do you just sit behind a screen and shitpost all day...
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Who cares have sex
Who says you can't shitpost IRL while being a productive member of society?
PhD chemist here. Ask me anything.
>OP is a phoneposter
Kill Jews
I work from home so both.
>productive members of society
in that a full quarter of my damn income has been raped by taxes so far this year, yes.
Is it stressful work?
I sleep on my sisters couch, get drunk, and have sex with chubby girls. Thats literally all I do.
Depends highly on your project and company goals and your personal temperament.
It's such a varied field honestly it's hard to say.
I worked all week and now I shitpost here due to my pent up rage at my shitty coworkers and bosses
Cant I do both?
What's the best way to keep apprised of the latest cutting edge chemistry happenings without either being involved with an academic institution or shelling out crazy amounts of shekels to get past paywalls?
Everybody knows that this board is composed of nothing but 6'4'' Aryan Chads with 9 inch dicks and $300k salaries. Get out of here and have some sex incel
have=to secure
sex=the means of reproduction
What's your favourite color?
sounds like a good life. greasy but good.
I am not a productive member of society. But I'm that way intentionally, because I believe your society to be completely fucked and am not overly keen on prolonging the process.
This guy does a good job honestly of general updates
But you are always allowed to just wander your local University chemistry department and look at posters and talk to professors if their in their offices.
Paywalls are pretty shit though. My previous company had no journal access so I had to rely on friends still in gradschool.
What is the most useful stuff to know about for day to day application and how can I built *big firecrackers* without hurting myself.
Right on.
I'll check it out.
Thanks user.
Nigger my PhD was in color chemistry essentially. I made every color in the rainbow so it's hard to say. Each color has its challenges to achieve including it's applications but in general, I love greens and cyans.
No problem. It's hard to keep up if you don't have access but most journals let you read the abstracts for free. ACS and RSC are good about it.
Its alright just boring. I still think off offing myself sometimes, i never would though
I only have a shitty part time job. I'd try to be more useful if someone gave me a fucking chance to do some real work.
I worked for a law enforcement agency.
I got asked to do research on pot-coin.
Convinced the office I need access to Jow Forums to research dark/deep web.
Later I've become the local Jow Forums "expert" and was asked to give a presentation on this site.
Titled presentation: Quick Run Down
Managers were fascinated as I spun bullshit after bullshit.
>real nazis
>white supremacist
>child porn
>code language: niggers, faggot, cheese pizza, pepe the frog, red pill
>minimum 3 layers of irony
I made posts specifically to come out in the presentation.
It was hilarious.
They are probably reading this now trying to figure out of this is real or irony.
Not sure if that counts as productive or not.
I'm a judge at 28yrs old, but my social life is terrible and i'll probably never find love, so i guess it deoends on what you mean by "productive".
Yes. I work 3 days a week 11am-11pm as a nurse in the OR. During surgeries while the doctors operate and I have nothing to do, and later on in the evening when there are no surgeries going on and I spend my shift sitting in the break room, I like to go on my phone and shitpost on 4channel, read manga, play games, and watch TV with my co-workers.
thats some 20D jewish chess play tier
Yes I am a fire fighter and volunteer at a dog shelter.
College student (Software engineering)
My life:
>Fuck Stacy twice a week
>LARP here
>forgets to change his flag
most are fat, white, incels
>productive member of society or sit behind a screen and shitpost all day
both faggot
Why is being a "productive member of society" a positive when society is shit? Employ some critical thinking skills before you post again, retard normalniggerfaggot.
But if we enjoy shit posting is it even time wasted?
I'm married with children, I work in a factory.
While this is an interesting subject, also think about whats happening at the top. While everyone should try to be useful in our society, I believe that its hypocritical to hold the rich on a different standard. In right wing words, theyre bigger "parasites" than the poor. Theyre not making the divide smaller, theyre making it bigger
I'm a thought leader
makes me wonder "why" are we such an issue for SJeW?
I pay my taxes and engage in commerce if that’s what you’re asking
Oh yeah, this. I work and consume like a good goy. Why should any of us aspire to be more than that Uncle Schlomo?
>productive members of society
we are working to save the world, what have you done to stop the jew?
I do a job and have taxes taken from my pay, if that's what you mean.
Lift a weight.
No im lazy
House, wife, working on kids.
Works at director level.
Im productive.
>he says as he posts a picture of his extremely skinnyfat body
Normally I would czech em but for being wrong and gay im not gonna
I make 75k a year in Canada bucks, hold an office job, so yes I'm a productive member of society.
productive member reporting in
Productive to whom? Yourself? Your kids are a drain on society, and you're slaving for a kike master. Good job, here's your good goy of the year award.
I am a shit skin on welfare but I enjoy larping as a white man because I am white deep down inside
Shit posting is productive
you first nigger