>I'm a public health risk
>I belong to a cult ritutal murder ring
>I love Israel
>I have bottles of semen I chug daily
>I'm mentally retarded and illiterate
>I have bots pumping up my fake view totals

Attached: contrapoints2222.jpg (233x216, 12K)

Contra is so hot

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$2 is minimum patreon amount for her.

Seethe more boys she makes 20 grand + a month to own you guys. Not even including YouTube revenue

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Sorry CP doesn't make anything IT is too stupid to now how to make anything except low IQ stupid bullshit while the multi channel fake donation "network" of Sorosians fills up her coffers with fake digits

Oh, look. Another eceleb thread

"Intersectionality" otherwise knownas judaism, its a faggot jewcel from georgetown with zero competency being paid by shekelstein to pervert the minds of the goyim too bad when you remove the bot views and fake totals that fake channell only has a few thousand real followers...most of whom look like this

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Lol schizo take ur meds

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does this dude think he can pass? look at his hands?! (don't get me started on the jaw & face...)

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God.. I want to fuck her so fucking badly. WOW!

>anal sodomy


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>pass herpes

thats about it

thats clearly a dude

>I love Israel
Oof. He's going to get eaten by his own sooner than later.

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What if we slander contra points. Her initials are CP. You know what else starts with CP? Child prrron. Let’s start it boys

Excuse me Alt-Righters,
I used to be just like you. I was radicalized on Youtube by people like Ben Shapiro and Philip Defranco. But then I watched some videos by Contrapoints, and stopped caring about demographic changes. I used to be worried about the effects of mass-immigration on majority-European societies, but now I see I was just being racist.

Also I cut my cock off. You should too. It's great to give puberty-blockers to children.

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your point?

Imagine taking advice from this mentally ill abomination

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Youre not wrong but y u so mad?

Unlike Billy, I've still got my dick. He's gonna an hero once he realises his mistake.

>righteous anger
why you so cuck?


>I've still got my dick.
Yea but you'll never use it on a female you incel loser

>tranny projection detected

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t. Dickless

When a man named Billy cuts his dick off, he's still a man named Billy.


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>tfw you will never emasculate contrapoints' family by dating and fucking their son

Just imagine it. Imagine holding that pathetic, failed male down in his childhood bed while you tear his lily-white ass to pieces. Imagine the look of shame and disgust on his red-faced cuck of a father as you great him the morning after turning his 'daughter' into a moaning, quivering mess. Imagine it. Imagine him lowering his gaze, his eyes darting left and right as his wife happily pours you cereal and asks if you slept well. She knows you didn't. The whole house knows you didn't. But she's happy to entertain the notion because it completes the happy illusion she's nagged her husband so hard to achieve.

Imagine his feelings of guilt and failure as you cuddle with and kiss his 'daughter' during family movie time. I might even flirt with his whale of a wife. Just to really rub it in. Complete genealogical domination.

God just the thought of it makes me rock hard.

This faggot is further testament to how the Federal Bureau of Investigation is run by Criminals and fleeted with NPC service-dogs.

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>IRS inbound

you have to go back
t. faggot


I fucking love it when we call them on their shit when we all know they read these posts. Maybe fbi should hire non degenerates and not make it a fucking dicksucking while jumping a million hoops contest for GOOD people who want to be the best men they can be. Perhaps I am bitter because you just get traitor faggots like strozk and paige and fucking obama dick slurping comey. What a shit show. Fix your shit fbi.

What's up with its arm

More so, this mentally ill retard makes money by espousing boiler plate arguments to other mentally ill retards. And furthermore, the LWC crew makes more than this mentally ill retard makes all year in one month. And finally, despite this mentally ill retard's level of income, everyone in this thread makes more individually than you do in 10 years.

Why do trannies have horseface?

>>I have bottles of semen I chug daily
How? Donations from followers? Accumulating a bottle of (human) semen is actually pretty time consuming.

>blocks your path
>unzips dick
>jerks off furiously to himself in womens clothes in the mirror

Attached: contradude.png (867x667, 485K)

Why does everyone keep talking about this freak? I've never seen even one of his videos. Just ignore the faggot.

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Over 14,659,325,094,341 genders are hidden across the globe.
It's up to you to find them, explore the world and find the rarest genders for ultimate power!


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society puts women on a pedestal, so obviously some fags are going to take advantage of it, they already take advantage of sex by sucking dicks to appease women

Why is this dude being shilled so hard on /pol ?
Is /pol a tranny lover board?

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