Jow Forums is the opposite of Clockwork Orange

instead of puking every time you see something ultra violent... Jow Forums has desensitized you and you can't feel anything anymore. No matter how bad it is.

Change my mind.

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So what? Are you implying we're all psychopaths incapable of feelings?

yes and nothing on Jow Forums has ever led to believe otherwise

They had to prong that nigger's eyes open for him to watch their propaganda and /tv/ viewerfags volunteer

It doesn't desensitize you to EVERYTHING, though.

Um I think /b/ is the one you mean

nah they just like porn, Jow Forums is full of sickos who don't believe anything they just do racism because its the easiest way to do violence

I'd say quite the contrary, people here see different problems and react to them in different ways.

Have you seen some of the '' rekt '' threads that used to be on /b/

watching violence and wishing for violence are very different my friend

I wish that were the case. Jow Forums is cucked as fuck.

>see different problems

i think you mean see nonwhites as a problem

>react to them in different ways

oh yeah the NPCs on Jow Forums certainly don't call everyone they dont like jews and niggers and threaten violence

that's something that NEVER happens here

Clockwork orange was based on flawed suppositions, it doesn't work like that at all.
Most theories from 20th century were garbage actually, bunch of worthless sophists dealing with things they didnt understand.

false, all I feel is genocidal rage

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>Jow Forums has desensitized you and you can't feel anything anymore.
I burn with the passion of a thousand suns. I feel everything.

So you're saying Jow Forums has inured us to the horrors of modern life? Thanks again, boys!

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if you're so sensitive that Jow Forums is hard for you then check out the site its a explicit gore site.
in desensitized to that.

prove it

Psychopaths are born, not made.
You claim exposure to this content made us like "that". Therefore we are not psychopaths and you saw this on Jow Forums and now either believe otherwise or are confirmed to be an unreasonable goof that thinks you're right no matter what.

>not knowing about charon boat or deathaddict

Cringe and plebpilled

oh my u must be a real sicko

I barely cringed when I saw those ISIS toddlers executing the infidels.

>Psychopaths are born, not made.
thats not entirely true, surgeons become a bit weird to deal with them cutting up people all the time.

I never said it does but I'm not having a discussion with you if you can't look past the racism threads in the catalogue. If someone wants to call someone a nigger or a jew then so what, if you're so fragile that you can't handle a bit of racism then that's your problem.

Your main point was ultra violence. People on Jow Forums haven't committed this violence (only a few incidents), most of the bad webm's/pictures have come from foreign countries or acts of terror in our own countries.

yeah I do in fact believe that pyschopaths congregate on this board, because fuzzy logic and conspiracy theory delusions appeal to them so successfully

this is why we need a public healthcare system so people can get the mental health treatments they so obviously need

I have no need to prove anything.

the real issue is when people completely ignore all criticism because they believe the interlocutor is a jewish plant or whatever

i don't think you can hide behind "oh we're not all violent" when you've seen the mass shootings that have been promoted on this very site

so why are you on Jow Forums bragging anonymously about being such a bad ass

usually people who are passionate go out into the real world and do real world stuff lmao

I don't get startled anymore, but I definitely know what is and isn't repugnant.

If it's brown I can't feel anything for them

No, I still feel. It's just not some knee jerk convulsion away from horror. It's pity at best, gallows humor most often.
>idiot kid gets shot over xbawks because bad opsec
>brazilian getting cut for fucking with a capo
>POV of active combatants getting operated
>naked black chicks fighting, getting dragged by boyfriend's pickup, flipping out in stores, pulling each others extensions
>persian whores crashing cars for instagram
>drunk russians doing slavshit
>ad nauseum without the nausea
The only people I've ever felt sorry for on the interwebz
>firefighter getting shot yesterday, poor fucker
>kid getting cut up by narcos because his dad was a cop

because im poor and have limited mobility and access to the things that normal people have.

how pathetic

>Jow Forums has desensitized
meaning we were sensitive before coming here
>Are you implying we're all psychopaths incapable of feelings?
>yes and nothing on Jow Forums has ever led to believe otherwise
meaning we turned into a psychopath. Not possible. We are sociopaths. Numb, hardened, but still capable of feeling. Weve experienced emotions. We know what they are and how they feel. Psychopaths do not have this concept.
Psychopaths are here, but we are talking bout hte general population.

He didn't say he was a bad ass. He said he had passion

Sensitivity to violence isn't going to serve you in the coming world.

are you his boyfriend

You're just projecting kike.

that will happen, but it doesnt mean they are a psychopath.

Did you just assume his gender?

Wow... just wow...

if i was a world i'd be cumming too

lay off the joints

When you see the world as it truly is, nothing can shock you anymore, OP.

Jow Forums is the eye that gazes into the void.

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Allow me to continue the banal, horrid, Lynchian idiocy of everyday life caught on video on this planet.
>seventeen different bitch-cheated-on-capo murders
>African frying for transformer oil
>third worlders touching high tension lines, the multi-continent tour
>stupidity, the motorcycle section
>lane splitting
>left hand turn lane turning
>running reds
>Memphis gang riding
>face in half from accident, shotgun an hero failure, cartel
>blind lane changes as viewed by professional drivers
>Chinese Roadway Crush Fetish
>Chinese industrial accidents, a small sampling of trillions of incompetent decisions
>Chinese general disregard for anything
>salt bae clone suicide
>vehicles crossing flooded roads, the epic continues downstream
>every selfie suicide on camera
>African hanging from helicopter skid
>dance floor/bleachers collapse
>black dude hands bitch loaded 9
>African militants eating human meat and hearts
>Hollywood ISIS
>three guys and a hammer
>every second of broadcast television brainwashing, ever
Life sucks, don't trust your eyes.

I cry in church nearly every Sunday and the fire in my belly burns like California

What you have are a bunch of idiots who think they're psychopaths because they got used to looking at mean pictures.

In the real world, you are dependent on people to some degree.

Kubrick saw it all coming. The ultra violence. The politician kiddie fuckers and satanists. Makes Eyes Wide Shut even creepier. Where there is fire there is smoke.

Just think of how fucked up the people whose job it is to moderate and monitor this shit all day every day are gonna be. I hear moderators at social media companies have mental breakdowns and sue for emotional stress. That's gotta be rough. I feel really bad for those people.

I like to go to a nice gore site and watch a half hour or so of videos of africans setting their fellow niggers on fire because they stole a potato or committed sorcery to desensitize, pol doesn't do it for me any more.

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haven't seen that gif called skinnedniggerdicks in a while

Eh it made see the world for what it is and what an absolute plague most non-whites are.

You must be new, real new. The innocence wafting off you engorges my nether region.

It must suck having those hallucinations, user.

we get it you're tough shit, a real fucking hardass, you've seen the Dagestan beheading video and didn't flinch, a real life john wick.

Actually you do sort of emanate naivete and innocence. It's almost like you're a girl.

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I thought all the beheading videos were fake and gay?

>yeah I do in fact believe that pyschopaths congregate on this board, because fuzzy logic and conspiracy theory delusions appeal to them so successfully
we do
>this is why we need a public healthcare system so people can get the mental health treatments they so obviously need
nah, I'm good bruh

I thought all of the psychopaths congregated in the halls of congress.

I don't know how you arrived at these conclusions.
Ive been here for well over a decade and I'm just as ruined as everyone else here.
My claim is that we are not psychopaths due to technicality. Ptsd numbed sociopaths is a more fitting description.

Nice grammar, nigger.

I am naive and innocent. I'm ready to be held to account and made pure. Are you?

whatever you say man, i want my country homogeneous and non decadent. if that makes me a bad hateful racist by todays standards i dont wanna be good.

>I thought all of the psychopaths congregated in the halls of congress.
only the normie ones do yeah