Why was MKULTRA experimenting with how to crush someone's aspirations?

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because u r gay

fuk u ur gay faggot jew

they were doing what the Janissary's did a long time ago and that's break a child's spirit and mind down to a functional primitive then build them up again into a psychotic murderer. MKUltra was an extension of that brainwashing technique which would fracture the mind of the victim into split personalities, a normal one and psychotic killer and the latter would be activated by a code-word.

What's incredible is HIS writings, his terror mission is the same reason MKULTRA took place. It was a depopulation agenda for depopulation by the eco-fascist oligarchs.

Attached: Employees.gif (480x270, 3.78M)

I mean, did this happen by accident, him writing that and going on the terror campaign? Or is he something like a fake AR-15 psyop himself? Is he even in that cell in Colorado?

who is that pic and who are you talking about?


oh wow, poor guy
did you hear, kinda obscure he went thru a gender confusion phase? in Michigan I think and Berkeley... he was seeing a psychiatrist who was like consulting him on trying to become a woman
in the 60s I think this was
another MK ultra clue for you, might have just been an outcome of the stuff he went thru at Harvard

Is this some kind of bump of pure gibberish?

Attached: cat-grooming.jpg (800x250, 35K)