Memory Hole General /mhg/

ITT we post and discuss everything that Jews would prefer that us lowly goyim forget.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Millions of taxpayer dollars used to settle Congress sexual harassment cases.

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"Camp" Fire in Paradise, CA somehow only destroys buildings, vehicles, and melts humans

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Fucking Jews pretending that they are a people.

Attached: Shlomo Sand Jewish people.jpg (646x1050, 274K)

>Twelve Israelis who were unaccounted for in Las Vegas amid a massacre there on Sunday night have been identified and are safe, an official with the Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles said on Tuesday.
It's okay goys! we are all safe.

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Jill Stein voter fraud investigation
Hillary Clinton public appearances
Goat Hill Pizza
Besta Pizza
Voodoo Donuts
Russian Orthodox Patriarch and Pope meeting for the first time in 2000 years
Putin's antarctic trip
Pope's left hand man running a rape dungeon
Pizzagate Timeline
Hooters massacre night of Vegas shooting
9/11 Jew Truck Dancing
9/11 "Urban Moving Systems"
Google Barges
Morgellons/Smart Dust (DO NOT RESEARCH)
Vatican owns largest gay bath house in Rome

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That woman who told the from row of the Las Vegas concert that they were all going to die.

I member that, what happened to her? Car accident or "heart attack"?

all the people who were there that reported there were multiple shooters died

That is an odd picture for sure.

Yashua is the messiah of Judea
Yahwey is his father
Yahwey sacrificed his virgin son for you
Eat his flesh
Drink his blood.

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NSA HQ Shooting on the same day as the Parkland shooting

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Laura Silsby in Haiti
Eli Sizemore
Finders case
Dutreoux affair
Clinton Foundation
Fast & Furious
Loretta Fuddy

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Zionist ritual agenda every time

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FBI raid on Sunspot Observatory in New Mexico.

>dozens of agents, lightning mid-day raid in Blackhawk helicopter

>ordered sheriff to guard the gate without telling him why. Sheriff gets pissed and leaves, but nobody notices.

>evacuated the Observatory, post office, visitor center, and residences for weeks.

>Official story: night janitor sharing CP via company wifi. Just like with the Taos terrorist camp, the local news accepts the official story, no further inquiry needed.

>No arrests made.

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Oy vey goy believe woman
>1991 Clarence Thomas touched Anita I wuznraped hill
>2019 Christine Blasey " indelible in the hippocampus" Ford raped vy Brett "beer with the boys/calendar bros" Kavanaugh

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which got memoryholed harder, vegas or pulse nightclub?

thousand oaks shooting

Linda Collins Smith was supposed to originally been shot and wrapped in a blanket inside her house. Now news is saying she died outside and some dusty cunt shot her. What the fuck ever. Just end this shit country.

>Morgellons/Smart Dust (DO NOT RESEARCH)

why not?

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Smart meters

Virginia beach was memoryholed within 24 hours

Never heard of it

Antarctica is spooky even though that particular piece of ice has a logical explanation.

Does anyone remember the 60906 happening? I was only 10 years old at the time, pretty crazy yet none of my zoomer friends seem to remember. I wonder if 30 yr old boomers do.

>never heard of it

could a brother explain please

Cause it was a black guy. Doesnt fit the anti-white narrative so it wasn't important.

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This isn't real, or he got hacked again.

Dead bodies(?) or dummies everywhere at Hooters Casino after the Vegas shooting

saudis did 9/11
sadam had nothing
songbird mccain
coughing fit, pants of shit
stuttering joe
there are tons of gun laws already

Black Cube / Cambridge Analytica influencing elections.
LIBOR scandal
Panama Papers
Epistein getting a cover up from his fellow kikes
Bribes for oil contracts in the Middle East
Jewnald Trumpet tax evasion, shitty business practices and mysterious recovery from bankruptcy
Jared Kushner proven crazy by his biography
João de Deus and his ties to Clinton and frens
Dozens of people dropping dead some days ago

One of the strangest events in recent memory.

Redpill me on J-Kush's autobibliography muh nigga.

Before we got cucked by Commies.

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Israeli tech companies paid for by American tax dollars have tapped our phone lines for decades, now cellular and back doors to you computers
Giving them the ability to blackmail, trade short, subvert and control everything from politicans to wall street

Did you copy this post from the same thread a week ago or is this like your go-to post. Actually, just checked your ID and you're posting all the same images from the last thread too but you're not the OP. What gives?

Mossad attempted to false flag Mexico into the War on Terror in October 2001
>Chambre of Deputies, Mexican Parliament
>ex-IDF Colonel and Mexican Jew
>caught red-handed
>plastic explosives and detonators
>pistols and ammo (in gun-ban Mexico)
>Pakastani passports
>widely reported in Mexican press
>article in American ex-pat newspaper scrubbed from web
>nothing in Western press
>Israeli charged with entering country illegally
>high-level diplomatic meeting with foreign minister Jorge (((Gutman))
>both (including Mexican citizen!) deported to Israel
>ridiculous cover story they were "security consultants"

Attached: israelmexicosanlazaro.png (1366x768, 342K)

>>dozens of agents, lightning mid-day raid in Blackhawk helicopter
>>ordered sheriff to guard the gate without telling him why. Sheriff gets pissed and leaves, but nobody notices.
I think the Sheriff took a wrong turn and hit the Frequency Monitoring Station that's nearby [Army and/or Air Force Installation, IIUC].

>>evacuated the Observatory, post office, visitor center, and residences for weeks.
>>Official story: night janitor sharing CP via company wifi. Just like with the Taos terrorist camp, the local news accepts the official story, no further inquiry needed.
I was on my way to Las Cruces when it all happened, dropping off some data and taking care of some appointments.

One of the other employees on-site thinks he's seen the janitor out and about, and called the FBI about it — he was told that the federal prosecutor had declined to prosecute and it was all a State matter now.

Combined with some of the other items in the story, this makes me wonder if it wasn't a honeypot operation, trying to get high-level people w/ blackmail or whatever.


What do you mean "hit the monitoring station"?

Why would this involve blackmail of elites? It's sunspot, there's like less than 100 people there right?

Also can you possibly check the criminal records (state) for the guy's info?

The term "fakes news" started the same day as "Pizzagate"

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Jonathan Pollard
USS Liberty
The Lavonne Affair
King David Hotel bombing

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>>What do you mean "hit the monitoring station"?
'Hit' as in encountered.
Basically I think he took a wrong turn and didn't want to admit it.

>Why would this involve blackmail of elites? It's sunspot, there's like less than 100 people there right?
There's less than a dozen, but it wasn't any of the people up here involved in serving/downloading the CP — the weirdness is that the whole thing was being investigated since AT LEAST the December beforehand, but the FBI only acted after the operator found the laptop and sent an email to NSO's IT guy withthe laptop's IP address... after that, the FBI called him within the hour. And after that was the shutdown.

>Also can you possibly check the criminal records (state) for the guy's info?
The Janitor's? Or whose?

>Dozens of people dropping dead some days ago

What happened?

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The jannie.

But you mentioned blackmail, who would be blackmailed in this scenario? A jannie is too low profile to blackmail by the govt.

Do you think the event had anything to do with the military base nearby? Maybe spy related?

Please tell us whatever you can. I'm guessing you live down there? I've visited before for vacation (Cloudcroft).

also dozens of observatories around the world shutdown the same week with no explanation.

USS Liberty

muh dick bix noods

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Man, I was literally just thinking of a good example and found this thread.

Do you guys remember the Guatemalan refugees crises? I'm pretty for sure that's when the whole "kids in cages" thing even first happened. But it got memory holed for sure, pretending Trump started it.

Bar shooting. 13 people died. Sadly Americans have become so desensitized to mass shootings that anything under a 24 kill count gets buried fast

this gets memory holed a lot. it get brought up some and gets buried pretty quickly. memeing it into not a memory hole tho its too fucking weird looking, and funny.

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What (((they))) want us to forget is that Drumpf is a Cheeto.

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obama's gmail accounts using psyudonyms to stay off FOIA and conduct coverrups and surveillance on political opponents

marc turi


muellers deletion and attempted coverup of strzok and paige texts and emails

>>The jannie.
I think so, but I don't remember his last name.

>But you mentioned blackmail, who would be blackmailed in this scenario? A jannie is too low profile to blackmail by the govt.
In my scenario the jannie would be a patsy or agent, the FBI [or whoever] using him as the low-level man spreading the stuff.

>Do you think the event had anything to do with the military base nearby? Maybe spy related?
No, not really; all the info that Sunspot produces is publicly accessible. While there are Holoman and White Sands near, Sacramento Peak wouldn't be all that great of a position without optics that he didn't have.

>Please tell us whatever you can. I'm guessing you live down there? I've visited before for vacation (Cloudcroft).
Yep, I live on-site. Fortunately when I got the call not to go back due to the closure I had people willing to put me up.

There was an interesting reaction by admin-types when I suggested a full audit due to the closure — they didn't like the idea and tried to steer the convo elsewhere; they also made a point to say on-site housing is a privilege, not a right... though that was aimed at another family.

>Do you guys remember the Guatemalan refugees crises?
I remember all the pictures of that caravan waving their flag, and the people quoted as saying they'd get into the US whether they were allowed in or not.

ie an invasion; response should have been pic-related.

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Tlatelolco was a double inside job

>muellers deletion and attempted coverup of strzok and paige texts and emails
On that note — what about the Awan brothers and their penetration of Congressional security?
Need a french translation

Bump for good thread

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What's the logical explanation?

What is this

But who is the Jannie/FBI trying to blackmail in this scenario? Why would they want to blackmail people at Sunspot? And if they don't, why is the blackmail base of operations for FBI at sunspot? I don't fully understand what you're trying to say in regard to blackmail.

Thank you for responding if you're not LARPing, I'm surprised one of the few researchers at sunspot is browsing.

The nuclear-level explosion on Pedophile Island
They explained it as an earthquake, ignore the massive fires it caused all over the island.

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Yeah for real whatever happened to that dude.

I hope God will have mercy

Yeah this was weird and a fire that did nothing to celebs took all the news. Weird.

kikes gonna kike

fuck off

>But who is the Jannie/FBI trying to blackmail in this scenario?
Fuck if I know.

> Why would they want to blackmail people at Sunspot?
No, not the people here; the people he was serving/DLing the porn to.

> And if they don't, why is the blackmail base of operations for FBI at sunspot? I don't fully understand what you're trying to say in regard to blackmail.
Because there's essentially nobody here.

>Thank you for responding if you're not LARPing, I'm surprised one of the few researchers at sunspot is browsing.
Well, I'm more of a support-role.
I've been browsing pol since about the time of the Las Vegas shooting; which was an eyeopener.

fake eyebrows. crisis actors hide their identity using makeup, and shit. so he's probably not even a guy named justin trudeau. then they lie to you then say oh i didnt lie

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Yikes take your meds honey


At the end of the video you can see the woman walking with a white guest towel, those are all people taking naps. And at :04 you can see there are no chairs in front of the slot machines, so they moved them so they could lay down there.

A lot of weird shit happened there, the one that got me the most was the video of the Uber/taxi cab driving woman. She parked at the Mandalay during the shooting and you can hear two different guns going off at the same time. One is close and one is far away, I know that he shot from different windows supposedly. But there are clearly two different shots happening at the same time.

Tianjin Province explosion
What did they mean by that?

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shit, that was a good one, thx

then explain why he has to hide his identity. or not explain it and act like it was cool. oh wait is it because you dont answer questions either becaus you arent you anyway and the crisis actor we just said? you are admitting it

it actually was speakers
ive heard this said before other places about vegas. cant find them tho

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This is pretty interesting. Got anymore info or pic?

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Garbage truck in front of train full of Republicans that people stopped talking about.
Scalise shooting from Bernie Sanders supporter.
Motive of the Las Vegas Shooter.

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Lmfao the absolute state