RAM Attorney Letter To FBI & DOJ

>An open letter to The Justice Dept and FBI concerning the prevention of Domestic Terrorism from Augustus Invictus
The lawyer says his clients are being illegally interrogated and denied access to him. He reads the open letter out loud here. See following posts for photos of the letter.


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Augustus Invictus is a retarded occultist edgelord with a god complex who will say anything to advance himself as a leader. RAM guys fucked up by taking this doofus on as a lawyer

another psyop hoax Tarrant of course a hoax guy does not exist sloppy job mossad next time don't overlay post production audio sourced at car speakers you can hear on the "gopro" inside a building at 100 meters


Write all the gay ass essays you want white boy, it won't help you. This is our country now.

well he got the charges dismissed so....

oh noes my favorite goat's blood drinking larper is being mistreated ;(

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the goat blood drinking was pretty based

shut the hell up kike

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your a stupid nigger kys you aids infested cunt go back to Africa where you belong you nigger faggot I hope you get ebola.

no you're a kike!

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Invictus is excellent and inspired me to go to law school.

Unironically, no u

He's right that Trump's DOJ/FBI have absolutely refused to go after violent left-wing rioters, despite the fact that lots of federal charges (like "civil rights intimidation") can be used against them. Why is Trump so terrified to take legal action against leftists?

Attached: Sessions.jpg (1280x720, 160K)

Trump is a traitor


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>retarded occultist edgelord with a god complex
None of those things are true. You blew it, just like you blow niggers.

Why would the jews put their own guys i solitary confinement for months?

RAM literally did nothing but provide security for Trump rallys

>Why would the jews put their own guys i solitary confinement for months?
either to build sympathy or to keep the evil white boogeymen alive

so when is he getting detained without any charges as per usual?

found this shill posting the exact same image and comment on 4x2chan

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