Daily reminder that if you are an able-bodied American man you will likely be forced to 'serve' in another unwinnable...

Daily reminder that if you are an able-bodied American man you will likely be forced to 'serve' in another unwinnable war that won't benefit the US citizenry.

Also the 13th amendment prohibits the draft but doesn't matter because the government is completely illegal, yet still has hearts and minds of US citizens.


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US will be on its own on this one. they have no chance

Go usa. Remember 911, iran attacked you


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As soon as I heard that Iran was blowing up American oil tankers in the middle east I joined all the military branches. It's the least I could do for uncle Sam

Bullshit. There hasn't been a draft since Vietnam and there probably won't be one again. The last thing the managers of this country want to face is a unified anti-war protest movement. You're a retard and you should feel bad for being this dumb.

Go USA! Since the fascist dictatorship took over in 1979 Iran, their women are now forced to wear hijabs and legally have no rights or freedom. Iranian men literally treat their women like dogs, not humans.

Not only that, Iran is responsible for creating ISIS and giving them weapons, vehicles etc.

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Unwinnable? What country do you think this is? If the sand jigs had our arsenal they would of glassed us if we didn't surrender sixty years ago. We could handle the world in the blink of an eye, tho I don't think mass destruction will be nessasary. However resistance is futile... Pussy!

I hope you're right.
but iran has more than twice the population of 1964 vietnam
iran has more than twice the population of 2000 Iraq
they are more militarized than iraq or vietnam ever were.
they have a land area more than twice that of iraq and vietnam combined
it's not lookin good

remember that truck from Iran ISIS was using that said "Mark's plumbing" on the side of it. that was nuts

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Mark-1 Plumbing was VERY responsive when I lived in Texas City a few years back.

replace 'islamic' with 'jewish' and the USA checks all the boxes, too.

>We could handle the world in the blink of an eye,
18 years in afghanistan
you're an embarrassment
propaganda parrott

You have to and fight for the business interests of the Kushners.

Their real estate investment firm didn't get all that money from Saud Arabia and Qatar for nothing...

It's time to fight FOR the country that attacked you on 9 11.

american military men look pathetic
>shaved bald
>wear cap to obscure vision/stop sunburn because no hair
>not worth of a human being to look at leader
>salute to further block vision
>stare at nothing because it reflects your goals in being in such an organization
>show no emotion
>look like a clone
>nobody remembers you for who you are but how loud you can yell

chad rhodesians can never be beat

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oh they look adorable with their little hats

>wears 1$ velvet berets hand crafted in rhodesia

americans wear 5 cent caps mass manufactured in china because they are no more than cannon fodder for israel, they are easier to clean and given to the next soldier

>it's a maplenigger
lol your opinion on anything is and always will be completely irrelevant

blow it out your ass

We control the opium trade, that's why we're there. Other valuable resources aside. We couldn't glass Afghanistan if we really needed too? Subs, Tomahawk Cruise Missles, Rods of God, DNA specific nano kill bots, bio and chemical weapons, viruses. Damn you're a fucking moron!
Who's the embarrassment now gay boy?

>allowed to wear sunnies on parade ground

Fucking lucky cunts.

No need for a draft so long as there are economically disadvantaged kids with no other options willing to join up.

THIS, COD crowds and i want adventure bois will keep the armed forces stocked with fresh bodies for years.

All this while filthy Mexicans are slowly killing us.

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