Have boomers left the economy in ruins for millennials?

Have boomers left the economy in ruins for millennials?

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No GenX did it. Nobody will ever believe or suspect them.

Ruines assume a ground level. Its more like a smouldering crater people suspect kills dinosaurs..

>a liberal resistance devoid of class consciousness
Ssshh, don't ruin the fun by telling them.
When I was a teenager, Michael Moore and the Manic Street Preachers were all about lefty class issues, and that was as preachy as things got. I pity the fuckers that are going through their leftoid phase today, poor bastards.

damn those jnco wearing bastards.

Milennials wore jnco’s, asshole.

Learn finance and how to invest in real estate.
Fucking idiots.
Stop thinking you can just get a job and stay there your whole life
Learn some skills.
(and no, I'm not talking about college)

Vote for communists, get screwed, blame everyone else.

Sounds like a millennial.

I mean are a certain paint you can't blame boomers for everything.

Are leftists seriously just realizing that large corporations coopted the counterculture and forced social issues like gays and trannies to distract people from class issues and globalism? Does anyone remember the WTO protests? It's kind of amazing how fast the left embraced corporate globohomo, Disney is their religion now.


Haha, when the real estate bubble pops next year you're getting strung up first in minecraft

why is my generation so fucking pathetically whiney? boomers fucked shit up to be sure, but everyone has their own personal accountability.

It's more like

>turn 18
>bush fucks the country
>vote for le obama to fix it
>he moves right and doesn't fix it
>move even FURTHER left because liberalism did not fix it

And soon comes the beefsteak stage when the sois are absorbed into the growing Jow Forums neofash movement

The world is fucked for our generation. We are the first (possibly ignoring gen X) generation of western civilization to have it worse than our parents. I discussed it with my dad (1956) recently and he was talking about how stupid SFH are and how you dont need a big yard and millenials could save money by living in townhouses or condos and I told him yeah, hes absolutely right those a great money saving tips *But* his generation didnt have to do that. Yes, suburbs are a waste of space, but his generation had the luxury of wasting that space, ours cant even fathom that as a possibility. And he was stumped. It's disgusting how out of hand it is, my parents bought a 3000 square foot house in the heart of Fairfax county VA for 300k adjusted for inflation 450k whereas now it's easily 8-900k. Most importantly job security is shit, with poos replacing white collar for pennies and spics replacing blue collar for pennies, we're doomed to a worse quality of life. GTK, RWN

why cant boomers and millennials both just off themselves

>at a certain point

People like you are great because I can just walk all over you and push your buttons and you'll only blame yourself

Millennials are a fucking joke because the boomers raised them to be passive weaklings. Once you understand your generation it's easy to bully them into getting what you want, and the best part is that everyone else who is unaware of their conditioning will just roll over for you.

Sorry, not even millennials were that gay.

Yes (((boomers))) goy

>class consciousness
Funny how this term is only spouted by upper class literal champagne socialist twats. They wouldn't much like the results of a real working class uprising.

Sad thing is dudes gonna get called a class reductionist by some faggot commie as a means to discard his entire argument

A generation which gets fucked by a bad economy caused by the older generation and their terrible predatory actions in regards to academics (academics such as trade school and university which are REQUIRED for most entry level positions) and endless wars in the middle east and a bloated social security bubble that cannot be funded and will implode and destroy the economy in 20 years cannot be held accountable. A single person gambling away their life savings at a casino can be held accountable.

You are basically saying that the Lost Generation like Adolf Hitler should have just gotten over the mass slaughter of WWI and kept on with Weimarization. You are cancer and weak and will not enjoy the next 20 years as "entitled" millennials go full fash and simply seize what they believe should be theirs.

But then Gen X would have literally nothing to distinguish themselves from other generations!

>moved right
You berniggers/yangoloids are literally retarded, aren't you?

It wasn't the boomers, it was jewish bankers who assassinated all political & financial opponents of the Fed's establishment and then strong-armed it through during World War 1 to transform the United States of America into USA INC. the economy's booms and busts are meticulously planned in the halls of Mammon and the scope of the unhealthy, distorted cycles have reached unprecedented levels since we put jews in charge of printing funny money which coincidentally makes them richer and more powerful while dumb goy get fucked hard.
the only solution to is to go full fucking Andrew Jackson and begin kicking the shit out of the banks like they're a dirty fucking banksters and you're Andrew "fuck banker subversion" Jackson

>poor, unskilled, useless millennials can't work out how to succeed in life
>blame boomers
Getting sick of this

millennial income average is like $20k/year in most of the USA

Yes it's fucking fucked BIG TIME. When the boomers all retire and start drawing shekels out of the system it all collapses.

nice reddit spacing you whiney cunt. move out of your parents' basement if you hate them so much.

I know this is unpopular here but I think you guys are just bad at life. I've got 2 houses, 10 acres, kids, and anything I'll ever need in life. The fuck is your profession if you are this hard up? Seriously, what are your qualifications you whiny little bitches.

I think milennials and boomers are both responsible for this economic turmoil because they're the ones who spend all day being unconscious pieces of blogging shit. Consumeristic and domesticated are the two words that come to my mind when someone brings up either one of these generations. Zoomers are our best bet for a conscious and spiritual society.

Boomers have fucked everything for everyone except themselves. Can't way till they all die.

Housing out prices outstrip wage growth by 3000% in the last decade alone - "Just work harder stop whinging, when I was your age I already owned a house"

Every generation from the """greatest""" onwards were/are fucking cattle.

Fairfax nigger here and I think you're hyperbolizing. Houses around mine run from 3000-7000 sqft and the most epxensive is almost a million (though they're a family of poos who're tryna swindle).

Nevertheless you've hit the nail on the head. Late stage capitalism will be the death of our nation.

Funniest part is how focused they are on Nazis. Richard Spencer is sent to do one rally to scare commies into fighting Nazis rather than Government and that one rally is apparently all they needed for what seems to be an absolute and total distraction from dismantling governmen.

Most boomers were/still are cogs in the machine like most everyone else. Being a particularly large generation, their most well-to-do are more numerous sure and they can certainly go to hell. But may your worthless bitching self croak long before my parents, millenigger.

In 2008 Obama said he was pro-worker
In 2009 he said the jobs weren't coming back because his masters on Wall Street said no

Obama moved right because Wall Street literally bought him

>two paragraphs is reddit spacing now

Hello newfag, how do you like Jow Forums?

t. underage zoomer

Don't forget that townhouses are basically unaffordable in Fairfax and people move out to Loudon to get anything under 300k lol

>literally more than an hour away from the city merely to afford to live in a house

it's all kinds of clown shit, but how about those hot lanes right?

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>Boomers ruined the economy
Bullshit, the "free market" is just cracking from all the government interference for the past 75+ years.
>Social Safety Net gutted

Gen x here, we wore jncos. Rave culture that jncos florished in started early to mid 90s depending on where you lived.

For anyone doubting this Jack Dorsey (Twitter Creator and current CEO) is 42 years old. Prime Gen X

>wanting to live in a city
its all kinds of clown shit...

A rather long winded confirmation of suspected retardation, but thank you all the same.

>boomer who spent his life working in the public sector unironically tells me that I'm lazy because at my age he already had a house and kids

Just don't care anymore, I just want revenge in minecraft

The only people who would "get sick" of it are boomers. Accounting for stem and trades alone, millennials are the most educated and skilled generation. The difference is that boomers didn't need fucking degrees to get jobs in silicon valley or doing carpentry work, they just said "I know how to use a computer" and got hired.

>possibly ignoring gen X
Fuck off, those losers had every opportunity in the world and chose to throw it all away because their peers told them it was cool to be a rebel

Wrong. Obama said they weren't coming back because the Left needs a permanent underclass to vote for them. Retards like you are why they keep being given power despite being destructive fuckwads so obsessed with power that they will ruin their own country and people just to get it.

If you can be bothered to take the minimal amount of money and time it takes to gentrify a bombed out former nigger household and sell it for twice what you paid for and invested in that house then you dont deserve to get ahead... Literally easy money.

That’s the boomer mentality though, “fuck everyone else, I got mine (at 30k in the Bay Area with a blue collar job and no second income)” - you can live your life on those lies, but society is at its strongest when people are united and the boomers and their Jewish masters have worked hard to turn us against each other. The country will collapse if we keep beating their drum of (((individualism))).

>Invest in real estate
Only good investments I see are crypto and maybe gold and silver if you're smart with your money.

Natural order of things was the new generation does better than the last generation. Not today.

>calls others retarded
>literally doesn't remember a single piece of recent history

In 2008 Obama ran on 1) bringing back manufacturing to the midwest 2) securing the border 3) cutting H1B visas

While president he 1) said that the jobs weren't coming back to the midwest 2) refused to secure the border, pushed for amnesty 3) signed an executive order effectively lifting the annual cap on H1B visas and allowing them to balloon to infinity because Congress refused his proposal to triple legal immigration to 3 million a year

He also lifted the cap on student visas

You are a fucking idiot, it is tiresome that your vote is worth as much as mine and feeds into my belief that democracy is a worthless system.

>Little hope of property ownership
I mean it's a meme but I've got 3 more years until my flat is paid off.
Probably sell it when I need a house though, too many people want houses in a city nowdays.

I mean I can't fault them for moving, really. I despise Fairfax County with all my heart and I can't wait to go back to college. I hate the pretentious cunts in my area. Either way it's still horrible that people don't make enough money at their job to live nearby their work place. About 1/4 of my teachers in high school commuted in from Prince William. Terrible.

Absolutely this. I kinda have to give corporations props for thoroughly defeating real leftism, at least in the US

>I'm unqualified for the present world
What are you qualified to do? What do you actually do for a living? I know plenty of mechanics, machinists, welders, and programmers that are doing just fine and all of them own houses and all of them are part of this shitty generation. Only the programmers went to college...

>have no money because debt and cost of living
>solution is to invest the $60k you dont have in savings into real estate

Time is money and you'd be better off living in the city if it was affordable than commuting 2 hours a day just to avoid hipsters, because all the nogs live in the maryland suburbs now anyway which is why all the maryland white liberals are coming down to nova and turning the whole place into faggotlandia

No, these are the exact same conditions as when the boomers were looking for jobs. Just acquire better skills and a stronger work ethic.

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im 28 and own 3 rental properties as well as my house. I bought my first house at 21. No, the problem is not the economy its you.

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>I have 2 houses and 10 acres

Stopped reading. 90% chance you're one of those fuckheads whose life advice is "drive a truck and buy property in rural nowhere lol". You aren't a winner at life, you're a coper who sucks boomer nuts as the country slowly burns.

why cant millenials get houses though? you can get an FHA loan with a 3.5% down payment for a $100,000 dollar house in the country and pay like $400-600 a month on a 30 year fixed. thats cheaper than paying rent anywhere, and you'll eventually own it. if you cant hold a job making $25k+ a year to cover that and living expenses, you fail at life.

>politician, a democrat no less, doesn't keep promises
someone needs to pay better attention to history in the long rather than short term

You're not gonna bluepill me into being a commie. I'm saying I had no trouble doing any of these things. I live substantially better than my single boomer father did when he raised us. What is holding you back? What are your qualifications in life? Are you expecting to work the same jobs I did after school as a teenager and have everything in life?

your reddit is still showing by the way

Depends where you live. Maybe where you live it's fine, but in a lot of places people either don't have the start up capital or the knowledge to do what you're saying. Not to mention some places are too far gone.

Learn to weld faggot


>How about naming the real issue, asshole?

"It's your kids goy! It's your grand parents goy!"

No, it's the fucking KIKES!

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I don't think I'm hyperbolizing at all. At the slim risk of doxing myself, my parents live in Kings Park West, a neighborhood just outside of George Mason towards Burke. It's actually very white, which is nice, but look at this:
Look at that 40 year old shit box selling for half a million. Really? That utter piece of crap is "worth" a half a million? We're repeating 2007 here theres no other way to describe it.
My brother told me he was looking for a townhouse in Fairfax for 450 as a teacher. I told him LOL good luck. He actually found one (in burke!) But I meet so many people moving to fucking Stafford or loudon just to afford a home.
The gen X'ers I've known have all been black pilled

Interesting. Hey what was the housing market like 7 years ago?

You're absolutely deluding yourself if you think that the job market was this hard for Boomers.

That was my point, I'm sorry that boomers are actually so deluded that it's becoming indistinguishable from parody

To be honest, as much as I hate the extreme left I kinda miss the old commie fags. Im not talking about the lbgtqprp (whatever the fuck) trannies, faggots, weed junkies, hippies and greenfags that compose the new "alt left", but the actual hard line stalinists who just hated rich pricks with a passion.
The regime they defend is shit but at least there was some opposition to what Jow Forums calls "the rich unscrupulous kikes".

so you have no qualifications then
>You have everything I want but I'm unwilling to work for. This is too painful to read.
Bought land literally 4 min from the highway that is 20 min from the city if I would want to go there. Designed and built my house. Paid for with 10 year mortgage because I don't suck at life and I'll enjoy having it paid off in the next 2 years. Keep making these threads. It makes my dick hard to hear whiny little antifa commies like you complain about how hard life is for my generation when I know just how lazy all of you gamer fags are.

I'm willing to believe this, if it's true.. It does make sense.

Lmao looking back I see. I've been up for about 19 hours, so I'm a bit slow. Apologies for being dense.

Boomer post

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Pretty awesome if you're looking for rental properties. When the housing market collapses that doesn't mean we get less in rent.
>Oh hey deadbeat that's older than me but too stupid to buy a house. My house went down in value so I'm going to pass that value on to you!
t. no one ever

Stop being a condescending cunt. I'm 24 and I bought my house as well because I have loving parents and In-laws, and I'm making 6 figs too. But dont be so thick that you're unable to recognize that even though you in particular are doing well, that there are a lot of people out there just like like you or I that are struggling. The "fuck you I got mine" is the most cancerous attitude there is, that will doom any society.

>next 20 years as "entitled" millennials go full fash
>full fash
>simply seize
beyond ridiculous

lol the bootlickers suddenly worried about class consciousness.
maybe you just need to explain how amazing he is

>We're repeating 2007 here there's no other way to describe it
You are 100% right. The biggest difference between 07 and the next crash is that our politicians (Trump or whoever comes next) will be even more incompetent than when they kicked the can in 07

If being in my low 30s and have already accomplished everything in life that I wanted to makes me a boomer then I think you might need that rope for yourself. You're probably too weak willed for that so I suggest a helium tent.

This is a good post. Let me also explain the jewish elite want people to be atomized and not care. Only a fool ignores their neighbors house going up in smoke. The fire will consume both. Based rich user. A heart of gold and wealthy.

funnest part is these victims won't do anything

boomers started the rot, gen x took it to the extreme.

>fuck you I got mine is cancer
No fuck you I got mine is the only correct response when someone complains that all of their shortcomings are the fault of those that came before them. Its like niggers from Jamaca complaining about slavery holding them back. Its a weak attitude and its the cancer killing this society. Take some fucking responsibility for your own actions.

Yes, credit goes mostly to the Boomer Fucks who think getting a $4 coffee at Starbucks is why we can't come up with a downpayment for a $750,000 2BD house.

>only perceives material problems
what a spiritual peon

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We have no use for these people where we are going.

whats your gig pol?

niggers gotta live someplace, and niggers gotta eat before they can afford to navel gaze.

>Are leftists seriously just realizing that large corporations coopted the counterculture and forced social issues like gays and trannies to distract people from class issues and globalism? Does anyone remember the WTO protests? It's kind of amazing how fast the left embraced corporate globohomo, Disney is their religion now.

Yeah this. It is bullshit. Most Boomers I've talked to have admitted flat out they don't give two fucks about their kids, grandkids, great-grandkids or anything at all because they'll be dead soon and fuck all of us. There are some big exceptions but the myth is that they don't know they're fucking everybody under 75 and society in general, they damn well know it, especially wealthy Boomers. They're not in denial they just don't care or are happy to think we'll all be dead soon after them, it's kind of amazing to see and woke me up to a fuckton of lies. They also actively know they're lying to and misleading us and keep fucking doing it so they'll be happy for the last few years of their lives.

email a petition

>Take some fucking responsibility for your own actions.

Nothing wrong with that attitude, but just remember that 'taking responsibility' doesn't increase your wages, lower your rent, or decrease your debt.

Like it or not, we have very little control over the cost of living -- and if you fall behind these days, it is VERY tough to get back up.

You do realize that not everyone doesn't own a home by age 30 is lazy or made bad choices right?

I've learned from painful experience that you can be "regular rich" (around $1 Million a year income) and wind up totally fucked by the few ultrawealthy and left to die in a ditch if they have no use for you anymore. Don't be complacent my man even if you're a neurosurgeon or a wildly successful investment banker you are totally expendable to them. They don't give a shit about you and will suck you dry if they can. And anyone making any less than that is just hardfucked.

millennia of asceticism would disagree with you
and besides, you reckon that bearded faggot is starving and homeless while he moans on twitter? obviously not, if anything it's our material well-being that's contributing to our spiritual death, the millennials have been spoilt rotten while being raised in a spiritual vacuum, we're utterly bankrupt with only material wealth at hand, what they dimly understand is once they've lost their material wealth they'll be left utterly bereft of anything. the most bankrupt generation in history.

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You're such a sick, spiritually judaized cunt I'm not sure if its even worth responding to you. With a single word: "yes" or "no" do you believe there is such a concept as "economic conditions". Furthermore, do you believe that a generation can inherit economic conditions that are the same, better, or worse than those that came before?. Your response may come in the form of "yes, yes" "no, no", "yes, no" or "no, yes" although that last one wouldnt make much sense. Any response deviating from the above format, or ignoring me shall be taken as a concession. I take the position that there is such a thing as general economic conditions, colloquially known as booms and busts, and that different generations come of age at different times and can ride the waves or get crushed. My eldest sister graduated college in 2007 when things came crumbling down. She didnt control that. She couldnt find a job in her field do to poor economic conditions. The economy took years to recover and by that time she was no longer a "fresh" graduate. Why should a job hire an "out of date" college grad than a cutting edge fresh graduate? They wouldnt. She got fucked over as a product of her times, and you are a literal if not spiritualized Hebrew if you refuse to acknowledge that. You go ahead and "have yours" when we lynch your sniveling neck from a light post.
>t. 24y/o, married, two kids, own a house, make 6 figures (last paycheck was pretax $18,000.
There is no ad hominem you can throw at me, so dont even try.