Have sex

have sex.

No seriously, get a wife, have sex and have children.
Thread #2
Previous thread New example.
>24 million monthly Jow Forums users
>lets assume only 12 million (50%) are white (very conservative)
>each one vows to have 1 child each year for the next 15 years
>in 15 years there would be 180 million white children
180 million white children in just 15 years! Would instantly move the average white age (~60 years old) down below 30
>give them 18 years to all be adults and they do they same as you
>2.7 billion new children from those children
3 billion new whites, all done in 48 years

>wouldn't need to deport non-whites
>no race war
>race mixing will exterminate other races
>just have sex and have kids
In ~100 years, this world could be 99% white, just by outbreeding the competition

>inb4 jannies/ non-political
Demographics are extremely political and are the main talking point for modern politics
>migrant crisis
>border wall

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To secure the existence of our people and a future for white children; permanently.

I bet your GF got fucked by BBC last night, and now you're just raging out in pain.

Fuck off loser.

I refuse to even consider the option of cursing my potential son with a small dick like me. Fucking torturous, especially considering men in my family are also quite tall. Never. Maybe if I was somehow 100% sure it would be a daughter.

Listen man, it's nice of you to make this but you have bad timing. WW3 is starting, you think any of us can go make kids now? You are delusional. Its already starting.

Why would I want to do that if my daughter will end up dressing like the cunts in your pic and my son will inevitably end up as a basedboy cuck?

>have sex

Pic related

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you can prevent that.

who cares? don't be one of (((them)))

Raise them to act otherwise.

Nigger I’m trying, I’m even decently attractive and not a total cuck manlet incel. White women, literally any attractive woman of any race refuse to fuck white men now. Until we solve the pretentious whore problem we’re not gonna get anything done. Shut down Snapchat or no white kids.

I have white sons.
Here is my 3 year old. His world is going to be tough. I'm doing my best to prepare him.




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It's true. Start making new babies and lots of them. It is your duty as white people right now to get above replacement.

Im 19 and have 5 children, check mate mate.

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What Have They Done to Father's Day!??


yeah but they'll blow themselves up soon anyway

please tell me these 2 fucked and you have it on film.

>muh dick

Isnt that david? The jew.

Early Europeans were far more fit than latestage ((civilization))

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ill do anything to have the girl on the right. pls god give me a chance

yea right curse an innocent child into this degenerate world to :
- become a brainwashed cuck by cultural marxism
- be kidnapped, raped and eventually killed by a muslim
don`t even have to write more to see that its not worth it.

This. I found my wife after climbing out of a blackpilled hole that I dug from my disdain for plebs. She was a little blue pilled when I met her but I made it my purpose in life to red pill her, which I will admit was not easy and I considered giving up on her at one point. But, I saw failure as not being an option. And, once I really internalized just how much failure was not an option I started making serious progress red pilling her. I found the confidence and willpower to push her straight into cognitive dissonance and show her the way out of it.

It might sound cliche, but for the man who has eyes and ears and a mind that works, there are things that are to be learned, and can only be learned, from having a son that nothing else could ever teach you, about this world... reality, and yourself.

>well what is it that you learn
I know of no words that can explain it. Very metaphysical.
>but how many people have sons and learn nothing from it
Thats why I said with eyes, ears and a mind that works.

Idk how to tell if a girl is just being friendly or if she is into me, hard to tell.

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we used to have a culture in the USA
then the military decided to get rid of the white people
the only way we get the country back is to order our military on missions that get them killed
we have to break the will of our own military
after 9/11, the military got the idea that it could murder civilians with impunity
we have to break their will

>In ~100 years, this world could be 99% white, just by outbreeding the competition
So the current white population is like 15%, and the nonwhite population more than quadrupled in the last 100 years, so you're saying every white person should have... 1,200 kids each.

you can't be this stupid right? yes it's based on the idea of David but it wasn't modeled after the real David. Some faggot in Europe modeled for that shit in the 1500's for Michelangelo. The actual David lived a thousand years before that statue was made.

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Luckily, we have nukes

>have sex.

>No seriously, get a wife, have sex and have children.

Like it's that easy. Just go out and get a wife, simple.

too late
time to die

Nobody cares BOOMER

This thread has convinced me that it's time to go my own way. I'm fed up with all this shit.

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Math is in OP

Africa's birthrate is 4.5
Asia's birthrate is 1.8

12 whites million have 180 million white children (15 each)
180 whites million have 2.7 billion white children (15 each)
2.7 whites billion have 20.25 billion white children (15 each)

60-80 years from start to finish

If you're unable to find a wife/gf, then why not go out an adopt some white orphans and raise them?

>12 million whites have 180 million white children (15 each)
Shouldn't you divide by two to account for couples, and then multiply by 0.95 to take out the 5% who never have children.

Give me a woman to have children with and I will

All the woman I have met expect me to allow them to treat me like shit and tolerate their constant lying and degeneracy. I could handle that if we were allow to hit woman a little bit like back in the day or had some other method of stopping their bad behavior.

I am not willing to give up my self respect and allow a woman to treat me poorly, I stand up to them and they just leave

why is everyone so much more interested in my sex life than I am

actually this is true for pretty much everything I do, from the steak I eat to the hobbies I have

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Not having sex unless (1) she's a virgin, (2) between 18-25, (3) is a traditional woman (put marriage first)

Sorry, but I don't want degeneracy to contaminate my gene pool.

I did that for everything after 180 million.
First lot are definitely not 50/50 boy/girl as it's Jow Forums

Also, 15 is a bit extreme. Let's reduce it to at least 10 to be realistic. Even in the 19th century, white people didn't have so many children. Typically they would have like 12 children, and then a third of them would die, and they'd end up with about 8 children to feed and raise. Also, don't forget that back then people paid virtually no taxes in comparison to today so children were quite affordable, but not anymore.

>between 18-25
>is a traditional woman (put marriage first)
you're setting your bar way too high
unless you plan to marry her in the first year of relationship
a woman in this age is at peak horny, unless you keep her locked in your home she won't wait for your bullshit for too long, this isn't the 1700s anymore

i'm going to have plenty of kids but 15 is way too fucking many

>have sex
the only effort id put into this is the sex itself
i aint monkey dancing for a bitch

Have sex? You need to get yourself in order before putting yourself into permanent debt.

Learn a trade would be more appropriate.

But sure, let's do another example

>10 million pure übermensch whites, 50/50 male/female ratio and non related
>every generation will have 15 children each couple
>95% efficiency
15 years
48 years
81 years
114 years

Each generation is 15 years for births and 18 years for youngest to be 18

Just got married this december, we're expecting our first aryan child in a few months.

Been here for over a decade. Glad I made it bros. Wife and I were both virgins.

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Girl on right has the shortest legs ever.


MGTOW = Mr. Goy Toy Only Whines.

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it takes non fem virused wamen to make babies
good luck finding any
im about to go become a amish for fucks sake


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Thanks, don't take the black pill bros! You just have to know where to find good women!

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>1 child each year for the next 15 years
t. guy that has never raised children

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>have sex.
Honestly, whenever I hear that I hear 'get distracted'.

Anyone else?

where would that be?

The only reason the 1488 meme gets pushed so hard is because the elites finally realized how much they fucked themselves . You think a bunch of billionaire wasps and jews would ever care about caucasian people? Get real, they slaughtered their close relatives, the Irish while being funded by jews. Google who funded the norman invasion. They bombed German civilians so badly in ww2. Elite people at the top of dominance hierarchies dont give a shit about their own family members often times ,regardless of race. This extreme form of capitalism we have has only amplified this extreme individualism in even average people.

doesnt work for me. all women interested in me are too boring for me or just ugly.

>lower your standards

sure but why would i want to be with someone I dont like?

Im 28 and I dont think I will ever find a long lasting relationship.

Found my wife at a latin mass catholic church. Not a regular normie church with sluts and freaks, the small kind of church with a close-knit group of mostly white people who are 2 steps away from the JQ.

Redpilled her within a few months. Can't wait to start our life together.

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Good, I am glad. Go forth and have many children. Just remember to live in the moment and enjoy the small things too.

>one child per year
>The ol' Irish twins
Also, fuck cost of daycare

Ok, but user OP, that means we have to expect and accept that people are getting married around us, and that we're going to work to keep them together for the sake of the mental health of their children.
It has to be more than just have kids.

So what, thats good they learned they fucked up. You will never rid the world of power structures and evil. If the elites need us and encourage us to reproduce and purge the shitskins, I could care less.

This. This is a very good example.

Here's another example, and a more conservative estimate.

>half a million whites, 50/50 male/female and non related
>every generation will have 10 children
>95% efficiency
>each generation is 15 years for births and 18 years for youngest to be 18
15 years
48 years
81 years
114 years

funny how the people having the most sex are childless
stupid meme

>first aryan child

I hope u don't talk like this in public.

Bad idea. I don't want to pass down autistic genes.

It's simply clearly stating
>have a handful of children
>outbred the planet

I have a great white wife and four white children. Don’t think I’ll have more, bc they’re expensive as fuck, but we’ll worth it. Maybe an accident will happen, I’d still be pretty pumped for another, Jew Bucks be damned.

The Old Testament is simply the history of how satan became prince of the world, and caused our first parents to defect from God. It relates how the synagogue of satan was established on this earth, it tells how it has worked since to prevent God’s Plan for the rule of the universe being established on this earth. Christ came to earth when the system reached the stage that, to use his own words, satan controlled all those in high places. He exposed the synagogue of satan (Rev. 2:9; 3:9;) he denounced those who belonged to it as sons of the devil (Lucifer),whom he castigated as the father of lies (John 8:44) and the prince of deceit (2 Cor. 11:14). He was specific in his statement that those who comprised the synagogue of satan were those who called themselves Jews, but were not, and did lie (Rev. 2:9; 3:9). He identified the Money-Changers (Bankers) the Scribes, and the Pharisees as the Illuminati of his day. What so many people seem to forget, is the fact that Christ came on earth to release us from the bonds of satan with which we were being bound tighter and tighter as the years rolled by. Christ gave us the solution to our problem when he told us we must go forth and teach the truth, regarding this system (John 8. 31:59;), to all people of all nations. He promised that if we did this,knowledge of the truth would set us free (Matt. 28:19;). The Luciferian system has developed until it is in its semi-final stage (Matt. 24: 15:34;), simply because we have failed to put the mandate Christ gave us into effect.

i hope he does.

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I got a preggo wife right now. 13 weeks

Good for you, user. Good for you.

mgtow is based even if you still deal with bitches and their bitchthink. very useful. hardhittiinghealthmgtow and zombie kush ftw. i still like cute blondes too much to go full mgtow but whatever.

I've been engaged twice. Once when I was 19, and again when I was 26. Neither time worked out obviously. I'm actually fairly attractive (I'd rate myself a 7.5 or an 8/10). I own my own house. I have a newer truck, a decent job, and a little extra cash for shit I enjoy.
But I have almost zero trust in women anymore, and they all just seem so....retarded. Virtually every date I've been on in the last 3 years essentially feels like it was with the exact same woman, but with a different appearance.
I'll be 33 this year, and I've damn near given up on ever getting married or having kids at this point.

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If you want another go for it. Look at as you are investing in them to be your retirement.

yeah, make the faggy state pay for it. they pay for all the little nigglets running around. use reduced lunch, and any handouts you can get to churn out more. out jew the jew.

No thanks. I have better things to do.

Just did.. first white baby..pry make 2 more...got house buying guns and shit...fuck leftists, niggers, jews, and white cuck traders

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An even more conservative estimate for the doubters and naysayers.

>quarter of a million whites, 50/50 male/female and non related
>every generation will have 7 children (like the Von Trapp family)
>95% efficiency
>each generation is 7 years for births and 18 years for youngest to be 18
7 years
32 years
57 years
82 years
107 years

>Actual David lived thousands of years ago

Kek! That's hilarious bro. Bible characters are as real as Greek and Roman mythology characters.

You dorks.

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This assumes guys on here would go get jobs. The math works out, but we're talking about guys literally slaving away working their literal asses off. 15 kids each is viable but most women would stop after like 5, if you could get them to even have 5 (2 tends to be the "accepted" number).

I propose thot breeding barns where all able-bodied men are assigned a random captured thot to breed at least 5 children with. These barns will produce at least 50 white children per barn. The captured women will be able to get 48 hours of sunlight per week outside the barn in a paddock. Other than that they will be confined to their barn pen fucking around the clock producing babies.

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That girl on the right is insanely hot. Christ those thicc legs are incredible.

All successfully pregnant women will be transferred from the barns to house arrest where their health will be cared for to make sure the health of the future child will be well maintained.

This method will assure a secured existence of our people and a future for white children

>15 fucking kids
This is beyond retarded and I can immediately tell that you do not have a family. Pregnancy wrecks your body and you require more than a few months to recover. Even if you managed to crank out one kid every year for 15 years, which is hugely unlikely for the majority of women just given how cycles work, the rates of birth defects and autism start shooting up wildly after age 35. This would require the woman to start at age 20 to avoid populating the earth with spergs. Enjoy trying to find girls in high school and university who want to have a family immediately. Robbing the cradle is also a less viable option, given that sperm quality also drops as a man gets older, resulting in more birth defects when compared to the child of a young man. Finally, how are you financing all of this? Kids cost a fuckton of money. 15 kids would be an enormous financial burden and, once again, in order to ensure that you don't have a bunch of retards, you need to be loaded in your 20s, when income is typically at its lowest. Great plan. This all doesn't even touch upon the huge stress of raising that many children. It's true that with a big enough age gap kids can start looking after each other, but 15 children would still be an unimaginable emotional burden.

For a realistic plan, insist on no fewer than 3 kids. 4-5 should be the ideal. A big family, but manageable, affordable and likely to be healthy and successful.

>have sex

How are we supposed to do that when there are so few fuckable women out there, and the ones that are want to suck you dry?

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how about finding a compatible woman and having as many children as your financial and spiritual capacity can manage effectively. Humans (and especially waspish cultures) are K-selective. Responsible parents don't breed like rabbits for the sake of demographics. Arguably, success would be better achieved for "our" people through withdrawal from the social mechanisms that indoctrinate your kids while you and mom are working basically to afford shelter and the tools to get back to work and repeat the process... i.e. house, food, clothes, transportation. all the while a single income might be a strain however one parent at home during the day to educate your progeny would probably have significant long term advantages.

Psst! Take a look at this:

that is purely mental. if you're confused, she's not into you enough for anything meaningful. Compliments that a return a "thanksss" without any conversational volley (think ping-pong or tennis) other than acknowledging your compliment usually means move on. ESPECIALLY when communicating via text or social messaging. into you is obvious, especially in person > lots of little things like sticking around for you to move the convo forward, willingness to laugh is another, facing you squarely and paying attention is a good sign she's not repulsed. friendly is the first stage of the game. recommend (super liberal and kind of devoid of morals) a podcast called beige Phillip or man school on iTunes. and also youtube some Patrice O'Neal advice on women. Most is just funny banter and bullshit but there are some nuggets in there from OPIE and ANTHONY archives and his short run Black Phillip talk show. All easily found on YOUTUBE

This interestingly enough may help in the dating game if you're old enough and stable enough. Mid thirties nice career. A good Woman would probably eat that shit up. Do it for the Kid tho

Then instead of spamming threads in this board go outside and start preaching this glorious message to the masses.

>216442649 #

I already made this post earlier you stole it from me fuck you.

stop being a pussy and use a belt

> fucking Jew

You stole this post

>> Jew

You have to Raise your GF. realize often they're testing you. Women, due to hypergamy, have to feel like you are the greater in the relationship. Even if its subliminally. For Instance Maybe not the breadwinner you still have opportunities to exhibit characteristics of a man that TCB and doesn't allow his woman any quarter in situations that find him, and this is very important, THINKING she's being disrespectful, degenerate, or dubious.