If jews get their wish and whites go instict, what's the benefit of ruling over a world of niggers/spics/asians?

if jews get their wish and whites go instict, what's the benefit of ruling over a world of niggers/spics/asians?

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Their time is up. Great leaders are rising.

It's about their prophesies not about benefit.

You forget they'll be a part of that world, too.

Control? Being unquestioningly at the top of society, with a permanent underclass of subhumans bred not unlike cattle?

They can be free, then, to act according to their true nature. They will be validated as the Masters of the Slave race, that they created according to prophesy.

>what's the benefit of ruling over a world
>Ruling the world
There ya go goy.

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>go instict
The fuck?

im tired sory

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They are pretty short sighted, really, look at their history, you guys like to paint them doing all this brilliant plans, but they are actually insane nothing else, they don't have a plan for after it, they may as well even get this one burned from forcing it too much


They really are not that intelligent. They are just evil and have a really good understanding of occult theology and how to manipulate and subvert people.

They want a mutt slave race and then themselves to rule over everything.

Only white people have the ability to think past tomorrow and project out into the future from what I have noticed. I am only saying that based on my own experience.

Saul Alinsky dedicated his "Rules for Radicals" to Lucifer. I think this helps demonstrate that Jews would rather rule in Hell instead of serving in Heaven when taken in the context of the rest of their behaviors.

A lot of spiteful people are like that, shooting themselves in the foot so long as they get to shoot someone else in the ass.

They're a doomsday cult, they dont plan on living past our destruction.

Ever seen the movie Elysium...it'll answer your questions.

>what's the benefit over a species so poor all they do is overpopulate and get into debt, becoming wage slaves for jews

youre joking right

>go instict

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This. Its not about jewish intelligence and master covert plans. They are just evil in general and cant behave morally. They even hates themselfs. This is not about rule the world, this is about degenerate behavior because of their own complexes. They are just not white. That white people made this civilization.

They all work without question thats why. They call us 'demons' and the rest cattle.

they will be hunted down for having white skin too

It feeds into their delusional god complex. They also have the hilarious notion that technology will insulate them and cement their position as overlords of the double digit iq masses. It won't.

nigga what?

Whites will never go extinct. We are the future, not the past. Read "Dollo's Law", and weep for the fate of the lesser races.

Nature does not go back, never, not even once. Not once in the evolution of any species on this planet has nature ever reversed the course of evolution. It is, without a doubt, the greatest white pill of them all.

It may take a million years. Whites may be wiped out a million times. We will rise again and again and again. Once nature finds the evolutionary pathway to a better adapted lifeform, even if that lifeform is extincted, she brings it back, all the more easier the second time. Anyone who says "Whites will go extinct" has absolutely no understanding of genetic evolution. It is quite simply, impossible at this point.

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The jews hate them just like they hate whites. They want to pick us off one by one.
>Racemix all other races into jews

They won't, they'll kill them all off and rule a world full of Jews. Or they'll enslave them and make them do all the hard work.

>what's the benefit of ruling over a world of niggers/spics/asians?
what makes you think they give a shit who they rule over, as long as they are ruling? It's human nature user, I think everyone has a desire to believe they deserve to be served. Some jews just have a codified culture built around getting there.

Jews is a religion of mainly white people. Please try again

>They won't, they'll kill them all off and rule a world full of Jews. Or they'll enslave them and make them do all the hard work.

The diversity will turn against the Jews and they will be destroyed by their own golem. They learn nothing from their own stories.

Jews dont exist. Prove me wrong.

>they'll kill them all off

They'd never kill off ALL of them, they're far too egotistical for that, they need someone to be below them.

Are you really that dense or naive??
The benefits are enormous. Mexicans, Arabs, and Niggers have extremely low IQs and even lower ethics and morals. They hold no pride for any country and are not only easy to lead astray, they practically beg for any type of leader. They will go along with anything with the promise of Gibs. Not only that , they can easily be wiped off the planet simply by turning off the gibs which they control.

Asians are typically not dumb and don't fall for the same type of Jewery, but their weakness lies in their overall lack of morals and ethics. They too long for a leader and as long as they are maintaining the status quo and are at some level of peace, they really don't care about much else. They have been ruled over for so long that they consider it normal, and obey a leader without question. In fact it seems they prefer it that way. American asians are different, but not terribly so.

Whites are the only threat, and have always been the real threat. Which is the reason why Jews hate whites so much and always have. Whites stand between total Jewish global domination and outright rule and they want us dead more than anything. It is funny that niggers, sand niggers, spics and others cheer for whitey to die. Little do they realize that the only reason they are alive is because white people are still standing in the way of the Jew. Time will tell what will happen. But one thing is certain. Jews will go to hell forever.

Whites are the only race that approach jewish mental capabilities but jews would probably get bored ruling over a world with nobody left to challenge them

Being on the top of retarded monkeymen who happily work in shitty post apoc factories for pennies if it means they get to rape kids

Thanks, I needed this.

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>whites go instinct

You're not helping your cause here cumskin


The black and latino population will collapse under its own weight since their education level is so poor.

9/10 will die. Thats the plan.

Whites have better general cohesion, so they must be eliminated first for the depopulation plan to succeed.

Waiting longer in the Taco Bell line

"if jews get their wish and whites go instict, what's the benefit of ruling over a world of niggers/spics/asians?"

Simple. They'd be the de facto superior race and rule over the low IQ's and dependents.

Also, tfw using slurs for niggers and spics but is polite with the gooks, chinks, ragheads, and other shitskins.

Excuse to cull large part of the population who won´t be able to provide for themselves and run their own societies.
>...The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus it denies the value of personality in man, contests the significance of nationality and race, and thereby withdraws from humanity the premise of its existence and its culture. As a foundation of the universe, this doctrine would bring about the end of any order intellectually conceivable to man. And as, in this greatest of all recognizable organisms, the result of an application of such a law could only be chaos, on earth it could only be destruction for the inhabitants of this planet.

>If, with the help of his Marxist creed, the Jew is victorious over the other peoples of the world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity and this planet will, as it did thousands of years ago, move through the ether devoid of men.

>Eternal Nature inexorably avenges the infringement of her commands.

>Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord [p. 60].

The funny thing is. These other ethnic groups whom the jew have decieved and enticed to opportunistically flood european peoples countries. If european people were ever to completely vanish. They should shudder in horror of what is going to happen to them later.. They´ll find out exactly where all the nice and altruistic and moral stuff really emanates from. It´s no secret it emanates from european countries..

Those who are sheltered in places like USA, canada, australia, and ofcourse in european countries. Go somewhere else in the world and realize how fucking different it is there..

Right now europe agriculture and other things are propping up both china and africa to a massive extent. Not many people who are aware of this. What the fuck you think is going to happen just in that aspect.. And it´ll be with larger populations than we have at this moment obviously..

It´s actually ridiculous how much a lot of the rest of the world operates based on european ancestry charity and produce towards them. If you take that away it´s like swiping someones feet away from under them, especially considering these zeppelin size populations they have in a lot of these areas. This is going to be a total disaster just from that aspect if that happens.

That was a breath of fresh air user

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Infinite sub-80 brown goblinos toiling away for the ruling elite.
Goblinos who question NOTHING as long as they can rabbit reproduce and smoke malt liquor flavored chicken cigarettes

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Why are they subsidizing the ones that are useless, criminal and workshy to exist then? That's the story here in the UK anyway.

Refreshed, recharged, and ready, user.
Lead On.

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>Not once in the evolution of any species on this planet has nature ever reversed the course of evolution.
It's called iterative evolution, and has happened many times, with some examples living today.


You are correct though that the white population will never go extinct, not so long as humans exist on this planet. They will just be reduced to a minority and mixed with other races. White people are are useful when controlled and have many desirable genetic traits.

Jews are supposed to be the chosen ones..

How can you be the chosen ones when europeans are more beautiful and innovative than you?

Destroy it.

Jews were the fairest and smartest of the desert niggers.. so is historical sense they were they "smartest and most beautiful... but not against the mighty european

Because the burden is placed squarely upon the shoulders of the working white class, whom they are trying to annihilate. Once we're gone, the sub-80 goblinos will fall in line because of the trinkets.
I don't think you realize how easy it is to appease these fuckin bug people. Here in America niggers and spics go apeshit crazy over sneakers and designer vodka

Jews are «white» too, what a spesific, yet meaningless critaria, not to menton that there have been shown to be exceptions to This «law».
>nazi mystic interpretations of biology
Either Stick with politics and Lie, or go for science and truth, you can’t have both. Either your dreamworld or reality

A slave population that’s productive and easy to control. They’ll get rid of blacks too after we’re gone. The only reason they’re still around is to cause controlled chaos. The real slave race are the Mexicans and half breeds.

that you can rule forever

Of course, obviously. It isn’t about logic or foresight, it’s about emotions and imagination

Asians will get wiped out too. They're the other bigger problem to jewish rule. As for mentioned. Now blacks and hispanics are low IQ so they intend on having s low IQ ruling class to eternally be elected. While Jews become the new "whites"

It's a really interesting plan but it's going to fail because if there is one thing Tyrone hates... is finding out he's been used. Idk if the Jews could survive the Ork hordes when they finally explode.

Asians go next. The browns don't question anything and just consume. It's really that simple. They're narcissists who believe they're on a mission from Jehovah. There's no real magic in the world, which makes them even more dangerous. We can't rely on a second coming to save us. They're a cult.

Revolutions are made when the middle class uses the lower class to depose the ruling class. The lower class cant do it on its' own.
If your middle class is made of low iq arabs ,niggers and spics (that's where the racemixing ecouragement comes in), there is a 0% change that they'll do the above.

Asians aren't a problem to Jews. Asians have no backbone and lack many Western philosophical concepts in their culture, even when they get "Americanized". Could be genetic insect markers they possess. That's what makes them soulless insects. They are spineless, gutless, they have no backbone. Obviously, I'm not taking away their naturally high IQ. But the Insectoids think to linearly, they can't and will never see the whole Jewish picture. Unironically, the Asians will replace the Whites and be the new tax slaves for the spics and niggers. Whites at least had courage to fight back. The Asians are the biggest cucks you will ever meet in your life. The only good thing about them is their tight Asian women. That's it, no other redeeming factor. Not even the IQ. In fact, with enough variables you could make a virtual Asian NPC.