Brenton Tarrant

Was it justified?

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sure he had a point

why yes i do think all muslims deserve to die how could you tell

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So I have to tell every man woman and child I meet in public to not rob me or kill me, otherwise I can't get mad if they do?

He's an obvious troll, ignore it you dumbass.

>invite someone over
>ask them to turn on the living room lights for you
>you don't specify which light switch does what
>the guest happens to flick a switch that short-circuits the entire house
You don't get to be mad at the guest because it was YOUR fault for not specifying in advance what not to do.

Shitty example from a disingenuous retard.
Those things are widely known to be bad. Moving to a country legally is definitely not widely known to be a bad thing, other than by Jow Forumsacks.

>I'm sure that's a position that you will never, ever get milkshaked for.
Wow, what a tough guy you are.
Also, going through the wikipedia article for pauline reade, it seems she died in 1963 at the hands of two people who were not members of the Nazi party.
I'm not sure what the fuck you're on about.

Read up on forced population transfers, you idiot.

>Those things are widely known to be bad

Kindly go inform some niggers, then. Please.

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I wouldn't know. No niggers in my country. Thank goodness.

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> oui matey this thread is better than kangaroo

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He wanted to spam the manifesto

It's a bit weird to watch a massacre on Youtube, but historically wise shit happens. Somewhere in Iraq, that's not a rare sight either though they prefer car bombs.

>No niggers in my country

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Look at what I just found.

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no, he's a retarded commie and a violent nutcase

he'd gladly murder any one of you and your entire family and then use troll logic to justify it as killing "invaders" or "capitalists" or "polluters" or whatever dumb politics he has in his head at that moment

No he wouldn't, I'm white.

But that's wrong though

He's not insane, and that's what makes him dangerous.

so what? he's a violent nut that murders strangers for dumb reasons, and he's also a commie and an "eco-fascist." I'm sure there are plenty of reasons to kill you in his tiny little brain, and any other stranger for that matter.

bullshit it is. You think he's a stand-up guy? You'd let him watch your kids? He's a violent nut

lol yes he is. Holy fuck you people are deluded. He's as crazy as they come.

Please enlighten me as to how you came to the conclusion that he's a commie.

No he isn't. He did something extreme, but that doesn't make him crazy.

read his manifesto

In minecraft.

Point me to the passage that convinced you he's a commie.

Fucking never. Leave this board once in awhile idiot.

only because he chose new zealand if he tried this here he would be dead quick the cops here are used to shooting faggots

read his manifesto. He hops from extreme belief to extreme belief. He's a violent weirdo and he was going to murder strangers one way or another. If he hadn't dedicated it to white nationalism he would've dedicated it to communism, or something else equally as stupid.

We have. Communism nor seizing means of production aren't mentioned.

the one where he says "I'm a communist" and also all the ones where he complains about capitalism

He does not hop. t is entirely consistent.

no you haven't

Doesn't say that.

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Oh really...

yes it does

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>bullshit it is
Lol you can't even prove any of your assertions here And yes, I would unironically let him watch my kids. He would teach them good life lessons like to never relax around blacks.

No it doesn't. He says he's a fascist.

Go right on ahead and repost that file but with the communist parts circled in MS Paint then, you illiterate fucking leaf

He would murder them for stupid reasons and you're an idiot for trusting a violent psychopath with your children.

Nope, wrong again leaf.

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I'm not a judge. But he is.

You have already been caught in this thread for making up complete lies. You know fuck all.

Yeah that is what I thought. Good job convincing no one.

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respect +1 had he gone after the politicians that allowed this shit


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Still fucking cool though


Also, (((They))) corrupted my video file, so I need to find the video somewhere. And that funny Duran Duran edit.

>for the benefit of your capitalist owners
>I was a communist
>I blame both, and plan to deal with both [immigrants and capitalists]

took me a few seconds to find those, and there are plenty more. But why am I spoonfeeding several people? Just do what I said the first time and read his manifesto if you want to see for yourself

Video games are no joke

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so we have a "former" commie that likes to murder strangers and plans on "dealing with" the capitalists

hmmmm geee, totally NOT a commie, right guys?

You really don't understand that you're supposed to substitute JEWS in for capitalists?

Is English your first language? Do you understand the difference between "was" and "am"?

As I've said before in other threads:
White people are the invaders on kiwi land (Brenton was born on aboriginal land as well)
Muslims are BASED as fuck & most of the Muslims he shot & killed came from countries destroyed by Zionist & US imperialism

Oh, I see, it makes perfect sense. His manifesto says whatever you want it to say, as long as you substitute out the words in it for the words that you wish were there.

You're as insane as he is. I just hope you aren't also as violent.

He goes on and on about capitalists. If you can't tell that he's still a commie then you didn't read it close enough.

Give me your home address and I'll whip your ass in minecraft.

His motives actually made sense though unlike Breivik's stupid motives for killing 69 white children

No, I just know enough about politics to know that's it's not just commies with things to say about capitalism.

lol i'm terrified.

uh huh

you're delusional

>Muslims are BASED as fuck

No, I'm intelligent.

>Mudshits invade foreign land
>Refuse to assimilate

>Wahh why are we hated!!

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I wonder who are the "Capitalist owners" are? It's pretty straight forward retard.

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((((invite someone))))

These people were not invited, they were displaced by wars we were coerced into by jews, then let in by jews.


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Still waiting for someone to put a tablecloth shirt on that cat

Consider the words "Islamic rape gangs".

No, you fucking degenerate.
Also checked.

Double wrong

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lol keep telling yourself that

Don't need to, it's self evident.

So you're under the impression that anyone against free market no restrictions capitalism is a communist?
And you call others unintelligent?

His manifesto is straightforward in general. If he was talking about Jews he would have said Jews. He said "capitalists" because he meant "capitalists". He wants to "deal with" (i.e murder) capitalists because he is a commie.


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I think the removal of muslims from New Zealand was a good decision. I don't believe I would have had the stomach to do such an act, but I find it understandable.
The Koran is a very difficult book to understand to a newcomer. The last half of Mohammad's life he was living as a warlord, and his "revelations" revolve around who to kill, when to kill, and what to do once you've killed.
And since the koran says, explicitly, that any revelation which happens second is more important than a revelation which came first, this implies that mulsims must be violent. This is especially apparent when you see all the poisoned wells the Koran makes against families of your victims, wealth of your victims, wealth of your victim's culture, or your own personal fear of death.

>killing enemy invaders is crazy
okay buddy, calm down and take your meds

Consider the words "Turks hate kikes"

No, I'm under the impression that Brenton Tarrant is a commie, because he spells it out in his manifesto.


Learn to code faggot

Don't care. Lots of people hate Jews. This does not mean I have to like them.

Yes, and that he is also a navy seal with 300 confirmed kills.

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>telling someone else to take their meds while defending the mental gymnastics of a man that murdered innocent unarmed strangers
oh the irony

He does not. He spells out his journey from commie, to anarchist, to libertarian to "eco fascist".

>Did you always hold these views?
>No, when I was young I was a communist, then an anarchist and finally a
libertarian before coming to be an eco-fascist.
Damn, he sounds like a staunch Marxist.

Nigger it was based and redpilled.

That's one line, and it's a pretty fuckin big tip that he has the ability to think like a commie. Since he was one. Then add up all the other shit he says about capitalism and capitalists and it should paint a clear picture for you. He still, at the very least, leans strongly toward communism.

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When I was 11 back in 2008, I was happy as a clam that Obama got elected.
Really felt like we were headed in the right direction as a nation.
Now I'm a fascist.
People change, Amir.


>When I was 11 back in 2008,
fuck off kid

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I'm 22 now faggot.
Get the fuck off my board, old man.

To Antifa/Marxists/Communists

I do not want to convert you. I do not want to come to an understanding. Egalitarians and those that believe in heirarchy will never come to terms. I don't want you by my side, or to share power with you.

I want you in my sights. I want your neck under my boot.


t. Brenton Tarrant.

No, killing is never justified