Racial abilities >Blacks Chimp out- when a unit of a tribe gets killed, injured, or threatened by a member of another race all tribes will unite into a horde and destroy everything in their path until stopped by a larger entity. >Asians Rooftop Asian- when a chimp out occurs, Asians and their families will max out strength and transform nearby buildings into fortifications. Units lose all mobility. Rooftop Asian ends once chimpout ends or all fortifications are destroyed. >Whites Shoah- when all races back whites into a corner a savior is born. Max out all stats for all units. Shoah ends once the savior is destroyed or destruction of enemy races is accomplished.
Euros are stronger than Negroes; look at all strong man contests and grip strength tests.
Roided Negroes are just that.
Adrian Thomas
I'm not trying to shill but that's mostly because of the lack of niggers in those type of competitions. Nogs only go into sports for the money and seeing as strongman and such competitions are not as profitable as other sports you can see why
Do you even know what dexterity is? this is the biggest crock of shit. This board is flooded with NPC. I look forward to solving the NPC issue in real life.
Ayden Allen
If you have to be racist you should at least account for fire and frost resistance bonuses.
Grayson Lopez
You're clearly a retard
est african nogs are good sprinters, east africans are good endurance runners
Euros and central asians are stronger than blacks as others have already pointed out
Shut up you cuck. Amateur league shit like boxing and basketball is flooded with niggers that know they will never go pro. Blacks do enter strength contests and they get BTFO almost immediately.
David Butler
When Asians stop copying us for 5000 years I'll believe their rigged IQ tests
White = 101 Asian =103 American Blacks = 85 African blacks =70 Fuck off, we are atleast an 8 or 9 compared to Asians. We are leaps and bound higher than niggers.
Caleb Gray
nogs actually have really low str on average since their arms are lanky, it is a mechanical disadvantage. they should get bonus speed or like a bonus to back stab attacks
Gavin Murphy
By the way the Arnold Strongman prize money is 72 grand and increasing. Can't find any niggers who are hungry enough for that to show out whitey?
Ayden Hughes
Blake Bell
You need to get a fucking life, God damn who the fuck does shit like this? I mean really some of you dont realize how fucking sad your lives have become.
Leo Bennett
Mark Henry has beaten plenty of Scandinavian white boys. Get a clue.
>>Whites >Shoah- when all races back whites into a corner a savior is born. Max out all stats for all units. Shoah ends once the savior is destroyed or destruction of enemy races is accomplished.
this. the chinese have an average iq > 105, yet most of them live in abject poverty, shit in streets, believe in hocus pocus, and torture animals before eating them. chinese are stupid
That is not strongest, that is winners of a strength competition. Maybe if you show some stats of the race of WHO ENTERED the competition it might make sense to you. If no Blacks enter, how could they win? Come back with those stats before you try that shit
Top Kek I live in New Orleans you larping Indian streetshitter. I've literally NEVER come across a groid who was jacked in all my years of living here. Not once. Every one of them is either morbidly obese or a borderline anorexic manlet.
Why do all americans have some fetish for africans, when whites dominate strength sports? All the worlds strongest men are either whites or central or western asians who come close second
Racial abilities >Blacks Chimp out- when a unit dies by another race, enrage all black units Pity- buff charisma to 12 and gain initiative, only works on whites Destruction- destroy everything around the unit when played after ‘x’ turns. Playing more units reduces the number of turns >Asians Copycat- steal your opponents moveset Glorious leader- when a leader is played, all units follow unquestionably Horde- double unit capacity >Whites Shoah- passive debuff. Units cannot act while active Greed- active buff that allows units to exploit targets for great wealth. Applies Shoah debuff if active for too long Wrath- Clear enemy units from board. Applies empathy debuff Empathy- prevents the removal of debuffs while active. Shoah reduces reduces time active
Hunter Thompson
Nah, I'm actually a competitive strongman, technically pro but if you understand what that means in strong man just means pretty good, it's not impressive you can pretty much by into being a pro, but we get super big and ripped Black dudes come and try it and they just don't have the same raw strength, they are faster and have an easier time with a good physique but actual strength we definitely edge them out
Noah Wilson
sorry you're dumb and weak, blacks only excel in running
This is like 4e for balanced play. Absolutely disgusting. Obviously I have to step in.
Hudson Brown
Both pound for pound and total strength. And when balkans and north+western germanics are the tallest/largest humans on earth, while whites dominate strength sports, seeing all these americans give blacks 10 in strength and whites lower is just hilarious
Joseph Adams
>what are averages
Euros have stronger grip strength than Negroes.
Negroes are better built for long distance due to where they evolved.
>another american that seems to unironically give nogs higher strength rating jesus fuckin christ
Cameron Robinson
fuck off nerd
Colton Perry
Jow Forums has rotted your brain. :(
Christian Scott
Our Blacks > Your Blacks Also Strongman & Powerlifting competitions are notorious for roiding; which requires high-IQ to do properly, and get past tests-- things that disadvantage Blacks.
>Kikes >Charisma: 10 This boy just ain't right.
Aaron Evans
Negroes will have better endurance. Lower strength.
In fact, Asians are stronger than Negroes on average.
Adrian Reed
>Our Blacks > Your Blacks
Go with science. Africans, no matter where they are, have some of the lowest grip strength.
Evan Flores
>niggers >morality ?
Ian Phillips
The only reason I did that is because the average nog is has used their potential in strength more than the average White/European, who has a higher potential but less utilization.
Ayden Cox
Kikes dominate entertainment, politics, debate clubs, etc. Charisma is about convincing, enamoring, hypnotizing. Can you seriously deny that Ashkenazim dont possess these traits? That they haven't enthralled the population without lifting a finger? That they cant control other races with nothing but words?
Kikes have high verbal IQ. They dont have physical beauty, but they have Charisma in spades.
Samuel Torres
Even your blacks are smaller than the average balkan or northwestern european, and while east europeans and central asians aren't as tall as the former two groups, they're all built for strength
"Your" blacks are west africans and therefore more likely to be good sprinters, but that's mostly it. Besides, they're also not even true blacks, they have on average around 25% white admixture
Perhaps gym culture is different in the US, in Norway most male young adults and teenagers seem to be fit and whites have a better genetic predisposition to strength and lifting as is evident
Matthew Turner
Jacob Ortiz
also lel.
Jordan Cruz
Lookin like cj with max muscle
Adam Garcia
Special abilities >Negroes: -Guerilla Fighting: adds +2 to strength, +2 to intelligence, +5 to wisdom, and +3 to ingenuity whenever dominated by out-group -Vocalization: adds +3 to charisma, -3 to justice, and +2 to wisdom whenever they are an undominated minority within a country -Desperation: adds +5 to wisdom when under serious stress
>Asians -Divine Inspiration: converts all 5 spirituality points into category of choice during confrontation -Glorious Retribution: looses all justice and morality for 10 turns whenever fighting while having a monarchy -Old Sages: increases wisdom by +10 upon studying philosophy
>Whites: -Country's call: adds +4 to both constitution and strength whenever called upon to fight for one's country -Revelations: boosts ingenuity by +5 whenever under serious stress -Philosophical 180: looses all out-group morality and justice for 10 turns whenever threatened. Can only be used once per confrontation.
Owen Clark
What would the stats by pajeets, Arabs, spics, and abos be? I've never encountered any of those do i wouldn't know
Henry Barnes
>Perhaps gym culture is different in the US, in Norway most male young adults and teenagers seem to be fit and whites have a better genetic predisposition to strength and lifting as is evident Same here, but they all are thin, but begin to get fat around 25. Meanwhile Negroes retain their strength until like 40.
Jaxson Davis
>Blacks >Strength:10 Whites are stronger than blacks dumbfuck, look at any weightlifting competition, won't even read rest of that crap
Caleb Smith
You are such a homo. Take the bbc out of your throat before you post
strongman is a VERY niche sport and the cultural sports of blacks are football and basketball
Levi Morales
Whites are top of strength you retard, blacks are top Dexterity, asians are top intelligence
Ethan Flores
They're fairly recent
Note that they factor in height and weight too.
I know this might be shattering to your worldview or fetish, but it is what it is.
We're all also weaker than our parents too.
Julian Peterson
Are you retarded? That guy is cut which is common in blacks and why you think they have large muscles. They have low fat unlike whites. This guy is twice his size.
>Racial differences in lean mass did not translate into parallel differences in physical function. For instance, multivariate modeling (with adjustments for age, height, fat mass, self-rated health and physical activity) indicated that whereas total body lean mass was 2.43 kg (approximately 5%) higher in black compared with white men, black men had a physical function score that was approximately 20% lower than white men. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2933725/?report=classic
Christopher Moore
Africans would top endurance and sprinting, but I haven't done much research there, rather just theorizing based on natural selection and evolutionary pressures of where they evolved.
Euros are strongest due to the need for quick bursts of muscle strength because of the less abundant food sources in Europe.
Adam Evans
They gain heavily after 40, but running from the police keeps them in shape in ages below that.
Grayson Hughes
Alright bro, in kekistan that may be the case but in the real world you look at blacks in any sports they flock to and you see they dominate.
I supose you think Aussie kids are superior to those 100kg Samoans in under 10s footy.
I'm sure you can find an African with an IQ of 160.
That proves nothing,
The smartest person in the world is Euro, even though we know Chinese/Koreans are the smartest on average.
Lincoln Reed
Walk thru the CBD of Sydney and you try and convince yourself those gooks who can't reverse park and work for less than $10 an hour are smarter than you or I.