Post your map. Modify something. Borders, whole countries, names. Do your work!
Map thread (alternative version)
Fuck you faggot nigger Pole, Russia is your continent’s last hope in remaining white. Once Germany is blacked to the point of white extinction, your shitty country that speaks a language comprised solely of consonants is next.
>Being this much of an uneducated american mutt
Poland will be the first line of defence once shit hits the fan. Western europe is lost. The migration east will begin. The pools will mount the first defence.
All able bodied whites should migrate east during the happening. The eastern white bastions must be protected.
based and redpilled
fixed it for you
t. halfpaddy
this is peak,
debate me faggots
>being so naive that you think you have to be a christian to appreciate the church and what it has done for western civilization
staymad, larpbaby
>likes germongs
>dislikes france
Hey, Tusk, what are you doing on Jow Forums?
how about people in the west stop stirring shit and Poland could be left out of it for once?
>hates the country who went at war to defend them in WWII
>thinks the country that BLITZED them is ok
>the country who went at war to defend them in WWII
>sits behind maginot and does nothing
to "defend" them
that "defend" was just words. Still French deserve more respect for defying their shitty gov. Germans are just sheep
love poland. your woman are cute and the men so ugly. perfect place for a horny guy like me
I hate Catalonoids, Valencucks and Balleardoids. I wish them to rip away from Spain and see how they get isolated and ruided themselves. Basques are the opposite, they are a grat people who deserves be independent and become a superpower.
Mas tonto y no naces shur
Commonwealth forever
>No te gusta ni cataluña ni las baleares
>No querrás que se independicen
Catalans are just Spaniards who speak Spanish with French words added in. Prove me wrong Jordi. You can't.
You're goddanm right, but I still personally prefer them to be independent and not fucking with the rest of the country anymore.
I am fully based. Mine is based off race instead of their deeds. Mine is based off their nature.
But why do you love norn Iron with cum?
My turn
We're fucked.
>Liking the region of Sweden which overwhelmingly votes left, has communist and Soviet sympathizers and to this day believes state media.
This is your brain on reindeer nigger.
Fuck you
not edited borders, just factually correct map.
>be the most evil European country in history
>destroys all native cultures in the new world
>worst animal cruelty in Europe
>didn't eject it's Moors when it had the change
>Have the gall to diss us and the UK, lawful good guys, bad.
What are you trying to suggest with making northern scandinavia a part of its own. You like the larpers known as Samis?
This kek
so what does sheep pussy feel like?
then whyu you like Russia
No u fucking retard
Fuck yeah.
I'm totally into the bad-guy role. If sometime we're back, prepare your anus, duch.
You're blatantly asking for Trianon 2: Mongolian Bugaloo
I see that lots of people hate the Gerries, that's pretty good.
Why do you want to nuke georgia and armenia?
>liking ukraine
Another thing. Is precisely because you're lawful and good people why I'd kill you with fire.
A chaotic good country could not function, but we'll love to drown you under the winter ice once more.
Nice russia bumper
you cant be ancient macedonian and hate the rest of the greeks
>t. can't properly read a map legend
I can get behind this one
Why the strong opinions ?
are you surrendering your preferences?
well i don't really like russia either, but at least it's a real and a more or less functional and independent country, and not some glownigger/zionist zoo
I don't know aquafresh, why don't you ask a welshman?
well, is it true you got alot of hot ginger chicks? how easy are they?
Black and Dark red Will be ethnically replaced with the pink
>wanting to genocide Meds, especially Italians
What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
He thinks you never should've come here.
>Pole knows the difference between dumb germany and bavaria
Stfu zoomer
Whats great about med is their admixture of germanic and celtic. Not much else.
If they want they can have us fuck them non stop untill they are basically danes.
sorry mate but most australian posters here are even more ignorant and uneducated than than the american posters. our education ranking is lower than Kazakhstan for fucks sake lmao.
Bro 99.95 ext 2 math 99.95 ext 1 im super smart lay off.
t. little dweebs that got beat up by some lebs and think italians and other meds = lebs
just glass aussies tbqh, the women and men are all garbage. EVERY australian has a huge fucking chip on their shoulder, its pathetic.
at this rate though id vastly prefer levantines/lebs/assyrians etc over your average aussie (even indians and gooks are better) because most aussie europeans are literally uneducated white trash, just look how badly these morons are manipulated by the murdoch media and how they vote every election. they are apathetic and borderline retarded alcoholics with gambling and fast-food addictions. even Americans are more pleasant to be around.
So sad Ivan :'(
I love russian people, culture, eurasian mixture, but only dislike mongolian expansionism
same with England and Germany( great people, bad when invading others)
Why do you all love catalonia so much if most of the independentist movement is leftist the fuck.
(Im a Jordi myself)
they are white
>like muslism country's
>hate orthodox
what did he mean by this
>kosovo homeland
>black lives matter
why iam not supersized
>love serbia
>hate rep of srpska
kys anglo faggot
Every single Russiaboo is going to get layed flat on the ground and have a designated patriot crush their skulls with a hammer
Nuke sweden, g*rmany, bosnia, analbania and turkey
dont give a fuck about the rest
Typical polish western cum eater. Your Slav LEGO head is just as much LEGO as other slavs yet you pretend you’re some enlightened Central European state. No faggot that’s Czechia, Slovenia and Slovakia. You’re just an irrelevant piece of shit in between Russia and Germany. You’d be Ukraine tier if Germany wasn’t babying you