What do right wingers want?

I'm not talking about Jow Forums racist fascists, I'm talking about your everyday guy that votes for conservative or UKIP.
I really don't get it, all they do is complain about they're government and vote for them again and again.
They complain about not being represented and they vote against proportional representation.
They complain about immigrants, yet consistently vote for the same right wing government that allowed more immigrants than even Tony Blair.
They live in absolute dire misery, and can see with their own eyes the decline, and yet still feel that the system is right.

I'm not even talking about going full leftist, they seem to be against the tiniest bit of reforms, like closing tax loopholes.

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what is your point? what do you want with this thread?
delete it, get focussed, and start a new thread when you're ready

Muh .0000001 less tax rate. They’d gladly let a circle of niggers face stomp and rape their mother’s assholes to the death; all while they masturbated while dancing a gleeful jig...

Just so long as that precious, Precious nummy tax rate came down just a wee little morsel. Just for a year. And maybe to proudly see a flag flying that now represents nothing while lapping their extra crumb. Boomer minded cryptoJews, the entire lot of them. Can’t tell me I’m wrong, it’s truly all they care for in this world.

There is no democracy. Both political parties follow the same agenda with only cosmetic differences. Do you think some party stood up and said let’s make British people a minority in London and everyone rushed out to vote for that? Do you think Merkel didnt know Britain would vote to leave? Do you think Teresa May called an election when she didn’t have to and shot herself in the foot by accident? It’s all a dreary prescripted shit show

Mostly right thinking people, want to be let the fuck alone to get on with their lives. Without the constant interference from trendy politicians. Who say they want change for change sake, but really want to fill their own pockets. You don't really get to be a multimillionaire on a politicians wage, without being totally bent. In that the left is no different than the right.

They are reactionaries in the truest sense of the word. They have nothing they are working towards making, they just want to maintain the status quo and then get upset if anyone be on the left or right, tries to move us forward.

they want to have control over their own countries, you dumb fucking shit. so that their children, and their children's children will look like them. and not some mongrel mutt that the globalists are trying to create.

can this work with voting? no. many if not most of the parties are all the same. even right wing ones are cucked and dont dare talking about deporting illegals or non-whites out of their lands

there needs to be a revolution. which is what ultimately every right winger should be dreaming of. or in the near future countries like england, sweden, germany, etc.. will be nothing less than lands with mongrels of low IQ and blind consumerism.

In reality, everyone is a Jow Forumsack. They just don't know it yet. If you explain fascism or National Socialism to people without telling them what it is, they usually agree with a lot of points.

we want the end of brainwashed liberalism

we want you boys to stop thinking sex is what life is about and stop fucking each other

we want freedom and low tax rates

we want freedom of speech and to stop you brainwashed liberal nazis from ripping down history.




you know just that people act like normal humans... and not try to attack us that choose not to be freaks or think the world is not ending from the wealthy changing.

wtf do you faggots wont other then another dick to suck?

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They don't know either.

All I want is to be left alone and to pay less taxes.

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A cute catholic gf


I used to be this guy but I don't trust people to allow this anymore so I want everyone who isn't like me to vanish first.

So all non incels to vanish? No champ not happening.

Your dads throbbing cock

It's the exact same for the left.
What exactly do they want? Because better worker rights, higher wages, better living conditions are certainly things they won't get.

The reality is that both "sides" you can vote for are the same corporatist shills who do some minor appeasement to their votes when in power and try to enrich themselves and the corporations.

What Bernie wants is close to what 90% of left want. He’s good.

You guys hate majority of what trump does.

I want less fucking taxes
and closing tax loopholes never works. There's always a way to evade the system you dimwit

>What Bernie wants
And what Bernie will do if he gets into office is 10% of the left wants, namely all the globalhomo shit that gets easily through and all while that is happening the corporations will do the exact same things that they will always do.
The labour reforms for the workers are about as real as Trump's wall.

If you are still trusting politicians to do what they say, then I don't know what to tell you. You are fucked in the head, you and both the D and R useful idiots of corporate power.

You're a bloody moron. It's not difficult to see that countries that can collect more tax from others whilst having near enough the same tax rates.

Are those countries sorcerers, now? How can it be impossible, when you can clearly see other countries that do it better.
Oh I suppose you want no progress at all, unless you can achieve 100% perfection.

Everyone just wants nationalism. Less brown people in Western nations.

those homos voting tory and ukike, just want bigger bank accounts and dont care if it means a uk flooded with aliens, as long as its not ordered by brussels

I want government spending reduced as much as possible.
I want state power reduced as much as possible.
I want as few laws on the books as possible.
I want personal responsibility promoted above reliance on government handouts.
I want maximum freedom for individuals.

The left promotes the opposite of all these things.

>I'm not talking about Jow Forums racist fascists, I'm talking about your everyday guy that votes for conservative or UKIP.
All "conservatives" want is far-leftism, just in moderation and at an slower rate than liberals.

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A mix of social liberalism and fiscal conservatism. Most "typical" right wingers are upper middle-upper class boomers who made their money when the going was good, so now the only thing they care about is a low tax rate to preserve as much of it for themselves and their retirement as possible. All the social crap is irrelevant to them since most of them came of age in the 60s anyway, so they think all this stuff is normal, or at least that they "shouldn't bother others who aren't bothering them" directly.

tfw no cute iranian gf

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They wanted yesterday's leftism. This has been the case for basically all normie conservatives sine the end of the war.