Geena Rocero is the first Trans Asian Pacific Islander Playmate

Seriously what in the fuck? Playboy is a lifestyle magazine for straight men. It's not a gay or fetish magazine. Why are they promoting transwomen?

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Other urls found in this thread:

He thinks he lives in a world where there are no agendas.

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Actually it was Tula back in 1991.

nigga i am asking what is the agenda? what is the end goal? to make men gay? what exactly is it?

Do people still buy playboy? The last one I read was the Sally Fields one from the 80's.

To genocide all European men and rape and or breed to death the women. Everyone else who survive will be slaves to Jews. All this gay stuff is to incite fear and anger in society and keep everyone busy and distracted while they roll out 5g to cull billions. More or less.

>Why are they promoting transwomen?
Because the heir to the Hyatt Hotel chain is a tranny worth $26Billion and is handing out money like sweets to anyone who promotes it as normal. Not even kidding, all of this bullshit is bought and paid for by one old crazy dude, a military veteran with ptsd that manifested as trannyism. He's spent half a billion a year every year since the early 2000s and is ramping up the payments as he approaches old age.

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Source pls

If we are getting this specific about 'firsts' then it's going to take forever to get through them all. Why don't they just make a list of all the shit they want to see and we'll just bang it out in a year or so. Then we can be done with this crap.

Start here, it names names:
None of this tranny stuff is organic, it has a hundred times the money behind it that the Pink Wave of the 1990s had promoting homosex as normal.

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Its going to ramp up to the point where you have an in home tranny to lecture you every hour or so. State mandated.

playboy admitted to putting trans women in its publication since the 90s. im not sure what your getting at but your a day late and a dollar short



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>magazine for straight men
This is 2019, you know such things aren't allowed.

i want to see this six year old girl pose nude for playboy

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Thank you best user

>indulging the AGP fetish to such an extent that men are taking the place of female models

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I still remember and cringe remembering how I used to say to people there wasn't an agenda and would laugh at them and be like "yeah man they're trying to turn kids gay like the frogs right haha!".

Jones is a moron, but there *is* an agenda and I just gave up trying to play batsman for these corporate bodies and their bullshit - they want me to lie for them they can send a fucking check.

That article should stickies here

It should certainly be more widely referenced in discussions about trannies, online and off. The thing is, half a billion a year buys you a lot of shills. So when you innocently point out "a man cannot change his chromosomes to become a woman" which is a harmless enough statement of biology, the violent response is provoked by "shut this idiot down, he's threatening the free money!" rather than the usual modes of passionate debate.

It gets worse: the cabal of vampire trannies have infiltrated the UK's NHS, paying as estimated £100million to include "correct gender pronoun" bullshit in the HR contracts for employees. So now doctors, nurses, biomedical scientists etc have to deny reality, and all because we cannot say no to free money these days.

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jesus christ

>why is a mainstream media outlet promoting degeneracy

you havent been paying attention at all, have you

No one wants to 'debate' a dumbfuck who thinks 'chromosomes' are important for any actual reason that involves transwomen. What you can't grok is that no one gives a shit about your backwards, cro-magnon 'beliefs' and would rather you either get with the times or fade away like your dying bloodline. You're so far away from understanding what is being discussed that you actually think 'chromosomes' is a point, which is about as useful as taking a picture of a spreadsheet on your computer monitor then scanning it in to save the document.

That would be funny. As jewed as our system is this faggot could get upset that you dumped him, press charges for rape, and you go to prison for life with all of the charges being enhanced because the "victim" was so young.

Others, of course, do it for free. Personally I'd be billing Jennifer Pritzker by the word, he can't have that long left in him now.

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yeh but does she have a dick?

>5g to cull billions
gonna need a source on that, that's more than a jpeg of some squiggly lines.

Is it hard to deny reality so consistently? You know the truth always comes out right? Unfortunately for most trannies (and fortunately for us) that truth is that your chromosomes determine your sex and gender, and it's impossible to change. If you don't think you're born into the right body, you're CRAZY. MENTALLY ILL...
If you mutilate yourself, when you realize the gravity of what you've done you'll probably suicide. Because the truth always wins.

On a related note, the holocaust never happened, but it should have.
And you're the reason why.
Hitler 2.0, Zoomer Version is probably in art school by now.

Playboy is still kicking ?
Its okay, just the thrashing of a drowning business

Ask your local rabbi. He'll tell you that you're an antisemitic transphobe for even questioning Playboy. Oy Vey! You remind of the same Nazi who gas me over a dozen times in Auchwitz and almost turned me into on of the 6 trillion. It didn't work. But, now I have to eat a very specific diet or else I get indigestion and can't sleep at night. Never forget!

this is the right question

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>It's not a gay or fetish magazine.
It is now

Imagine being this insane

Lemme guess, Hugh Hefner is dead and a Jew now controls playboy?

No. They made a big deal out of going nudity free a few years ago. They are circling the drain and flailing for attention.

Playboy is still a thing?
Thought it would have died with Hugh.

>I found that exceedingly rich white men promote this
>George Soros

No one looks at playboy anymore. If Hugh was alive he would kill himself.

Hugh Hefner is dead.

Yep. Daren Metropoulos is a Jewish billionaire that now owns playboy.

You're expecting quite a lot from "an artist, environmental activist, writer, and an engaged citizen".

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Capitalism is the shittiest system, keeps pushing brands to survive. A brand should exist as long as collective finds it useful and even in free market non-capitalism a brand should only exist as long as owner finds it useful.

>European racial demographic wipeout and the accompanying winter is arriving imminently
>Gender imbalance will lead to an actual race war because of actual Incels fighting for breeding partners. The data doesn't lie. The situation is now catastrophic levels.
>cares about this shit which is predominately a heterosexual fetish with an historical precedent for such behaviour found throughout human history and oddly enough whenever such things are commonplace it always marks the end of that civilisation.

Good goys ignore the real issue and how the eternal enemy is wiping you out without any uniformed armies doing it.

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Wow. Women are just niggers.

Hugh would' ve never allowed this.

The worst part may be that there is no Old white man donating and fighting for white western civilization. Instead its some boomer saying pull yourself by your bootstraps while every other groups gets billions of dollars in propaganda and lobbying.

We are going to lose the only people in the west that produce a surplus.

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>These include but are not limited to Jennifer Pritzker (a male who identifies as transgender); George Soros; Martine Rothblatt (a male who identifies as transgender and transhumanist); Tim Gill (a gay man); Drummond Pike; Warren and Peter Buffett; Jon Stryker (a gay man); Mark Bonham (a gay man); and Ric Weiland (a deceased gay man whose philanthropy is still LGBT-oriented).

First two are already Jewish. Why do Jews love to suck so much dick?

>Why are they promoting transwomen?

They just about follow the same plot as black males.
Rich girls squandering daddies money. Nothing new.

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yep, entertainment is the ultimate jew

> System that has lifted 1 billion from poverty in 50 years

> Worst system

Wtf are you talking about.

That's an interesting read. The web these three guys have woven is almost uniaginably vast, all of it based on their assersions backed by money and nothing else.

Ultimately then Consumerism is the driving force: a society with no higher ideal than free money is extremely vulnerable to the whims of folks with a lot of it to give away.

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Just go bankrupt already, don't drag it on and on.

Playboy doesn't make money anymore and jews paid them to do this.
It's like anime. The studios aren't making much money these days, and jews will take it over cheap. They don't care about minor losses. It's just the cost of propaganda.

Great post.
Thanks user

Because it starts in their own culture, then they export it out.
>turning into fags
>rampant atheism
>city living(lower fertility by default)
>50% in North America marry outside of Jews.
American Jews will cease to exist in 100 years.

Which makes the whole thing odd AF. They won't be able to pass on their brave new world to their descendants because they will have none.
Instead it must be some sort of Psychopathy attacks beauty, purity, goodness, or in one word Logos.
Even the Jews in Israel have an issue. The ones reproducing are subhuman tier gib me dats jews

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The difference between anime and Playboy is that anime stops production when no money and low-budget anime can actually be good.

Find me a girl who would even be in playboy today?
They make more money and fame in IG and streaming

Yep. I don't want to seem demoralized or be force feeding black pills to folks, yet short of someone pumping twice the money into countering this madness we're stuck with it for the foreseeale future. I recon the counter signal would have to be funded to the tune of a billion a year to get the likes of the NHS to back down. Hopefully the driving trimuvate will die soon, and their heirs will quitely spend the family fortune on other things.

The shining light ay be future lawsuits against medical facilities that performed the surgery on children. Give it a decade or so and we may start to see some interesting legal battles over parents offering up their little kids to this frankenstein surgery. As other articles on the Federalist point out Breast Binding for "transsexual" girls "becoming boys" is exactly analagous to foot binding back in the day, ie it's another form of body fascism driven by girls not feeling right 'cos they don't conform to a certain outward aesthetic.

It's all a bit grim chaps, but the way through is to protect your own kids from it.

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>Jews are atheistic meme
No, they are not. Jews are Jewish. Atheists are atheistic.
>According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, in 2008, of Israel's 7.3 million people, 75.6 percent were Jews of any background.
>Religious makeup, 2017
>Jews 6,554,500 74.50%
>Muslims 1,561,700 17.75%

Israelis can be atheistic aka non-Jewish. Being Hanukkah raised means you are Jewish or you were Jewish.

>define poverty

If we use the US definition of poverty 6.5 billion of 7.5 billion are in poverty.

>he isnt redpilled on globohomo

>soft porn pretending to be a thing in sexualized present
People don't need to see boobs of plastic surgery bimbos any longer, it's not interesting. Maybe they think looking at plastic trannies is interesting.

Playboy died when they stopped featuring nude photos a few years ago.

You know what I meant schlmo. They have the genetic markers of the chosen but do not engage in religious activities.

"Of the religions surveyed in the poll, Jews were found to be the least religious: Only 38 percent of the Jewish population worldwide considers itself religious, while 54 sees itself as non-religious and 2 percent categorizes itself as atheist."

Are they showing pre-op trannies, yet? Just to know how deep in clown world we are.

That's the point, Jews have absolutely no genetic markers, but they have genetic markets. Israel was never land of Jews, it was land of Israelis and they were not white, they became white when mixing with Europeans, sure they also weren't niggers, but Israel has niggers too.

Tula was a post-op and on the downlow. Snuck in.

The agenda in one sentence. GO!

To normalize Transhuanism in the guise of "better living through body modification" while simultaneously unleashing direct biological control of the unwashed masses.

I think that pretty much describes the over-arch, anyway. The three ancient tranny vampires are funding their side of it all to leave a legacy for their madness that isn't just their own misery, presumably?

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>Trans Asian Pacific
is that some sort of Airline?

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Transhumanism is a completely different idea, though. But I get what you’re trying to say.

The agenda is to emasculate all but very few men. The men who remain masculine will be used as breeding stock. The other men who become homosexual, weak, irrelevant, or suicide, are all irrelevant.

The thing to be aware of is that the elites (in banking and government) who control the western world see us all as cattle. Anybody who runs cattle knows that only a few dominant males are necessary to impregnate the herd. Too many aggressive males in the herd causes problems, as they tend to fight, damage each other, and upset the herd. So, it is now important for the majority of western men to be 'castrated'. That is why the homosexual agenda is being pushed by the media (controlled by the elites), along with feminism and masculinity-shaming etc.

Shut the fuck up bitch...cutting your dick off doesn't make you a woman faggot....a uterus and vagina does. You know this you are just being an edgy buttfucker.

Martine Rothblatt is one of the ancient tranny vampires, and he pumps a huge amount of money into promoting Transhumanism as well. The idea that if a person is unhappy with their outward appearance in the world they can use technology (surgey, implants, synthetic hormones etc etc) to "fix" that is Trannyism instersecting with Transhumanism.

Jow Forums of course calls tranny paedophiles what they are: demons. It's crude yet very apt. A fat old paedo can't get access to kids, so he "transforms" himself into a "woman" and bingo, a sex crime can occur in plain sight. We can see it plainly with these chaps, their anti-human agenda is obvious. Yet with others it's equally as strong, just not as apparent. They hate bebing human and having to abide by "human rules" so they invoke transhumanism as a way to bypass this, with varying degrees of success, of course.

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You have to prepare the masses for such a drastic and unnatural change though, little by little. So they start promoting things like transgender, transracial, etc. Things that make us uncomfortable or make little sense. Because within the next 20 years people will have cybernetics, lab grown organs with technical advancements, etc. Shits going to get even weirder.

>Jews have absolutely no genetic markers
Then how can I spot you on sight? Every time.

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mass transgenderism to make otherwise healthy people dependent on pharmaceuticals/cosmetic surgery
there's a lot of people out there with no ongoing health issues who have no reason to be dependent on medication. That's a big market to tap into.


lul, he's not even the first tranny in playboy. Just the first pacific islander tranny.
This shit makes me feel like I'm listening the NFL stats.
>oh wow, if Joe Blow can do this, he will be the first mixed race player to score 6 points in the first 5 minutes of the game, during a full moon.

This makes the most sense of all answers given in this thread. No evil conspiracy to destroy a nation or its people just because. Just plain, old fashioned, Jew approved GREED.

So are you lads fine with robowombs?

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Does this mean that traps have been officially judged not gay?

Welcome to accelerationism. I'll be your guide.

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Homoculous technology appeals to the more isolated folks in society. Same for trannyism. It may all ultimately stem from the industrial revolution removing us from hamlet communities into psuedo-communities in cities. I doubt you'd find too many advocates for transhumanism in successful arcadian societies.

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the plan is to destroy family unit, lower total population, make everyone biracial individualistic consumer slaves with no past or future and a lower average iq.
the purpose? nothing unusual, more money, more power

already hapenned

playboy is a brand for fat girls, hasnt been a magazine for men in nearly a decade

hugh hefner is jewish TMYK

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