Japan demands more proof from U.S. that Iran attacked tankers

>The Japanese government has been requesting the United States for concrete evidence to back its assertion that Iran is to blame for the attacks

>The request came after U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave a statement hours after the attacks blaming Iran but without offering proof.
>The Department of Defense later released a video allegedly showing an Iranian patrol boat removing an unexploded mine attached to the side of the Japanese-operated tanker Kokuka Courageous.

>But Japanese government officials remain unconvinced, the sources said. "The U.S. explanation has not helped us go beyond speculation," said one senior government official.

>A source close to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said, "These are not definite proof that it's Iran."

>"Even if it's the United States that makes the assertion, we cannot simply say we believe it," he said.

oy vey


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It's most likely impossible unless they caught the people that did it in the act of chased them down.

It's 90 percent likely it's Iran based on where it happened (no one will go to war over some tankers, so a false flag is out), but you can't be certain.

In addition to the usual. Mossad/CIA, it could also be Saudi Arabia or UAE to rise prices of using their ports and various gases.

Lmao. The ship harboured in the UAE. That's where the limpet mines were most likely attached.

That's a chance, yes.

It's likely that Iran did recover one of the mines, so they could provide prompt evidence of what is actually was. The longer they wait the more suspect they become.

>japan is a worthless vassal state

tanker staff said there were flying objects around the tanker immediately prior to explosions.

probably a UAV, israel i bet.

wtf is a tanker staff


Eyewitness accounts are shoddy at best. I'm sure there were drones in the air, though.

That's a long way from Israel.

c'mon now it's always funny when the raghead camel fucker shills yell "DA JOOOOS"

Did anyone believe it was Iran for a second?

fuck the fake money fake debt bankers

fuck the kikes

I'm sure neocons are retarded enough to believe their own lies after uttering it enough times.

Iran is the next Iraq in a way.
The Routhchilds want control of Irans banks so they'll make up rumoranof the country doing illegal things. Then the U.S. propaganda will trick Americans into believing that Iran is the bad guys and that the Hedoic American military will be going in to help the innocent people.

It's all a lie, it's a game of manipulation and control.

>so a false flag is out

iran wants to raise oil prices. this isn't very hard to figure out

All of your vassal states will leave if you keep pulling this shit. Go to war, but don't drag us along.

If Japan manages to fuck up the "muh Iran!" narrative I will unironically become a weeb. I'll get a crunchyroll account, find a waifu, and buy a dakimakura with her likeness printed on it.

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There were wooden doors on the fuel bunkers.

Fuck those slanted eyed scum, we are going to bomb your little muzzie friends whether you like it or not. So you better shut your gook mouths before we drop that third nuke on your island. USA!

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Shut it down Japan.

it was real in their heads

This is why Hitler considered the Japs to be honorary Ayrans. They're men of fucking honor.

The Jew fears the samurai.

I think the japanese are just being polite with us, because in the back of their mind they have to be thinking 'this was probably the US'

You think tankers are self sailing and maintaining. Just when I defend you amerimutts you prove once again your retarded and only thrive because parasite kikes chose you as their host.


based and honorpilled Japan

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what's a tanker staff?

Funny how Japan is the most honest country on earth... all their products are honest and good... etc.

Now they do make some cheating golf clubs that don’t meet standards for tournaments... but you could almost look at the clubs as “land cruiser” clubs

Every single time in the past it has been proven after the fact that it was a lie to go into war, it's only reasonable to demand proof given our track record.

8/10 bait

The Golem has spoken.

lol kikes using every trick in the book to get shabos goyim to murder their enemies.


It says a lot when Iran has more Credibility than the US/israel/Saudi agglomerate. People don't actually think Iran is a paragon of virtue, it's just because everyone knows how this shit really works at this point. It's not just the weirdos here, either. Even normalfags have caught on.

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you can do as you please in the middle east. i dont think you understand the situation. typical of western observers. allow me to explain

the east is opposing the west unilaterally. every move calculated even down to moon calling trump and saying this time n korea will denuclearize but n korea never does. every time any one showed up it was this joke in the east that america was the rat that will die trying to eat the cheese on the red plate that has electrodes stuck in it.

japan moves its embassy to muslim land and away from jew land. n korea tells america to stop being faggots in the middle east. china says it will get involved and defend syria which america and israel still want asaad taken down and china even sent military people to venezuela. but none of them want muslims in their countries. they arent friends this is the result of many many things compounded over time. americas attempt to ethnically cleanse asians in america. air port americans. your naval personnel being retards. that 1 batch of fucking idiots from america that immigrated to japan a couple years ago that were run out of tokyo and a couple near by cities and fled to a american base and they asked for guns to kill the japs which the american military in japan did not have and they waited to be deported there

japan wont get involved in the faggy desert now and america will head into the 2020 olympics with japans standing military (semi new) at full power to defend against any bullshit like with what happened in s korea when they hosted the previous olympics. a lot of people never got to go home after that one and more wont in 2020

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Sup kike.

Why's it up to us to provide that proof and why would anyone trust it. It wasn't our country involved (unless it was a CIA false flag).

It was Israel. Israel needs to be destroyed.

any jew mind telling when is the iran terror attack on us soil scheduled for? I don't want to miss the happening for once

Really want to understand what you're getting at with the last paragraph. What happened in S. Korea?

Yeah, it's obvious it was Iran. What was their motive again, oh expert?


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This is actually exactly it. Though in the meta sense, everything coming under the umbrella of the central bank is what they believe a pathway to world peace. Maybe it is. It's also the pathway to world domination.

If there's nothing to hide, America and Israel will happily provide the proof Japan seeks, otherwise, America and Israel are the prime suspects.

>I'll get a crunchyroll account
no don't do that.

How did Iran attached the mines without anyone noticing it?

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Like office staff
He obviousky meant crew..
Why are you like this..?

Oh yes, it's so obvious. If it was not for your PhD in black market energy economics I wouldn't have been able to figure out Iran's risk vs reward scenario to arrive at this obvious conclusion. It isn't exactly what the Israelis and their Sunnis alliance want.

Damn, that's weird. Why is it that Israel always comes out geopolitical winners even though they are never involved. Since you guys are such expects and have been able to answer all my questions so far, can you answer that one for me? You see I am just your average peasant IQ I need someone like you to explain that one to me.

because I was making fun of muhammed's grasp of the language, chang
use your brain

achmed, here is your answer: no

Can someone tell me how the fuck an Iranian vessel removing an unexplored mine off the ship is proof they did it.
>we have footage of Iran doing the opposite of what we’re saying they did
>this is proof that they did what we’re saying they did

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Well I hate to go around pointing fingers, but I think the obvious conclusion is Soviet Russian Spetsnaz gave an elite special forces rambo squad from Iran training.

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Without knowing the device, you wouldn't just run up and grab it. Many limpet mines even have a triggering mechanism based on removal. The entity that removed these put them on there. That's the only way you can explain why they'd just roll up in a boat and start grabbing at it. A real EOD team wouldn't fuck with that. They'd tug the boat to sea, disable it kinetically, grab all the pieces of it that they could and go from there.

>t. Air Force EOD fag

why are australians such stupid faggots?

the narrative is that what Japan thought was a torpedo attack on their tanker was actually a mine attack by Iran, but through some bad luck, one of the mines did not explode, and so, in front of cameras and in front of everyone, Iran reclaimed their dud mine.

>Without knowing the device, you wouldn't just run up and grab it. Many limpet mines even have a triggering mechanism based on removal. The entity that removed these put them on there. That's the only way you can explain why they'd just roll up in a boat and start grabbing at it. A real EOD team wouldn't fuck with that.

That kind of answers my question.

lmao kill yourself trumple-cuck.

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What's the matter, tucker? Can't tell me why 3 thousand of my fellow countrymen were slaughtered like animals so we could geographically surround Iran? You fucking demonic piece of utter garbage.

I wonder, why is it that Israel has such close ties to Ssudi Arabia and all the mass murderers are from Saudi. Then we attack Afghanistan who is next to Iran and then Iraq who is on the other side and an enemy of Israel and the Saudis. The goyim are stupid I see, Israel does not need to hide their alliance with the house of Saud anymore... it's been awhile, these fucking goy would never remember.

Okay thanks kind of makes sense.

Wouldn't the Navy's EOD be very interested in figuring out what it was, too? Would a cordon be one of the first things they do?

2 tours, then went back to drive truck $$$$$$$$$
I loved the chair force
army would hit the gas and run away at the first shot, leaving the trucks behind, and the Marines would stop everything and get out to fight
chair force would just give a couple bursts and keep rolling

sorry I shot your uncle muhammed.
haha wait no I'm not

this thread stinks of body odor...JIDF is here. dump kike graphics.

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this is good. prove it's iran, then nuke the goat fuckers.

whatsup? fucking cut cuck. miss ya foreskin?

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Based observation.

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kill yourself boomer.

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An Israeli with a proxy laughing about 9/11.

I am hoping that the next step for people is to look at the US and ask themselves who is that is really in charge of steering the ship in this way. This is how the masses will realize what the jews have been doing to them.


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>The Japanese government has been requesting the United States for concrete evidence
>United States
>concrete evidence

>fucking Japan is now getting dragged into Jewish wars
Too bad they will bend over


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>It's 90 percent likely it's Iran based on where it happened
Just like Assad started gassing his own people when he was winning, right? Oh, it wasn't him because there was nothing to gain from it? Oh, ok. Aha, the second time it was Assa- nevermind. THE THIRD- .. never mind.

You'd have to be either completely fucking brain dead, and/or an Israeli shill, to believe that Iran would randomly bomb some tanker to "raise oil prices".

It's all a (((coincidence))).

>Calls someone a brainlet for not subscribing to his inane theory that makes no sense and only benefits Israel
>Starts kvetching and sweating when pressed to explain anything
I thought you Jews were supposed to be good at making shit up, so get spinning, rabbi.

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>Dragged into Jewish wars
Israel did 3/11, and Japan knows but are covering up to avoid further terrorism.

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>muh Iran proofs pixels
>t.inbreed student at Haifa University

I also shit all over the place, like a poo. I never used the shit bags, just dumped right on iraq on patrol

t. Yaakov Glasman

America is fucking pathetic at this point, 9/11 is still fresh in peoples memories.

Also wmds, what fucking wmds, literally invaded an entire country on a lie lmao.

What's the matter kid, too pussy to join the Marines? Too stupid to be a Warrant?

Based Nippon

>if someone commits a crime on a street 90% chance the homeowner next to the street is the murderer
>no one would murder someone over a purse therefore its the next closest homeowner to the crime scene not the nigger with the knife that has been attacking everyone in the area for the past years
>just common sense fellow goys

Are they even h-human, desu?

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try it some time
you get to shit on haji soil, and shoot them

oh and the food is pretty good

the question i want answered is why would the iranians take a mine OFF the boat if their objective was to destroy it?

Based Nips

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Jesus Christ how old are you?

It's not their soil. You're shitting on ExxonMobile (USA Corp) Property. I'm sorry, did you notice them not charging for gas?

>German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said on Friday the video is not sufficient to prove the US claim that Iran was behind the attacks.

"The video is not enough. We can understand what is being shown, sure, but to make a final assessment, this is not enough for me," Maas, who was in Iran earlier this week on an official two-day visit, told reporters in Oslo.

>Nathalie Tocci, a senior adviser to European foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini also rejected the US allegations, saying, “Before we blame someone, we need credible evidence.”

Iranians are deeply rational actors, she said. And for Iran to have attacked a Japanese ship when the Japanese prime minister was in Tehran “is not an especially rational thing to do.”


>Russia warns against ‘hasty conclusions’ about tanker incidents in Sea of Oman

Russia has warned against jumping to conclusions about a Thursday incident involving two oil tankers in the Sea of Oman, which the United States has claimed were attacks carried out by Iran.



>President Xi: China to promote ties with Iran no matter what

Chinese President Xi Jinping says Beijing will continue to promote steady development of ties with Tehran no matter how the situation changes.


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Trump administration will collapse
Pompeo and Bolton need to resign

no I was shooting your uncle muhammed
6 with the A2, no idea how many with the 240B. the rags would scatter and the donkey shit walls kicked up dust

>Contradicting Trump Claim of Iranian Mine Attack, Owner of Japanese Oil Tanker Says 'Flying Object' Likely Caused Explosions

>"I do not think there was a time bomb or an object attached to the side of the ship," said Yutaka Katada

>"I do not think there was a time bomb or an object attached to the side of the ship," Yutaka Katada, president of the Japanese company that operates the Kokuka Courageous tanker, told reporters in Tokyo.

>Katada's account of the attack appeared to contradict the Trump administration's suggestion that Iranian mines were responsible for the explosions that damaged the Kokuka Courageous and one other oil tanker in the Gulf of Oman on Thursday.

>Speaking at a news conference in Tokyo, Yutaka Katada, president of Kokuka Sangyo Co, said he believes the flying objects seen by the sailors could be bullets, and denied possibility of mines or torpedoes because the damages were above the ship's waterline. He called reports of mine attack "false."



>Iranian President Rouhani comments on the ongoing tension between #Iran and #US

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US cannot war with Iran.
The US Congress opposes war, and the UN Security Council (Russia, China, France) will also oppose it.
Only idiot Trump exposed shame.

>Iranian President Rouhani comments on the ongoing tension between #Iran and #US

>Pres. @HassanRouhani meets world leaders in Bishkek


>President Erdoğan holds bilateral meetings with Russia's Putin, Iran's Rouhani and China's Xi on the sidelines of the CICA summit in Dushanbe


>Former top US intelligence official for Near East and South Asia, Paul Pillar, questions Pompeo's credibility and accusations against Iran. A must-read on the subject.
" And no one has yet explained why the Iranian regime would go out of its way to embarrass Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan—which has been one of the leading buyers of Iranian oil—by sabotaging a Japanese tanker on the very day Abe was meeting with Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei."


> Israeli lobyist suggests false flag to cause America to go to war with Iran

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Rookie numbers.

Oil they can't sell because of US embargo.
>"Let's jack up the price of our unsoldable oil"
>"Great it help the economy of our ennemies who can sold their own oil to a higher price"
Genius !

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I thought a torpedo hit it and now a mine?

>The US Congress opposes war
No, that's Jewish controlled. They'll definitely love a war with Iran.

>Only idiot Trump exposed shame.
If he comes out as pro-war. I haven't seen that yet.

I don't want to get it confused though. Iran is a very real enemy to the USA and has been for a long time.

How is the hunt for your WMDs in Iraq?