HAPPENING! - Electrical failure cuts power to all of Argentina and Uruguay, supplier says


A massive electrical failure has left all of Argentina and Uruguay without power, according to a major Argentine electricity provider.

Reports said the power cut had also affected parts of Brazil and Paraguay.

Argentine media said the power cut occurred shortly after 07:00 (12:00 GMT), causing trains to be halted and failures with traffic signalling.

It came as people in parts of Argentina were preparing to go to the polls for local elections.

"A massive failure in the electrical interconnection system left all of Argentina and Uruguay without power," electricity supplier company Edesur said in a tweet.

The combined population of Argentina and Uruguay is about 48 million people.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>South America
Pick one


>A massive electrical failure

Failure or "failure".

It's Peron smiting his people for letting niggers in.

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Lets see if they can fix this faster than Venezuela did.

Fuck I am trapped inside an elevator

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Peron is the nigger who let niggers inside Argentina. He is a leftist scum

imagine having such a shitty infrastructure the entirety of the power grid fails at once, the entire thing. I can understand if a substation or region fails, but the entire damn grid? In multiple countries?

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Any solar flares recently?

I'm in Uruguay
It's fine. Everything is fine.

At least you're whiter than Americans.

They have electricity in Uruguay? Next you’ll tell me they have running water.
Fake and Transgendered

Do you really think EU/NA is better?
Remember the huge outage in the half of EU 10 years ago just because of one cruise ship?

lmao they trying to hide their shame after yesterday's game

>Remember the huge outage in the half of EU 10 years ago just because of one cruise ship?
Honestly I don't, but I'll take your word for it

A nuclear explosion would cause an electromagnetic pulse knocking out the grid, 10% of energy in Argentina comes from nuclear plants...

Good that fucking lil snake of a Uruguay poster is gone... fucking hated that little bitch couldn't even fuck a understand a word he was typing.
Huh her dur ehg uh gy ah
Exactly what I image him speaking like IRL when I bust his fucking skull open. FUCK THAT LITTLE SEA NIGGER!

Most of Eastern USA's power is ran by north-eastern Canada and we have shitty power infrastructure on the sole virtue of being so far north not even 20K people live here, a really bad snow storm could unironically send all of eastern north america into a power outage


How do they still have Internet?

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>Just before they go to the polls....

Tell me, what's going on in those two countries? What deals are going to be made or almost sealed soon? Or have been sealed but want undone? Who want want them either way and why does it benefit them?

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>electrical failure

sure thing, kikes

South America is irrelevant. Why do you care?

Get the fucking guy here, now!

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Kek reminded me of that chink that spent more than 24 hours inside one


This wasn't a failure, it was a hacker attack.
There are reports the US power grid is being probed by a black hat group, it's possible it's the same fucking people

But wouldn't it be a waste to spend that power on SpeedTest servers?

good now they can come to the united states and claim asylum to charge their phones

the question then is, is the server really located in argentina?

Digits say nuclear plant explosion

>A massive electrical failure has left all of Argentina and Uruguay without power
Isn't that a typical day?

Maybe they expect to fix things up before the batteries' power runs out so it's unnecesary.

you're even worse than us dipshit

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Not for us.

>Reports said the power cut had also affected parts of Brazil

Nothing here

>Primary elections this month
>Almost all the territory without energy
Just as planned. We're going to kick the commies out of office

They say brasil, chile and paraguay too


We in Norway shouldn't really criticize other people's infrastructure lol...

I read reports that they picked up radiation levels of 3.6 Roentgen. If that is the case it's not good but not the end of the world either. Go back to sleep comrade.

>cuts power to all of Argentina and Uruguay
who cares.

All I want to know is, have the riots started yet?

They are always rioting over there, now it's just harder to see who you are fighting against


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Does the CIA also employ Argentinians?

dont know, CIA been trying to make us join them into their shenanigans like the iran case (we have a lot of jews) but since we are too lazy and dont care, we dont help them lel

> not great, but not terrible
> basically like a few chest X-rays

>It's raining
>No power
Nah, people too lazy to actually go out

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Maybe commies did that shit to stay in power. 2019 and we are out of electricity like some third world shithole. Just like commies like it.

>6 to 8 hours until it's fixed

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This is an out-of-control test run of the CIA for the upcoming invasion of Iran.

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malos aires here with power


The CIA invaded Iran a long time ago

The failure originated in Argentina, and since we share a network with them, it has affected our services as well.
>like some third world shithole
As if we weren't before when this retarded boomer came to power

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My posts got deleted?

3 ENTIRE COUNTIES without power Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and parts of Chile and Brazil .Cnn and haaretz.com/world-news/massive-power-outage-hits-south-america-1.7373356

>rigging le south murrica way


Because Haaretz is a virus

>live in third world spichole
>Have third world things happen

Oh well.

Check, and it's an EMP test.

says the toothless somalian at wal mart

At least we aren't getting replaced in our own lands


I know it's in German...

It was a norwegian ship btw kek

of course since we are both spicholes, you can understand us

is always right.

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Lets enjoy the last hours of the internet before our batteries run out bro and see you in RaHoWa lol ahahahahahaha

If the power doesn't come back before the match, there will be.

And here I thought you are being replaced and need a northern wall

For whom? Brazilians stay where they belong and most Venezuelans go to Colombia.

I have like 20% so time's running out for me bro

replace what? there's nobody down here.

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somalia confirmed

They should be ashamed, that was a good old fashioned ass whippin'

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>Untraveled road
>Wtf no one's there


>Electricity just came back
About fucking time

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I heard you're getting a lot of people with negative value because of the free healthcare for anyone who asks for it

Of course it did user, nothing ever happens.

Si senior

UPDATE: 4G Just came back, electricity is still gone.
At around 7:00am the electricity shutdown, and 10:00am internet data was gone too. They are now normalizing the electricity.

Another headline: US escalates digital attacks on russian power grid.

There are usb port in cars if you have one. That still gives us a chance at staying connected for some time.

Grand solar minimum. It's why all the cruise ships are crashing into each other as well. GPS is a little patchy at times. spaceweather.com
There are noctilucent clouds (NLCs) near the equator now. They were only really visible in the Arctic circle and far north until the last few years.

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What district are you from? I’m in Pocitos. Nothing here.

2 entire countries?

No one knows

Healthcare isn't much of a problem since the way it's structured is pretty useful when it comes to resources management. However, we have a pretty complex problem on many things that are somewhat connected.
Ever since the 2002 financial crisis, our education has gotten worse and crime is rising. The way people live has changed and our current lefty gov, since it came to power in 2004, has encouraged idleness and crime. Not only they pictured criminals as poor victims that just want to live better lives but also made some kind of retarded system where they pay unemployed people until they can get a job. Surprise, they got used to it and the gov still pays them since that's part of they voter base.
Also, our debt is around $70 billion, so I better prepare my baggage to go to Spain if they win again.

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how are you posting????
youre supposed to be dead!!!!!

If it's the entire country how are the cell towers working? Generators or some backup system?

>But wouldn't it be a waste to spend that power on SpeedTest servers?
There is almost zero chance there is a dedicated server for a speed test. The site would exist on a server with the ISP's main site, the one that would have the longest UPS backup

Yeah generators.

>If it's the entire country how are the cell towers working?
A cell towers here have battery, or fuel cell backup good for a day. The landlines here will basically never fail due to huge diesel generators. Same with Data centers, pretty much immune to power failure. I assume even in south america it's the same deal, since they all use western tech

My father is watching the Argentinian news on youtube and a reporter said some peoplewere having an "Apocalyptic feeling", I couldn't help but think of pic related, the "sense of impending doom" comes with the weakening magnetic field, something fucky might be happening over Argentina, maybe the poles are finally shifting

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