Kraut/pol/ & Germania Magna General - Beyond Limes Edition

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>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta [unchanged]

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Attached: unbelievable.png (1197x625, 814K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Is his the right Thread?
I only see an Austrian Flag....

Attached: wrong room hitler.gif (400x389, 2.73M)

absolutely based edition!

Attached: eternal Lithuanian glowing.png (784x1011, 726K)

so.... I take it you won't be overjoyed when Ostmark anschlusses you?

Attached: Austrian story expanded.png (1386x1309, 293K)

im kinda hurt now....
usually we do he anschluss

Attached: schlechtes bier hitler.gif (445x250, 1.17M)

well... would you czech those digits! Mighty fine!
>usually we do he anschluss
tsk tsk tsk... that time be long gone, I reckon...

That's water though, the kind you get in a 'Wandelhalle' of a Kurbad. It has way more minerals and tastes saltier than normal water.


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Attached: hitlers playlist.gif (219x257, 212K)

I'm too old for this shit. gib me original or gib me death!
now this is what I call moosik!

Attached: Pepe Meloman.png (708x572, 228K)

Just read "I only see an Austrian fag ..." ;)

Like honey to a bear ... :D

Attached: winged_faggot.jpg (960x459, 54K)

This is my flag

Attached: big.jpg (720x481, 94K)

Only natural way to Anschluss ... they only ever could do it the other way last time because of that bloody Prussian strap-on ... :P

Attached: anschluss_me_you_dirty_little_.jpg (1052x662, 70K)

>Pooh, that's not honey, THAT'S KOSHER MATZOS!!!

Well the veeery general shape is fine. Too many stellar objects depicted though ... single one would have been perfectly fine.

Attached: less_stars_and_more_sun.jpg (596x458, 26K)


>Prussian strap-on
that there was their gonads, colloquially known as balls or family jewels

>Oy gevalt! :(

Attached: Winnie_the_oven_dodger.png (500x368, 216K)

I'm convinced now, after seeing this pic - there is nuffin sacred anymore

Please stop the geopolitical mansplaining, fren ... feels very micro-agressive, not cool! :DDD

Attached: dr_oesterreicher.jpg (708x2100, 199K)

results from görlitz when?

are you aware they could get the first AfD major ever?

this somehow put me another meme into my mind -
>psst boy, wanna lose your childhood?
>check out Jow Forums/pol/


>Austrian Fag
Du siehst auch nur was du sehen willst :^)
>single one would have been perfectly fine.
seconded, Dr Österrecih engage!

Attached: ss.jpg (1280x1327, 417K)

>Childhood: ruined!!

Attached: childhood_memories.jpg (758x453, 78K)

I knows your secret, you dank hillbilly!

Attached: Austriaball nobody can of knowing.png (600x2331, 1.09M)

>Du siehst auch nur was du sehen willst :^)

Hivemind confirmed.... E.B.I.N. is known for its Telekenitic Memery

Attached: konvergenzed XXXDDD.png (869x873, 469K)

At least it's not

fuckin' hivemind

Germanic Empire now cause fuck the rest

Attached: Germanic Empire.png (1053x761, 161K)

just goes on... and on... and on
well, there are still boundaries to push
>kiddie didlin' salve

also known as

>Du siehst auch nur was du sehen willst :^)

Be strong in your ignorance. The Emperor protects!!

Attached: lordinquisitor.gif (440x340, 994K)

>well, there are still boundaries to push
>>kiddie didlin' salve
Leave that up to the G*eens.

>Gonna purge the others fast so they don't purge you!

Reminds me, have you ever played the BSG board game? Funny as hell being secret Cylon player! :D


Warpfuckery and heresy for sure!!

Attached: fucking_toasters.jpg (1200x680, 98K)

>tfw you'll never a company, to march through the Westerwald, while singing this song

Attached: 1552747540086.jpg (350x334, 13K)

>Green Kanzler, kiddie didlin' Winnie the Pooh
OK... it's fucking time I take a break from Jow Forums... seriously!

No, I meant pushing p*dophile shit in general.

>BSG nerdiness goes up
nope... just nope... not gonna go there!
maybe if we wait long enough?

Yes :D


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Did I poke into another trauma here? :D

OK, gonna enlighten you. in the Sobiet Winnie the Pooh version, hoary kind of Pooh together with his effeminate Piglet, delivers a blown air balloon and an empty honey jar to the Eeyore, telling him that now, he can put the balloon into the jar... after which Ass proceeds to put it in and out muttering to himself (quite sinister too)
>it goes in
>it comes out
>it comes in wonderfully...

my job here is done

Attached: smug-smile-trump-3.jpg (1000x523, 45K)

:DDD I can invent traumas at will

18D chess...

Attached: 1560463307712.png (1267x785, 99K)

>selective panphobia

Kek, well THAT is a truly unique talent :D

Attached: fluid_stare.jpg (747x411, 25K)

>tfw when the entire OSTEN is 20-25% AfD while Cologne is nearly 200% green

Attached: pain.jpg (206x198, 7K)

I refuse to believe that this was some kind of dirty reference.
Leave my childhood be, reeeee!

Cologne was always the capital of degenerates anyways

let it burn down

pic related

Attached: HEIDI HEIDI.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

I already know that meme.
Fuck the faggots that made it, but it's kinda funny.

>selective panphobia
oh tell me about it... it's a curse and a blessing. courtesy of certain generational circumstances AND geostrategical position of birth :D
mucho obligado (or whatever)
get on sobiet childohood [sic]
of course, realization that there was something sinister, came only after we joined our Bunt family of Euros...

in the end it is Fingolian subversion... brought to you by same faggots who lured us with based Nazis from the Moon... and showered us with niggers and miscegenation later

Meddl Loide ... *breathes in* *breathes out* Ich weiß, dass ein Paar Arschlöcher da draußen meinen, ich sei das letze Arschloch und der letzte Kaschper und Dreggsagg und was weiß ich alles... ich hab heud einen Aufruf an euch, kleine miesen Dreggsschweine: Irrgendeiner, ich weiß es net wer, und es is mir auch scheißegal; ich weiß nicht wer es war, irgendwer hat meine Schwester mit ner PC-Computer-Stimme angrufen und gemeint: Pass auf, ich weiß, wo du wohnst. Wer auch immer des war, TRAUT EUCH, KOMMT ZU MIR, ALTSCHAUERBERG 8 in 91448 EMSKIRCHEN, TRAUT EUCH, KOMMT ZU MIR UND LEGT MIT MIR AN, ICH PRÜGEL DIE SCHEIßE AUS EUCH RAUS; wenn jemand meint, er kann meine Familie beleidigen oder irrgendwie meint, jemanden fertich zu machen, DER NIX DAMIT ZU TUN, MIT DIESER SCHEIßE, ja; dann soll er herkommen, ich schlag iHM SO .. ö ähm ... SCHMEIß IHM SO DIE PRÜGEL NAUS, DAS DER NIE WIEDER AUFSTEHT; IHR HAB KEINE ANGST VOR EUCH KLEINEN PISSERN, und wenn jemand meint, ERNSTHAFT MEINT, DASS ICH NICHTS KANN, NUR WEIL ICH DICK BIN und weil ich weil ich A KASCHPERLA BIN.. für euch. Ich sach euch was, METTLER SIND WESENTLICH STÄRGGER ALS BILLIGE GLEINE KAGGNADSIS! TRAUT EUCH, KOMMT ZU MIR und mach mich fertich, wenn ihr meint, aber lasst andre Leude da raus; ES IST GENAU DIE SCHEIßE AUF DIE ICH GEINEN BOCK HAB und wenn einer meint, *schmeck* meine Schwester anzugreifen ODER MEINE FAMILIE ODER FREUNDE ODER GENERELL IRGENDJEMAND, wenn ich bin in der Nähe, ich prügel die Scheiße so aus ihm raus, dass ER NIE WIEDER AUFSTEHT UND ICH SCHWÖR EUCH: IHR HABT GEINE SCHONZ! TRAUT EUCH, GOMMT ZU MIR!

Attached: MEDDLER.png (765x396, 414K)

Oh I am sure you can perfectly hide its potential adverse effects under layer upon layer of moss and coping strategies! XD

Attached: be_prepared.jpg (415x354, 31K)

Attached: Rainer dutch terrorist.webm (320x568, 1.88M)

do you know the source of your pic? :D

litterally Human Spurdo

if I read this correctly they want to resettle people in east into the cities. presumably then they want to burn the villages like Americans in Vietnam so AfD can't take them over

Samuel Al Haydad

Das ist genau die Scheiße, worauf ich Bock hab:

lmao, who convinced kurz to show up there?

Attached: Gebet für Sebastian Kurz bei AWAKENING EUROPE in WIEN.jpg (932x610, 82K)

>coping strategies

Attached: simpson salivating.jpg (400x400, 19K)

> Move to the city goy!
> We'll take care of you there, goy!
> Trust the state, goy!

Bulbasaurus supremus final stage

Attached: Spurdo service in the army.jpg (1689x3081, 427K)

Checkmate Nazis!

Attached: BUSTED.png (807x643, 654K)

Yes goy, I'm sorry, but you ARE ill.

Attached: take_ur_druggies_wagie.png (780x619, 416K)

>take those (((pills)))
fuckers want to put Germans on the needle like they did with amerimutts

Yes, it's disgusting.

his name was Walter Lübcke

Attached: 3.png (999x836, 1019K)

rip in peace

B-But Goyim these are just memes, right-wing H-Hetze, goyim. What is the most disgusting newspaper and why is it WELT?

Attached: honk_honk.png (392x451, 222K)

I actually knew that fucker
My dad was stationed in Wolfhagen and Istha is right next to it

however, I dont see why anyone would shoot this Boomer, he was like the most harmless CDU cuck known to exist, and quite popular aswell....
>rechtsextreme Szene
they call everything rechtsextrem by now, but sure lets go ahead and see what happens next.

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Do you see it?

Attached: OY!.png (798x589, 840K)

As far as I know, he talked some shit in the fugee-crises, maybe that'd been the reason, why Ronny snapped, idk.

its everywhere

Attached: abstract.png (225x225, 1K)

nice double chin

is that building in a shape of ... Sig rune?

Just soulless Juden-Bau #512.781

Attached: 1560688843531.jpg (400x399, 24K)

thing is, even a Ronny would see why this is a retarded Idea.
shooting the Head of Kassels Gouverment on daylight in the head knowing you will be leaving traces....?
sounds too stupid to be true, also he will just be swapped out by Politician #171721 and nothing changes

actually feel sad for the ol` Boomers family, he would have died in 5-8 years anyways
>inb4 cuck
im all for Cleansing off Politicians that destroy Germany, but this man was not only easily replacable, he wasnt even important in the first place.

Attached: boring evening.jpg (1280x1903, 268K)

and crooked, just all those (((swastikas))) their rabis are drawing everywhere

jewish architecture is absolutely disgusting, yet they tell us the Nazis loved stale grey Betonbauten....

Attached: ok dawg.gif (483x296, 3.38M)

>they break things, and call it art

Or shit in a corner and call it art

The objective of terrorism is not sabotage; that's almost impossible. The actual objective is fear. Fear is illogical, and therefore terrorism isn't be logical, either. I guess, Ronny had nothing to lose and CDU-Sören pissed him off too much...

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guess youre right, but we all know there would have been better targets for the objective to spread fear aswell

but who knows, maybe its a staged thing we cant look through yet, what if he was getting in the way of someone else and the PEGIDA and Reichsbürger Mordrohungen were just there, perfectly laid out to blame some Ronny nobody knows?

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Does that AfD guy have any chance in Görlitz? Everybody else will just vote for the CDU guy so why even bother?

hes actually ahead of CDU cuck in some polls, so id say 50/50 he wins

the shilling against it however have been enourmous the last couple weeks

Attached: 1506026687619.png (940x1251, 926K)

>better ones
Well, it's a game of supply and demand.

Might be. Don't think so, though; I do not believe, they'd simply ice-cold kill one beta-important fucker off for an agenda; this gov ain't hardcore enough to do that. Maybe in China or NK, but not here.

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>The actual objective is fear.
for that to happen, I'd say you would need... uhm, some 20-50 politicos eating the bullet. it's long way off
even then, the conditioning of the state has much larger sway, and the conditioning of the behind the (((curtains))) government is even stronger, so in the end one would need 100+ of bullet eatin' specimens to finally deliver the message that gooberment no longer has the monopoly on violence.

Every publicity is good publicity. The east awakes

The current height of greens could actually be a strategic advantage for the AfD. If you don't go full hysteric about climate change and don't approve of hectic and retarded "energiewende" policy, you can basically only vote for AfD (maybe FDP).
I think the AfD has already chosen the Greens as their main political opponent, so when the greens go full retard, which they surely will, the AfD will profit a lot from that.

True, but you've got consider, all violence, not only violence, originating from Ronnies; the average Joe has to fear for his life. Then things change. In theory destabilization, in practice, you know the rest.

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>Maybe in China or NK, but not here.
would you bet money on that?
Germany is already #1 in censoring Youtube content and surpassed China, oh and we litteraly have State controlled Media and a Mandatory Fee to pay these Media Outlets or you get trouble wit the feds...

> this gov ain't hardcore enough to do that
they are already desperate enough that I would say they pulls something like that off
remember NSU and how the two Uwe´s offed themselfe, while SEK was behaving like retards "by accident" in terms of securing evidences?
this is Bananenrepublik non plus Ultra, everything is possible in Clown world....

this, Grüne will be suffering from their only talking point... however zoomers are already deeply indoctrinated.
good thing is Grüne litteraly consist out of unhinged Idiots.

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Kerstinspast, is that you?

Approved. Heil.

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The Problem is that a big percentage of 'our' population is also going full retard. The climate hysteria is very real especially in the youth and untill they will experience the negative effects from green politics which they don't know until after the next Bundestagswahl it won't change

>Dipl. Ing. Dennis Ingo Schulz

Attached: JUUUUDEN.png (1239x680, 856K)

>money on it
Yes, I would; the state consists of effeminate left-wingers and corrupt neo-liberals; none of 'em could kill.

Why? Why do people constantly confuse me with le Kerstin? Are you Kerstin?

UK is an even greater Dystopia regarding freedom of speech. There are signs in what direction it goes in Germany, especially SPD and CDU shill the meme of "Hassposting" on the internet, as if an emotion was a crime. I bet in most cases there wasnt even hate involved, its just to frame it.
recently a study showed that people fear to voice their opinion publicly. Mostly I gess, because of peer pressure. There is a huge state financed apparatus, mostly the so called "Zivilgesellschaft", NGOs, state church, welfare unions, labor unions, publishers, media, almost all the time living on government gibs that are more than willing to do soft propaganda

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I'm not the one posting Stalin.
Guess why?