Would you look at that,Sweden is getting it's balls back

Good on you Sven

Attached: SwedenImam.png (709x679, 520K)

Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans 13&version=KJV

Sorry forgot link.

> muzzie terrorist behind muzzie demonstration against the deportations


Why are muslims such disgusting terrorists?

lol at the Article
"The organizer: "Who will be next?""

Let's hope every shitskin

because they are the inbred remnants of the mongol genocide against the Arabs

HAHAHAHAHA get that fake shit out of here.

This is nothing to celebrate, it's the globalhomo crackdown on proper Islam. We lost potential allies and/or accelerationist/happenings. Who does more damage, fellow goys, enemies or traitors?

It quotes some meme SWE newspapers though.

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I never take anything that comes from voiceofeurope,cnn,alexjones and heartz as being something real.

The Swede already linked a article from a Swedish newspaper that confirms it's real.
Fuck off musrat

whats that like 5 out of millions?

Only you have milions Clint.
Sweden took like 900k and not all are musrats more than 100k are from Ukraine

The bulgarian is right we should embrace Islam to ratify our continent.

Du-te si vezi-ti de drum

>Whats s threat in sweden nowadays.

I guess terrorist attacks bad but enriching little girls good

So you cant refute anything, thanks for your non argument post.

And i'm telling you to go fuck yourself,with your proposition crow.
If you are such a bitch why don't you go to Iraq

It seems fishy but yeah.

I'm saying the opposite of this. Religion will not fix society because the state is too powerful. Religion is dying not because of people, but because of the state. It simply does not need it anymore.

Christianity and Islam forbid rebellion against the state.

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans 13&version=KJV


I'm against all Abrahamics. I'm a Sun/Sky-god kind of guy myself. Worship whatever you want as long as it didn't come out of the Judea/Arabia province.

Because I am romanian and want Europe and this country too also to embrace Islam to stop its constant degeneracy and death cult they embraced?


Deporting 0.0001% of the problem

ISIS are nigger tier though. They're an Israeli creation and fighting against the anti-ZOG Syrians. They're just a puppet. Hezbollah, Iran, Jordan and Syria are the only respectable middle eastern countries left.

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If you think that shit religion does anything against degeneracy you are fucking retarded.

Attached: MuslimFags.png (1962x987, 3.51M)

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It does you will see how many degenerates will be killed under Islam and all of the leftist will disappear too.

Yeah right,muslimrats are the biggest homo's and more agressive than a libtard.

Shit wording desu I didn't mean that Hezbollah is a country but they might as well be.

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Based bro

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lmao @ those inbred faces

You talk without even seeing how things are in countries that have Sharia, but what can I expect from other romanian when they will gladly abort themselves to the either and become no different than the degenerate west instead of doing what is right.

t. inbred central asian

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Let's trade one desert religion for another,Woohooo
What is right is burning you muslim rats on a cross.

>5 imams
How many non-whites are there in Sweden? 5 million?

So instead of accepting the solution you want to continue living in an atheistic and hedonistic country.I guess I just have to wait then since our government will replace you with foreigners that thinks like me.

Wow...that's not very diverse or inclusive. I bet an EU high court will block it.

Islam is garbage and you walts around evidence that is Garbage.
So far no Gay Churches exist yet i'm supossed to think that the muslim rat can fight degeneracy haha.


Go F Yourself muslim cuck

There are at least 5 HOMO mosques in the Anglo countries alone.

You only keep proving my point, everything that the European value system touch gets destroyed, now tell me how many such mosques are in the Middle East or Balkans?

>posts cosplayers, shoops, and a handful of sluts that are forced to hide their face or be killed for the rest of their life.

Meanwhile pic related. Youre only fooling yourself boy.

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>implying Xtians give two shits about Armenian Hobbit dumpsterwhores

Doesn't matter where it is.
Canada isn't the only one

Besides your media made those popular and rich,not the church

Enjoy sucking each others off faggots

Attached: MuslimJoke.png (648x735, 74K)

All those are cucktian gay marriage countries. State/Jew funded fake mosques lol, only in cucktian countries. No muslim country allows gay marriage, you literal faggot

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Again its in Canada such a thing would never happen in the Middle East, heck if the country was under Sharia those people would get burned.

And all Muslim countries are FUCKING SHITHOLES!!!!

Turkey had to ban it's pride parade cause it had more faggots than even fucking Israel
You aren't in the ME fag,go there

All the gays run to your fag countries because they know we kill them bitch.

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If Canada and Europe would be under Sharia gays would disappear from public sphere and women would be put back in their place.You only act emotional are you a woman?

Dude, have a nice day. Your country was a great ally for Ottomans and will be again in our lifetime. Thank you for your service.

And the Pisslam you bring with you is becoming gayer and gayer bitch.
Your countries might not be gay...yet
But Pisslam in the west is:)

Sharia=24/7 Pride parade.
Fuck off.

Are you a woman?

Here bitch,something for your troubles

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Dude you advocate for a religion that is self-destructive just because you are a frustrated little bitch.
Go be Emo or something.Or larp like a nazi

Just answer this simple question are you or not a woman?

No you retard

Then why do you have an issue with Islam when you will get only rights and the current degeneracy in our society will go very low?

Thanks for reminding me that the Ottomans chopped that emo faggot up and kept his head.


May you meet the same fate.

I know I'm not winning many friends here, but I believe in the Israeli state as a homeland for the Jews. For historical purposes is just as valid as any other. The biggest redpill that we all must swallow is the following:

Israel is a Jewish state
Europe is a [collection of] European states.

Both require deportations of undesirables to keep the demographics reasonable though. The main argument against Israel I can anticipate is that they "moved in" after the Arabs were already there. It only gets more complicated with self-determination, might makes right and as I said earlier, legitimate historical claims to the region. My counter argument is simply the vast, vast, vast resources of land and natural resources the Arabs already posses, they should be able to acknowledge ceding this area. It's a far better solution than what we have now. Less than a million Palestinian Arabs would need to move. Note how the Jews were deported/rescued under the threat of death living in Muslim-only countries. Population exchange is a good deal if both *really* don't feel like existing together. And let's face it, multi-ethnic countries don't work.

your women are going to jump on the deportation planes and protest they be released

It's simple you fag,Islam is a parasitic religion in which muslims can act tough cause someone feeds em like the vermin they are.
Once Europe is dried up who will you smootch from?
China?Good luck with that.
He exposed you for the bitches that you are and you needed a traitor to kill him.

The ottoman empire is no more,Romania now has more territory than at the time of Vlad.

Who won actually?

You dont seem to be coherent in your train of thoughts and Islam has been ruling and dominating most of the world or have you forgotten how we were slaves to them?

bye bye Mohammed!

You would improve under Islam and you know it.

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Thank the traitorous Hungarians for that.

Other than the Ottomans that only had Romania,Bulgaria and Serbia

The Barbary slave trade and the Moorish Invasion.

Name another time when islam dominated anything.

They are getting raped on the daily by the Jews,all their countries are fake(made-up by Britain)

Sorry mate,pisslam won't make me any money.

First you followed Turkey into NATO, you are the junior partner by more than 50 years. Second, this is the ottoman empire today. We will be even stronger when America becomes Brazil. Then it will be your EU, two Brazils, and Subsaharan Africa against us. I look forward to it.

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Yea, a religion which turns into a lifestyle and is in every part of your daily life, how to eat, shit, sleep, no thanks inbred retard.

We lost because we were weak no point in blaming anyone else and they controlled the balkans,iberia,S italy,most of N Africa and reaching deep into India.
You embraced nihilism and consumerism to the core its seems.

only thing this tells me is. Overly tolorant sweden is saying these guys are a security threat. means they walk around 24 7 with bombs strapped around their waists, walking through immigrant day cares. (white day care is fine, you cant' judge) is about the only way sweden will even remotely consider you a security threat.

These dudes must be very fucking bad.

you are like a impulsive woman

999 replies , and most of them are autistic screeching

if this is the way your brain works, then you are exactly where you should be in life and your people deserve you.
good riddance.

Islamic cooperation,what a fart.hahahahahahahahahahahaha

Turkey vs Syria
Saudi Arabia vs the other states
Iran barking like stray dog with fleas.
Man fuck off with that shit.
What is between me and God's judgment is life little fag.And i try to enjoy it as much as i can.
Now go blow yourself up in a field or something.

It's Sunday you absolute retard.

Is it not true that the historic jews and the jews of today are not the same peoples? The state of Israel as it exists today is an increasingly secular empire that only parasitizes off it's allies and bullies their neighbors. However there isn't really anything better than the two state solution at the moment. Both big sides have a semi legitimate claim to the land and this never ending state of frozen conflict and random bombings isn't helping anyone. Either side ceasing to exist means more war, refugees and damage to the west. I believe that if Israel were to renounce their claims to the Golan and try to make amends with the Shiites, something good could even happen. Ideally split Jerusalem into three independent Chrisian, Islamic and Jewish districts.

Bongs would never do this. Leafs would pay them to stay. The FBI would plan and supply a terrorist attack and also provide the fall guy to blame it all on, no radical salafist imams needed.

You act like and speak like a degenerate that is why you are so afraid of someone like me because he wants to end the moral degradation and destruction of its people.Dont worry one way or the other people like me will win.

Go get a job first than talk about changing.
Once you earn your first salary come back and talk.
You still stink of stale milk

>Turkey vs Syria
>Saudi Arabia vs the other states
>Iran barking like stray dog with fleas.

Brushfire conflicts and skirmishes compared to WWI and WWII. Real men often ram heads and fight. You wouldn’t understand as a postmodern christcuck, maybe an ironic atheist and it’s why you are weak and no threat.

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Oh nice whats next I am a virgin incel that is attracted to Islam because I cant get women?

Are you?

Of course I am, I am also ugly,short,have a big nose and smell of piss.

You sure about that?
There may be some virtue signalling thot willing to break the law to stop their deportation.

I think China is alone to mop the floor with your little alliance
Sucks to be you i guess,no wonder you are a muslim

Listen woman instead of being on Jow Forums you should return to your daily webcam porn like the rest of romanian women do, stop wasting your time here.

Mate i'm no woman and try to find a job first of all.
It will help you.
Also you don't have to follow the bible step by step you dumbass.

Friday two weeks ago.

Attached: Linköpingsbomb.jpg (680x516, 108K)

Was that a immigrant area?

China only is against Muslims in China and while it is unjust we were such a small percentage - just a drop in the bucket - they are better deployed to a smaller country where they can help tip the scales. Just like you goofballs cheer Assad you will be the ones who bear the brunt of muslim refugees. Oh and btw I am eager for the first Pakistani bros to begin arriving in your country. I heard your men are greedy and leave to sweep streets in Londonistan and your women are uninterested in having your children so you need muslim men.

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You are a waste of space and a degenerate to the core, dont worry your kind are dying faster than flies in winter, it will either be us of romanian blood that survive or foreigners that come here so you will lose whatever it happens.

what happened?
did they preach moderate Islam?

Arabs have enough wealth and landmass to build a decent caliphate, but for some reason can't. There are bigger differences between a Frenchman and an Italian than a Lebanese and Saudi. I agree, constant bombings are no way of living for either side. What you are saying as a "2 state" solution has been rejected by Arabs on more than 3 occasions, that's why I am ruling it out as a possibility. There is a Palestinian state and it's called "Jordan". In order for Israel to make amends with the Shiites (another name for Iran, basically) it must cease to exist. Which is not an option.

>This meta-analysis is the first genetic anthropology study in MENA region, and included 100 populations from 36 Arab and neighbouring countries, and comprising in excess of 16,000 individuals. A main outcome of the study is the lack of striking differences in the distribution of HLA alleles and haplotypes between North Africans and Arabian Peninsula populations. On the contrary, key differences were noted between Levant Arabs (Lebanese, Palestinians, Syrians), and other Arab populations, highlighted by high frequencies of A*24, B*35, DRB1*11:01, DQB1*03:01, and DRB1*11:01-DQB1*03:01 haplotype in Levantine Arabs compared to other Arab populations. Class I haplotype frequencies are lower than Class II haplotypes, because of weak LD between A and B loci, due to long physical distance between them, compared to DRB1 and DQB1 loci. The identification of shared haplotypes between Arabs and other Mediterranean and Asian populations is attributed to the higher admixture of Mediterraneans and Asians in Arab populations.


It was central Linköping, Linköping and the the city of Norrköping together make up the the fourth largest population centre of Sweden. There are a few sandniggers (one of them most likely being the intended arget for the bomb) at the adress but Swedish cops and prosecutors living there as well.
This show the increasing do not give a fuck attitude to Life, property and laws by the sandniggers.
This was actually the largest bomb detonated in Sweden since the 70ies.

Why are you showing me this?
Show it to Sven.
I don't see many muslims having kids here little fag,which shows that musrats are parasites.
Dying breed,let's hope the Asians replace us

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Aaah, but upon arrival, the police IMMEDIATELY, on first glance. Declared, with absolute certainty. That the explosion had nothing to do with terrorism.

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>supports ISIS
>supports Israel
checks out

Now lets see the number of romanian converts that is doubling every decade.

There's literally nothing wrong with ISIS. Fuck thots and gays. If tomorrow Russia reverted to it's medieval state, State-Christian and mowing down Muslims, Jow Forums would be shitting bricks to support it and join it. God forbid Muslims do it. And fuck Sykes-Picot. Retarded wh*tes.

And fuck you for destroying Nazi Germany.

Oh yeah they are so many of em 4 converts every decade.
This faggot has been screeching with his mosque for 10+ years or so.
And this are all his followers.

You should go as well,may be he will die happy hahahahaha oh my....

500 of your muslims die each year in the Dobrogea region.
But hey at least they got 4-10 converts out of it

After letting them reside within the nation for 10+ years.
GG this is a fart in space.
Säpo is löffes leksak.

There will be a massive mosques build for all muslims in Bucharest in my lifetime and all you will do is cry like a bitch on social media, mark my words.


You already have one,in the public toilet of the mall,go there