Separation when?

Separation when?

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when they feel like it, I guess

The totalitarian left would never allow such a thing.

I literally see no difference.

> Gerry
Why am I not surprised.


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Take those French Walloons with you please France!
Not even the Luxembourg wants them.

We will even throw in FN Hersta.
End our suffering.

t. Fleming

Because white men are emasculated impotent fags who have no agency.
Cry more, or go get a hobby.

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Burn brussels and shoot all walloon political heads and it'll seperate on its own. Walloons are french flemish are dutch.
Brussels should be turned into a museum as to why multiculturalism is cancerous

>when an American knows more history of Belgium than a Belgium
It was only 75 years ago that Flanders was the poor state and Walloons the rich. There was a total inversion after WW2.
Which means you should have more respect for your own history and not say stupid shit.
married to a Flemchick

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When France annexes it. Maybe when the EU fails.

P.s. youre a dumb fuck. There are great Flams and great Walloons and there are stupid useless pieces of shit on both sides, of which you are one stupid useless piece of shit and i should be legally allowed to kill you because you are literally the reason for the strife.
Now go look up "strife" in your Eng dictionary, dumbass.
Fucking bitching Belgians. Thank god my wife is from Lille. You people are simply ridiculous lol

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Isn't flem just that yellow gunky stuff that you sometimes cough up?
How can it be a country as well lol.

Stay out of discussions you dont understand Downunderbro

(No hate, i love Aus & NZ)

Shut the fuck up already

Oh also, if youre coughing up yellow phlegm, you need to stop smoking Downunderbro. That is not "normal" lol

Please god no. We are trying to unite Europe not add another country

Suck my fat penis.

Soon, I hope


>unite Europe
In a Globalist Jew way? Or in a White Nationalism way? Its actually not clear

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Reach down and do it yourself, you're more than capable.

mega cucks

Flanders is rightful Spanish clay

You've never been to Belgium, you don't know anything about this shitshow of a country.
It's better to put Belgium out of its misery.

It's already the size of my back yard. How can you keep splitting?

The Walons are not your enemy, sucker. You and them are like young spoiled brothers buttblasted at each other while your true enemy is evil soulless corporatocracy in Brussel. Who laughs in your face.
yeah keep bitching about the Wallons and vice-versa, thats working good for you.

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>How can you keep splitting?
Hold my Privilegia

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Nothing is going to happen, Mommy EU(Germoney) will punish every serparatist mouvement in Europe

Belgium is a social construct that has no cultural or historical reason to exist.
Do you enjoy our 6 different governments ?
Do you enjoy all the institution that have to make sure everybody is pleased ?
Do you enjoy having to wait 10 years for a coalition of socialists, soc-dems, conservatives, liberals and whatever to be formed and destroyed when one of the parties is displeased ?

Can't go into the details but basically the separated govs gave me another chance at life tb.h

I agree

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Why don't you fund your own country?


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This. But I guess the majority of Walloons/Flemish idiots rather believe politicians. I'm ashamed of these dumb fucks

Top kek

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Soon™ hopefully.

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>modern Euro Democracy
>"hey lets vote for some new candidate because I'm SURE this year, the government will give a shit about our needs"
Pic related

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there is no common identity between flemish and walloon people. in fact, walloons don't have any ethnic consciousness at all, there is not even a right wing party there (MR is just liberal center-right), wallonia is filled with dumb, lazy underclass proletarians and unemployed people, without the help of flanders, it would be at the development level of eastern europe, seriously

we are lucky belgium is a highly developed and highly educated country overall, and that if anything, a separation will occur peacefully, if we were like a third world country, a civil war would have occured since a long time ago

I'm not the guy you replied to (I don't agree with him btw), but the problem aren't the Walons themselves, it's the fact that they always elect the opposite parties as the Flemish, so when a new government has to be formed (such as now), it takes a shitload of time and parties who gained the most votes might not even be part of it.

We want the whole pie, not a slice.

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Left bank next.

Thiers did nothing wrong.

God I wish you people would figure out how to coexist. I have met many cool Belgians from both sides of the border (fuck the 3rd Lux side).
Oh and your girls, good lord Ive met some goddesses in Brussel/environs.
And the beer is sans pareil.
But yall have a weird pedophile situation of which the Dutroux catastrophe was but 1 sign of the deeper problem. Luik/Liege is WEIRD. is it something in the water?!

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Retard. You sound 15. Are you 15?

>Luik/Liege is WEIRD
lol why is it weird
and the "third lux side", you mean the country?



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Flanders needs to join the Netherlands to shift its overton window further to the right.

Wallonia can do whatever it wants, join France, Germany, be independent, whatevs.

Brussels should be a calliphate where the European countries can dump their migrants. Have it be surrounded by a massive wall and a gate that only opens from the outside.

He probably thinks the province is the country. In other words: he's an idiot.

Sieg heil brother well build a wall around Brussels and Liberate our Dutch brothers in South Afrika! We need some B E L G expertise and some vlaamse frietjes

>Calling it Holland and then using that flag.

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Non Hollander masterrace detected.

We should bring our South African brothers and sisters back home to this United Kingdom of the Netherlands 2.0. Let the other South Africans suffer the consequences of their actions.

Now that we have a border, keep your niggers home, and none of that napoleon shit this time.

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You frogs better stay the hell away from the Netherlands/Flanders. Do as you please with Wallonia tho.

We want lebensraum, not some chink tier overpopulated dystopia. Were gonna take the westkaap at the very least.
Niggers cant fight and they are reaching 80% urban concentration and growing.
Surround and starve the cities for 6 months and South Afrika is /niggerfree/.
Next is gonna be more tricky, teaming up with the Imperial Krauts in Namibia and the anglos in Rhodesia.

the belg is the epitope of masculinity.
The vlaamse BVULL can impregnate over 300 French wombs after slaying regiments of Frenchmen.

Just calling you out on your idiocy.

suck my Hollander dick you Frysian cuck


We need to promote natalism first before we try to take over land, Dutch/Flemish fertility rates are still too low for that.

>Ban abortion for whites,
>Cheap housing available after mass expulsion of shitskins.
>Ministry for racial purity and national growth established

I think were allright. We have to do something about the (((Antwerp problem)))

I hope that you realize that with Flemish-Dutch Unification we own the two biggest ports in Europe. We can merge them into an Uberport and let the germans and french pay dearly for their exports.

We will refund you, don't worry.

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>Hollanders and Flemish BVLLS colonize the world and conquer the seas. Holland is widely known and respected around the world from the harbours of Nippon to the port of New Amsterdam.

Rest of the Dutch provinces have barely progressed beyond mudd huts and rudimentarg pigfarming

Mjeah, I think you should be thankfull I mistakenly called you a Hollander. Also, Zeeland is honorary Holland.

Also, pic related: its (you)

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>muh golden age

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>Flemish BVLLS colonize the world

>Was rich since the Burgundian time
>Belgium happen turned poor

Nah amerifat history goes further than the 19th century.

>Wants to keep paying commie autism bucks for a people that cant work and constantly wants to thin out my own culture on the border

>This makes me the cuck
Francois go fuck yourself.

Oppress the Walloons and raise their children to speak Dutch only
Retake the taalgrens

Im talking abt the small area bordering the nation of Lux where they speak German you cumburping fag

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That borders Germany, incredible spazz.

Maybe under Napoleon that was alright, but no way in hell that modern day France should be allowed to leech of the Benelux more than it already is.

this, kek sayeth

Come to us, Flanders' men.

We will bring you proper roads and the concept of a building code.

forgot to give us back Eupen

>Was rich since the Burgundian time
>Belgium happen turned poor

the flemish turned "poor" because of Dutch blockade of the scheldt
Belgium was the 6th economic power until WWI btw


Only flemish nazi on Jow Forums, too much circlejerk. You spew alot of nonsense, wallonians and flemish are brothers from catholic culture. Away from republican hellish france, liberal trash Holland and robotslave Germans. We are the remaining true europeans with a proud heritage.

Well we didn't revolted.
Walloon niggers did.
Got their shit stomped in.
Called help of France.
Antwerp got captured and then blockaded.
What do you think would happen, the Netherlands blockaded its captured cities.

Then to put the coffin in the nail moved all our industry up south.

nail in the coffin.

>Shitskins shows up
>Let me bend over for you Mohammed

I'm all for the independance of both parts, but don't even try to pretend you're not cowards.

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You ever saw something like in Brussels here there where a dozens of cases in Antwerp where gangs tried to form that shit got hammered down quick.

Meanwhile the your whole commie PS is controlled by Moroccans.

Oh please Walloon.

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Fuck off frog. If anything I'd live in a united Limburg, I'm not "Flemish" and I'm sick of those dumb arrogant Brabantian retards using "Flemish" as some sort of identity for three different peoples

>No u

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This, we're brothers

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stopped through belgium on the way to paris and my god your country has gone to shit. prices more expensive than in fucking norway, bullet proof glass on gas station counters, niggers everywhere doing nothing but standing still on every corner waiting for someone to rob or kill.

And it ain't getting better anytime soon; on one side you got independentists who think that "wallen buiten" will magically solve everything and on the other side we got welfare faggots. And of course niggers & shitskins in the literal middle.

I believe if you take out Brussels and remove power from the Socialist parties.

And give more economic independence i.e. to decide their own taxes to the province and what to concentrate on.

Stop the flow of money to Wallonia, the money is just a waste and hurts it more than it does good ironically.

Invest in deepening of the Ports like Antwerp, Ghent.
And invest more and restructure education for job seekers and in new industries.

Cause this shit can't go on any longer.

You guys are getting Luxembourg as a consolation.

EU capital territory?
>fuck off you globalist scum

And have you made any steps towards that kitty?
No way they're gonna let us vote ourselves out;

absolutely we should grow our economic independences so that waloon fags don't feel the need to suck the socialists and therefore free the north from "*het wallen*".

You guys have not been able to make *any* progress of the muslim vermin and you expect that the situation will freeze until you've got your own country? If that's the case you don't have your priorities straight.

Belgium is dutch clay

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>*any* progress of the muslim vermin and you expect that the situation will freeze until you've got your own country?

Well do you see improvement in the south?
Cause its not as bad here as in Charleroi, Liege, Brussels.
Antwerp Ghent and Brugge are pretty comfy.

And i thought we we're ultra nazis that have the gas chambers and goedendags ready at any moment.

But jokes aside is this a national cause or a provincial cause.

Cause we kick out more immigrants than any province.
And it will rack up more now VB and NVA seized more seats.

looks pretty disgusting tbqh