Why does googling "reddit the donald" not yield a link to the subreddit as the first result when searching for any...

Why does googling "reddit the donald" not yield a link to the subreddit as the first result when searching for any other subreddit does?

Attached: google search.png (2416x905, 195K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Because Google modifies its search results to steer you away from FAR RIGHT HATE SITES and towards Reliable Sources™

Because algorithms.
Google engineers assure us they are totally fair.

Why does google show niggers if you search for American inventors?

Same reason for everything google does: to destroy white people

Go back there faggot

Never noticed that, though I noticed a while ago that you can't get to Jow Forumsconspiracy on google. What other subreddits are blacklisted?

comes up first in Australia

Maybe it's USA only

Attached: don.png (784x354, 27K)

Because the most important thing about that retard farm is the controversy around it, not the subreddit itself which is a monkey knife pit.

Same in India.

Attached: XOS_GV91mD4OXFfjJ9JHupupiywvvuTE.png (847x617, 65K)