Listen here goy

If the Jews control the media, finance, politics, etc. aren’t they the real Übermensch?

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have sex

bow down to the ticks

Is the tick stronger than the wolf?

>aren’t they the real Übermensch

Implying they aren't; the Jews are untouchable.

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If whites were a minority as successful as jews, Jow Forums would be using the same logic.

>abloo bloo bloo
When whites benefit off the exploitation of niggers, Indians and spics, it’s a sign of their superiority. So should it be when Jews do the same to whites.
Sorry goyim, but you’re the Jew’s bushbaby

The wolf is superior to both the mongrel mutt and the tick.

Your animal metaphor is proof of the defective goy brain

>Jew smart
>Israel IQ below USA
Come on rabbi, this is even not funny.

I fuck dogs. Jewish dogs.

The Jews who control everything are ugly as fuck, so no. Übermensch are not repulsive looking.

Attached: 4nw7ne4.png (722x496, 608K)

You heard it here first
Ashkenazi jews literally have higher IQ than whites

>most people are ugly when they’re old
>attractiveness is a sign of racial superiority
Also, please explain why the leaders of NatSoc Germany were not attractive either

OP, do you believe that Jews control finance, media and politics?

>Ashkenazi jews literally have higher IQ than whites
Sure they are rabbi. But Israel somehow niger tier in IQ. Need high IQ jewish intelligence to solve this problem

Only the weak have to rely on telling lies. They fear that they lack the strength that's required to bear the burden of truth, so they are weak both physically and mentally. There is a pattern here.

>we wuz kangs
>jews control the world

The second lie is believed by both Jews and Arabs. In truth we put Jews into the middle of a region filled with bloodthirsty lunatics so the lunatics would become focused on them, not us. This is 1D chess, but some people contort their minds in an effort to see some other reason for this situation. A few billions keeping Jew Central intact is a lot cheaper than the trillions that we'd have to spend fighting them here.

I know it

There are many shitskin Arabs in Israel

Jews live everywhere. Our tentacles are in almost every country.

Look here, faggot. I tired of this shit. You are literally a shitskin arab. Even assuming that american jews are not cheating on the test. What is in the meaning of the holohaux would not be surprising.even assuming that they are really smart. This only means that the smart remain, and the stupid Jews left for Israel. Add these two categories and voila you will get even less than the average for white. besides knowing the jews, I am sure that there is something like a trick. such as testing only smart son and stupid, he is not a jew, he is white.

I am not claiming NatSoc Germany were Übermensch. I am just saying if someone is a superhuman then they must be extremely attractive. I am not saying all Jews are ugly either. I also think a lot of ruling whites are hideous as fuck too. It seems a lot of rich people are ugly fuckers.

>Cancers rots through your entire body
"Well technically cancer is taking over your body, therefore it's superior and you don't have any right to fight it."

>When whites benefit off the exploitation of niggers, Indians and spics,
Let's see the benefits.

>So should it be when Jews do the same to whites.
So you admit Jews are a parasite?

>Jews live everywhere. Our tentacles are in almost every country.
And yet you belong nowhere...

Post pictures or name names of the Jews who control the media, finance, politics and etc. They all seem to be really ugly motherfuckers.

Why do you think that is?

look how ugly they are

Attached: JEW-NEWS-MEDIA-BOSSES-2.jpg (650x621, 119K)

why are they all so ugly?

Attached: jewsa.jpg (650x850, 125K)

REMEMBER to sage and hide slide threads

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Sure, the most vicious criminals that seize power are the best means of proving that all forms of collectivism are ultimately incapable of being other than oppressive.
Fortunately, physics has been shown to enable decentralization of all means of production and thus empower individuals to effect their freedom, and the vampiric parasitization of kikes strongly motivates individuals to attain personal freedom through decentralization.
That doesn't make kikes superior. It simply makes them useful motivation to the actually superior, whose merit is proved by their economic achievements avoiding parasitization.
Today is not the end of time. Just as yesterday's conditions spawned today's environment, the conditions imposed today will spawn the environment of tomorrow. Yids are the best encouragement to free your people from collectivism, and lay the universe at the feet of your blue eyed sons for their possession and benefit.
You can measure a man by his enemies, and the savage depredations of degenerate and deranged sociopaths create the strength of noble and civilized free white men.

I am talking about this rich, powerful Jews. They are so ugly. But I like some Jewish females. I think Adrien Brody is attractive looking. But this rich, media jews are so fucking ugly.

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