How to raise a daughter

>No meme answers edition.

I think one of the things I fear the most is that she will be ostracized by her classmates if I go full 14/88 on her. She will slip some redpills and my career will probably be over. How do you approach this?

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Keep her out of schools and universities, raise her to be a responsible wife and loving mother, make sure she learns how to cook and run a household. The Jewish education system cranks out whores, spare her this fate.

Career? Are you new?

This is my plan

If you go too 1488 niggers will become the forbidden fruit and she will become a coal burner, many such cases. Raise her with good morals and strong character and you won't have to worry.

Homeschool but there's still a high chance it won't work due to the daily indoctrination

Are you Amish?

>keep her out of education
That's child abuse.

Good thread

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Some of you are so neurotic Id swear you are jewish. Be active in your kids life. You cant shelter them from everything but you wont need to if constantly reinforce your beliefs.

Also kids can sense bullshit pretty early. So be prepared to actually parent. Not just spout 1488 rhetoric.

He's talking about his career getting ruined because his daughter says some redpilled shit that's traced back to him.
Try reading the post properly next time

Let's see that flag, right now.


Even doing this they still end up whoring around, but they usually are able to settle down back to normal. I don't think there's a way to avoid it entirely anymore.

>How to raise a daughter
Raise her on your off-grid farm, without influence of TV, radio, internet.

Find a like minded family with a good son raised under similar conditions with which to arrange her marriage. It's your responsibility as a father to provide an adequate dowry to help them setup their new family.

Give her your cummies regularly and she will love and cherish you forever.

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I'd let her be exposed to degeneracy. If she's really my daughter, she'll know what's right or wrong by nature. Ain't no sperm of mine going to be NPC-tier.

raise her in Japan

fucking kikes
attacks the person instead of the idea

>3 > 1 > 2

Don't get overtly controlling or they'll whore around as part of rebellion. It's important to balance paternal love with rules and a moderate amount of fear of what could be if disaster strikes at the fault of one's actions

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I wish that would be legal here

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All good things in moderation. You are to be the model man for her to look up to. Be there for her but not overbearing. Guide her in the right direction but do not force her unless absolutely necessary. Your wife will have a great hand in this, teach her what it means to be a good person and a good woman. Arm her with the knowledge and mental faculties to be compassionate and kind but not gullible. Teach her right and wrong exist. There is good and evil in our world. Teach her skills that will make her useful and wise.

This If you want to give her the best chance at a fulfilled life Boarding School is the way to go. If you just want a little female who believes all the same things you and to be a moral women who's success entirely rests on her marrying up in life. Home school is probably best. This has the chance of backfiring though you have to let her discover the hard truths on her own. If you just tell her blacks are subhuman animals and don't hang around any of them. All it takes is one black kid who seems nice and well spoken, to shake her entire world view. It will also shake her respect in you. It's a balancing act.

Introduce her to rap music and MTV and tell her to do what she wants. She will rebel against all that stuff cus its natural for a kid to rebel against what the parent considers to be cool

Why are you saving pictures of halfbreed children, nonce?

Homeschool your kids.

texted this to my 14 year old daughter today

i know two girls that have been homeschooled both are white one is European and the other is canadian and both are autistic as fuck and lust for brown cock(me)
don't homeschool your kids you are making them weak against people they will be sheltered and ignorant of what other people can do to them.
they learn more from experience.
if they are whores it doesn't matter how much you try to shelter them they will find a way to be whores
but if they are "good" woman then it doesn't matter how much bullshit they see on the media or schools they will always be good

This is a great answer but how do you go about accomplishing these things? Where and how do you start?
Best uni course especially made for white girls.

one of the kids I teach is a 6th grader and she told me that she wants to get a tattoo. I scared her out of it by giving her facts in extreme cases. Sometimes it's best to just let them know the consequences and have them think for themselves.

>her classmates
Homeschooling or living in a small community with your own school.


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It all starts with the father. One must take a hard look in the mirror and ask the question, "Am I the kind of man I want my daughter marrying one day?" Her ideal male archetype will be based off her father. The traits, characteristics, personality type, mental state, and others will either be accepted or eschewed from your base model. The process of accepting or eschewing begins when she starts dating. Her experiences will either reinforce or reject what she has learned. As you well know, nothing is set in stone. As this user put it , "All it takes is one black kid who seems nice and well spoken to shake her entire world view". Rote indoctrination of any kind is meaningless when it comes up against the diametric which does not fit the mold. That is why I used words such as "guide", "teach", "meaning". It is not enough to simply have an ideal to stick to. She must understand why the ideal exists and why we hold it. That way she is able to critically think about what she confronts and rigorously test it against the deeper meanings of her beliefs.
The where and how? From birth. The bond between a father and daughter begins there and must grow from there. She must know you as her rock, her stability, her good and trustworthy man from the very start of her ability to remember and have memories. It is there you lay the foundation. A strong foundation makes for a strong house upon which to build. The information you give her and when must be age appropriate. It does no good to go full 1488 when she's 3. She's not able to grasp the concepts. But you can boil down the information into very simple bits and pieces that you instill in her as time and situations present themselves.

Things that didnt happen for $200 Alex

My nigga you live in a country where it's illegal to teach your own children?

No u

they look mixed
are they also product of plastic surgery lmao

well treat her like a human, not white people

t. cuck

Girls get disowned by their families here for this behavior.


I have been feeling more and more like pic related, cause I have been accepting the melancholy that has been ebbing and flowing around me all my life. In hindsight I see it, all over my life, banging on the door to my soul. I have been afraid it was "depression" all my life, but now I see it was really an agent of Christ. It wasn't until I started pic related for my masturbation that I felt I could accept it into my life. The pain of self discipline has opened the door to the joy of self discipline and the pain of self gratification. pain is pleasure, punishment is reward, to be free is to be a slave unto oneself to be a slave to Christ is to be free of ones own desires.
P.S. I doubt I will ever give up weed but every other month or so I do take my leave of it.

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You fucked up when you decided the mother would be an asian chick OP.

If you have a daughter you should send her to art school to get

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>How to raise a daughter
You can start by breeding with your own race

Kek and based, what did she answer?

have sex

Have sex with her.

dickless sexpat ending his white bloodline lmao

Dont raise children in the West. Go to Asia.


Public schools are child abuse. Have you seen them? I'm surprised school shootings don't happen more often in them.
Homeschooling is measured to be more successful than public schools. Children that are home schooled are also far more happy.
Now stop being a pussy and show me your flag

Asian men are the most cucked.
The likely hood that you ever come within a 3 meter proximity of a female in your lifetime is unlikely, unless its your mother of course.

>Keep her away from university and school
>Be stupid goy

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You guys are asking to give the girl autism.

Absolute state of memeflaggots
Show your flags or no gives a fuck

The best solution is home-schooling but it takes a lot of time, you either need a based wife to do it or a job that let you work at home or not work too long, and it needs to be legal as wel'

Your wife would steal your child and half your income long for being a racist bigot before you can redpill your kids you stupid faggot

Also your daughter will likely just want to fuck niggers anyway just because you told them not to because women are fucked up like that