An 11-year-old boy in North Carolina struck an intruder in the back of the head with a machete to foil a home invasion on Friday, according to reports.
The boy, who was home alone, answered a knock on the front door and saw a woman standing there. Simultaneously, a man broke into the home through a window and used the homeowner's pellet gun to force the child into a bedroom closet.
The boy escaped the closet and grabbed a machete, using it to strike the man in the head.
He reportedly kicked the child in the stomach but the boy did not give up, swinging again at him but missing. The man again kicked the boy, and began to grab several items, including a television and a PlayStation, but fled the home without the electronics when he realized he was bleeding, according to a news release from the Orange County Sherriff's Office.
ahh, the ol niggress knocks on your door while the chimp gets in through the side window and tyrone is waiting down the road with the car on. a classic nigger tier robbery. Based Machete.
Jeremiah White
Never answer the door for niggers. Especially if it's a female or young nigger asking for help in any fashion. Unless you like smash and grab home invasions.
Dominic Howard
It will be out knock-out game
Juan Bennett
>leaving out the best part The thug's name was Jataveon Dashawn Hall. kek Based white baseball playing kid.
Ian Howard
>Jataveon Future Doctor Here.
Ryan Parker
I don't open my door for anyone no matter the race or gender. Usually its some tweaker with a clipboard claiming to be from PG&E or a nigger asking to use the bathroom.
Aaron Reed
What an ugly, vile monkey nigger creature. As always, soulless dead eyes, because all niggers are pure evil.