Has online dating ruined relationships for the west? Is this is why marriage rates are declining and divorces are climbing?
Has online dating ruined relationships for the west...
was in decline prior, maybe accelerated it a bit, but no it is not the cause
It gave women the ability to actually fully conceptualize the reality that no matter how disgusting they are, men will still treat them like princesses. Women have always known this, but now they have the ability to actually sit down and look at a list of men who have no standards. It's a symptom of why relationships are failing but I think there are a medley of things destroying western relationships.
Also gives obese women to date men who should be completely out of their league.
Yes. Not the only problem, but yes
It's part of the problem. Internet dating in itself isn't a bad, and in concept like-minded people being able to find each other easily to form relationships is a good idea. But it like most things, it got hijacked by degenerates looking for short term pleasure without regard for long term consequences. The reality of the situation is that women who have been tricked by the media into thinking that getting every hole filled on the daily by strangers is "empowering" can browse through a catalog of men like they're shopping and pick whoever they want without even having to get up off their couch, and get a dildo attached to a man at their door within the hour with exactly zero effort.
This creates an environment where people don't form bonds, and as a result society will continue to degenerate into hordes of simple minded zombie brained retards whose only goal in life is to find that next dopamine hit.
there's nothing wrong with fun casual sex lol
This. Fucking incels haha.
Marriage rates are declining because of...
> coal burning... women who have burned the coal and have a niglet are undesireable.
> women wait too long and fuck too many guys. No one wants to ring a 35 year old roasty,.
> Asian hoes. Most metropolitan white males rather marry a gookess half their age than a white woman.
> Queers. Easier to be a free and open queer.
> single moms. Women let a douche creampie them and skip town. No need to marry to have a kid.
> gay marriage... marriage is gay.
> legal system... giving a woman a license to fuck you in court. Stay single,live together. Breaking up is easier.
> Males are replaced by government check, policemen, etc
> Strong independent women (tm) can fuck whoever they want and get paid for illigitimate babies
> Jews being jews, they see a sore in society and capitalize on it.
> OMG, ban the symptom
It's like the west WANTS to be infiltrated by jewish parasites. No government, no redistribution, no red tape and the ability to deny service to whoever the fuck you want is the only long term cure.
Pure, undiluted freedom.
This memeflaggot got it. Mostly.
You mean get pumped and dumped once in a while giving them a false sense of superiority that they don't have to settle for someone in their league. Which they don't have to, but they end up alone in their late 30s.
Except for the "tricked" part. Women react to incentives, make stupid short term decisions and need to own said decisions.
Blaming whoever serves no purpose as long as the incentives are there. Let single mothers starve (or work, or beg) and soon droves of thots will rush to find stable husbands.
The incentive is self-confidence, and they have indeed been tricked by being told that their confidence can be found by being thots.
>Has online dating ruined relationships for the west? Is this is why marriage rates are declining and divorces are climbing?
the biggest reason is feminism
no the lack of a proper war culling the undesirable men has
You are wrong, actually.
In long-term, people used to having casual-sex, both men and women, to not being to attach to a partner.
That attachment is the core of a healthy family. It is what makes you stay together through hard times. And is what bonds a family together.
People who engage in casual sex that much will eventually get bored or stressed and bail, leaving children to be raised by a single parent, which leads to emotional trauma, poverty and often abuse(given that the parent who destroys his/her family for her own fun and pleasure doesn't really give a rats ass about their children needs) and chain reaction that day to day destroys our society.
Have sex incel
People fucking before marriage.
That too, but they continue to get laid even in their 30s.
It won't. They won't settle down at all because their egos are so self inflated from years of getting dicked down weekly on Tinder.
WW2 culled all the decent German men. Look at Germany now.
It's the furry capital of the world.