You got to be fucking kidding me

You got to be fucking kidding me......

To even think about putting this cotton picking nigger on our $20 dollar bill is sick!!

Put JFK, Teddy Roosevelt, Harry Truman would be better.

I pick JFK!!!

What are your thoughts you bag of fags

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>Not wanting to use niggers as literal currency again

Absolutely based, we should encourage this. Imagine the racist defacing that would take place.

Who gives a shit about jew bucks

I didn't even think about that.....

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This is \pol/. We want to use blacks as currency again!

At least that design is tolerable.

When it was announced, they intentionally made a mock-up using the ugliest and most apeish depiction of Tubman that they could find just to make whites cringe even harder. Jackson shouldn't be on money from the Fed either, because that's insulting his legacy.

Teddy Roosevelt would be a fantastic replacement.

literally this

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Is that ant jemimia?

And they chose the best president too, Andrew Jackson

>the left
>they put a gun totting Republican on it

Here's the original they presented with the announcement, for context.

Attached: tubman.jpg (569x398, 82K)



Maya Angelou.

They are afraid of people making slave jokes when buying nigger food with their Tubman's.

They're trying to crash the dollar, it's going to work. The usd will be worth nothing after this.

Me goin' buy somes good foods tonite!

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Hey I thought we lived in the US not the Congo

Put her on the 12 dollar bill

We gotta think of something to call this new money. No longer Jacksons, how about bitch bucks? Bitch bills? Tyrone treasures. Coal cash.

cotton cash1

Kek. Ask for change for a hundred, get five $12 notes in return.

They want to get rid of Andrew Jackson because he killed the bank. Tubman freed a million slaves from the democrat party. She deserves a commemorative stamp:’

Planet Of The Apes $20 Bill !!

Attached: apes4.jpg (300x168, 8K)


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Harriett Tubman did more for America than Grant and Lincoln combined.

They should put her pic on singles so they can be tossed around in rap videos.

>not having a pocketful of tub dub
The timelines are splitting again.

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Can't we put her on the 100 trillion dollar bill?