How the fuck is soda legal? Its a fucking disease on society. It sickens our children and turns our women into pigs. Men need to grow a pair and ban soda from their homes.

Attached: coke.jpg (254x329, 14K)

Attached: waterboy2jpg.png (660x355, 467K)

>Turns your teeth fucking yellow too
>doesn't even quench due to the excess sugar
f>ilthy kike drink to pacify the west.

Take the waterpill Jow Forums water is healthy as fuck and delicious

Attached: 22f.png (800x800, 649K)

A Coke with 3 grams of pure sugar would taste the same or sweeter as a standard Coke with 40 grams of fake-sugary-bullshit.

It should be banned.

I actually want to contact the UN and file a complaint

Attached: united-nations.jpg (870x489, 123K)

I survive on soda. Imagine drinking the waterjew lmfao!

Products with excessive amounts of refined sugar or high fructose poison syrup need to be restricted to people age 18 and above, like cigarettes and alcohol. Refined sugar is 8x more addictive than cocaine, and is related to many life threatening diseases, including cancer, obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Some applejuices have even more sugar than cola

Enjoy your future kidney stones.

They need to be controlled substances as well, any product with a toxic level of refined sugar needs to be.