What excuse will Jow Forums have for hating blacks when genetic modificiation 1000 years in the future will make them...

What excuse will Jow Forums have for hating blacks when genetic modificiation 1000 years in the future will make them all just as smart and civilised as white?

Attached: Nigger Quote Crime Statistics.jpg (750x727, 60K)

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Jow Forums will always find a group to hate and to blame, as they need a group to blame for what are really their own personal failures and shortcomings

>genetic modification
>blacks still exist

Pick one, faggot

I'll stop in 1000 years then. But if they're genetically modified to act white, they're not negroes, are they?

I am fairly certain Jow Forums won't last that long

>There will still be anyone but whites on this planet in 1000 years.

Who creates this kind of troll shit? HAS to be the shitbag jannies. Has to be.

>WE can breed a white girl with black skin.

If niggers were smart and civilized no one would hate them. Im also pretty sure any genetic modifications that made them not act like niggers would probably flush all melanin from their bodies.

Weak bait

None, but no one is hated for skin color here. It's all about character content.

let this be true, god willing.

Jow Forums's form may change but there will always be people like us who find a way to communicate

Attached: Deus Vult Knight Defends Lady From Niggers.jpg (1920x1200, 1.18M)

>implying blacks would exist

about the same a dead man will have against the bullet that passed through his skull despite a bulletproof helmet being announced in production

Make out, your stats and racism vanish when in the presence of a cute negress

Attached: C6CE19BD-E7D6-4B26-9396-E5F26D52554E.jpg (640x640, 81K)

>genetic modificiation 1000 years in the future
why wait so long?
Sperm is the greatest genetic engineer there is. And we got plenty of that now. Most of it is thrown away.

>1000 years in the future
The Chinese are going to exterminate the apes and mullatos they can't be shamed and are determined to take ocer

I am from the year 2525 and I can tell you blacks never go away. Although the work of bill in 21 century almost worked. The space jews are the ones that should really scare you. They are coming and you will wet your pants when they arrive.

Attached: bill-gates-children.jpg (300x240, 20K)

So we are going to edit ALL ethnic characteristics of blacks so they become white and still pretend it's not black genocide? Or will we leave the melanin causing genes so they look like Europeans with black skin? Or we only edit genes that mostly effect behaviour to European behaviour?

Delet this

not being purple master race ur a shortsighted biggot op back to tik tok u go


nothing but you know that wont happen because all the uncivilized nigger will be dead or mixed into some new race. the normal ones will only be alive because of whites and their culture growing on them

but Jow Forums hates asians dispite them being very civilised and polite to whites

Attached: Asian Phone Filter Eating Food.webm (720x1280, 2.99M)

CRISPR will cause all shitskins to go extinct, and they will replace themselves voluntarily, because they will use CRISPR to make their babies white.

No more racism, because no more shitskins.

>1000 years in the future blacks will be equel to todays whites

You just awnsered your own question

Because they'll need gene modification to be smart, but we won't.

Quote std statistics from the CDC. Hard to make herpes vanish. 25% of sheboons have herpes, only 7% are aware.

Who is pol? Are you talking about this american guy Paul living in Texas? I havent heard about him for years! Tell me how is he?

Three generations is my best estimate for extinction of all shitskins, only because it will take time for development and dispersal of CRISPR.

This is how:
Whites and Chinese will push this forward, selecting genes for intelligence from all races (specifically whites and Chinese). Hair color and eye color variations will be first. You will see many Asians with blue and green eyes. A series of global medical outreach programs will establish basic health care for those in poor regions, and designer babies will be produced en masse. These designer babies will have darker skin but not as dark due to familial prejudices. They will appear tanned with light eyes. A sort of blending of designer peoples. And these people, with technological augmentation, will be the colonizers of other worlds.

Why modify a tumor in the future when you can CRISPR them in the present?

Crispr only allows you to get rid of certain genes, such as in heriting certain diseases. If youre pure african than therefore you dont have the gene for say red hair or green eyes. Therefore you children cant have those traits

If genetic modification has progressed to manipulating intelligence levels, changes to phenotypical traits like skin color, nose/lip size and hair texture would also have been discovered. Blacks would literally be modified out of existence.

I’ve never seen Jow Forums hate East Asians. Dislike the lack of empathy, conscience, and guilt, but not want them fundamentally changed.

>Blacks would literally be modified out of existence
The user has a point. There is zero need for them if we can select for white looks, black dicks, and asian brains, all into the white package. They serve no purpose, but to serve.

Okay there rabbi, time for the chamber

We’ll all use it. The people in our future (“Pleiadians”, “Nordics”) will look basically like some of us already do, but [primarily neurologically] will be far in advance.

Despite your digits, you are ignorant of the actual actions of insectoids in their native habitat. The Han are the proof that hominid species can be domesticated through thousands of years of being raped by invaders, leaving only compliant slaves to survive the savage oppression and breed.

I hate both Asians and Niggers when in the West. Satisfied?

Right. Full-blown genetic engineering.

For reference

Attached: fig53.jpg (960x454, 122K)

With genetic modification nobody will have to be black

>race is only skin deep
Weird how the narrative went from that to this:
>when genetic modificiation 1000 years in the future will make them all just as smart and civilised as white?
Without any apologizes to the racists for being right.

Do I really need to point out the irony in this lol

I can imagine in the far future turning someone black as a punishment for crimes would be the norm.

They'll also have to edit out the genes that promote savagery. Something like 500 genes separate H. sapiens sapiens from the hybrids of H. erectus and H. habilis Africans are.

They'll just make their kids white, because that's all we'll teach them to do with their home CRISPR kits.

>mainland china
Your average chink is on the same level as niggers.

Attached: made in china 1.webm (1280x720, 2.4M)

WTF do you think CRISPR is? It's the ability to add and remove genes. CRISPR isn't limited in scope.

Don't call them Han. They are not the same people, it's the same as calling niggers Britt or German.


Attached: made in china 2.webm (642x360, 604K)

Maybe CRISPR technology will finally be able allow us dumb goyim to possess Ashkenazi levels of intelligence?

Attached: joos.jpg (339x499, 30K)


Attached: made in china 3.webm (400x224, 1.53M)

Making out with a sheboon wouldnt hurt

Big brains, large dicks, dense muscle fibers. Then, the big brains will lead to a reduction in genital size in some populations, because it will not serve much of a purpose.
There will be Afrocentric movements that attempt to conserve blackness, but these will die out in all ways except for skin tone, since their children will reject their ideology in order to give their offspring the popular advantages. Those who reject genetic enhancement could receive implants that store an expanded consciousness in the cloud. Soon, “race” will truly be skin-deep, except for the pockets of populations with unique traits (e.g., many generations of neurological enhancements to the point where they appear noticeably different from other populations). Mer-people, too.

That's what they call themselves today, just like Pakis in the UK, or Somalis in Minnesota call themselves Brits or Americans.

You're not wrong. It's just that I'm using their terms so that they cannot avoid the argument.

Jow Forums still existing in 1000 years lol

Or maybe CRISPR will finally give us a virus to wipe out every non-white in white countries.

When in the West.

You ignore that the IQ tests were very poorly done, and propagandized ad nauseum.

There are more Nobel winners from America alone than there are Jews in the world.

>reduction in genital size
Not if it is edited.

“White” with dark skin, though. And they’ll still be amazing dancers. They’ll all be the one cute high-achieving black kid you see in an otherwise affluent white school.

Why bother attacking enemies that are going to destroy themselves? Don't waste your time. They want to be white, and they will make their kids white as soon as they have the chance.

Problem solved. All we have to do is ignore them until they go away.

>dark skin
Not many people like this. It will be edited out eventually. Sun tan is one thing, dark skin is another.

>genetically modify blacks to become smart and civilized
100% of babies are now white

Across all studies it's been shown that whites are the most attractive. Shitskins will become extinct, because ashy = ugly.

Explain how crispr will be used to create an ethnic bioweapon? Will we just edit our genes so much that they bear no similarity to non-whites? Anyhow, it won't be the Jow Forumsacks in control but the usual tribe so don't get to excited goyim.

You fucking retard, you cant add genes to your own genome. It analyses the genome of your potential offspring and from there you can eliminate bad genes. You cannot add genetic material

>genetic modificiation 1000 years in the future
Who will be doing this genetic modification?
Western Civilization will collapse under the weight of the negro in fifty years.
Chinese civilization isn't going to devote energy to uplifting apes.

well the difference is nigger, with genetic modification niggers will turn into white people because you would still be ugly as fuck

If they're going to be genetically modified to be as smart and covilized as whites, then they wouldn't be niggers, would they?

Based even though I hate tranny and niggers we have to be honest here

>1000 years in the future
this is the opposite of wewuzzing

China wins Best Special Effects Outside a Movie for the 50th year in a row

This, if they are theoretically going to be identical to whites (entirely possible with future tech) then the more the merrier, we will of course have to edit out any forms of regressive traits even in whites.

why are chines accidents always like a monty python sketch?

I’d rather have Japanese and Korean genes be the dominant donor pools instead of Chinese, but there are so many Chinese and they are pursuing this line of research aggressively.
Look up Hsu’s work: m.youtube.com/watch?v=ibZrprVnLj0
Chinese companies are collecting the genes of high achievers from around the world. The Chinese will also begin displaying more empathy and conscience, as these are advantages and integral to creativity.

>That pick
It would be more funny if the knight is protecting a pillow and the princess has a 'rapefugees welcome' sing

Jew IQ scores are about as reliable as Chinese IQ scores

cringe and bluepilled anglo nigger poster
op = faggot + nigger x kike

I’m saying that after it has been edited to develop larger genitalia, people will voluntarily select smaller. We’re talking hundreds and perhaps thousands of years; and not all colonies will pursue the same genes.

At that point, we won’t. In fact, I look forward to the day that niggers will be cured of their animalistic natures.

Attached: 9FBC771B-E120-4B1D-8984-ADE843A27D4F.jpg (828x1028, 811K)

Wrong, you can both add and remove genetic material with CRISPR.

Darker than white, lighter than black African. Light eyes, tall. Obvious things.

>implying we would not select for further hedonism and carnal pleasures
Come on, this is humanity we are talking about.

The fuck you can't. That's exactly what CRISPR does. You use SNPs to delete and insert genes.

Even niggers want their kids to succeed, at least the best of them. They will edit their own germlines to eliminate subhuman traits.

The future is white.

To continue, the best approach is to catalogue as many genes as possible.
To paraphrase the Georgia Guidestones, we ought to promote fitness and diversity.

Many will, some won’t.

This is a good thing. They will end the existence of non-whites in the process.

Theoretically speaking they could just edit, their intelligence and not their skin colour.

>Even niggers want their kids to succeed
No they dont, niggers are not human they dont give a shit about their kids they see their kids being successful a way to parasite from them.

>Tyrone you gone be a ball player so I can live off yo money you stupid ass mothafucka

>people will voluntarily select smaller
the big dick=stupid animal meme came from the greeks, because some animals had big dicks, but if we can edit genes then literally nobody would care, if it wasn't something like you can only have one of the modifications, so if there are no drawbacks, then why not have a big dick?

Modify their skin hair and eyes then too???
What the fuck you just admitted to the racism by implying they need to be modified

I don't even care about minor aesthetics. Inevitably the future will be H. sapiens capable of civilization through merit.

More than this I do not ask.

Why the fuck would anyone choose for their baby to look like an ape? Everyone will just look like European-esque kpop idols.

Don’t be too proud about it, we’re simply doing what nature had done until recently.
And for anyone reading: cold climates are harsh and require low time preference to realize the necessity of planning and storing food, and this ability to plan led to stronger mate selection and thus traits like light eyes and hair were sexually selected.

Niggers are ugly, and they will want their kids to be beautiful.