Ok guys i am desided to learn more about religion, a thing who will unite us all again.
I grew up in an atheistic country. Bastards communists have taken over Orthodox, so I would like to go to a Catholic or another church. Today went to the Catholic Church in Moscow. When approached from there poured out a horde of niggers, lol.
I visited the Armenian worship or as it is called. no one spoke to me. What should I do next?
Besides me there were no white people for an hour and a half lol
I am op of white ethnostate thread. I will smoothly move and study in this direction.
Ok guys i am desided to learn more about religion, a thing who will unite us all again
Is it nolrmal if I convert to Catholicism? I am an Orthodox baptized, I have never been to church until today in adult life
Seriously, I'm considering going to the Russian Orthodox Church 20 miles from here.
Because the Priest is a negro and the parish is all illegal aliens.
The (((communist))) took over the Catholic church.
How do you feel about this? Is ethnostate determined to need religion right?
I expected such questions. I know a couple of Orthodox priests, they are thieves and sinners, I don’t want to have anything in common with such people, perhaps i will forced myself. We need to decide which religion will unite us.
If you want to be a Christian and you have this type of attitude towards non-white Christians...I think you missed the point of being a Chrisitan.
It is all about love for your brothers and sister, even more so when it comes to your enemy.
After I figure out for myself in religion, I will try to learn the laws of the Third Reich and get ready. I do not know what will come of it.
Bump for you
Well, well, I do not want to burn all the blacks, I want us to live separately. As well as Hitler by the way.
I even have respect for blacks who want to live and work separately and not be parasites.
That is not what Jesus suffered for. He died for all sins, yours and mine. You must open your home and heart to anybody who accepts Jesus as the Messiah.
Only God can decide your fate and mine, he is the judge, not you.
Stop the hate in your heart if you want to be a Christian. Use the strength of your fellow man and trust in His plan.
In general, I liked it there, in the yard I saw a decent white girl without degeneration
Again, you cannot judge who is a parasite, who is wrong or right.
This ideological conflict you have came because every denomination decided who was right and who was wrong, but they don't have a right to do this.
I will do exactly that, even once we call niggers to the Olympiad
Brother, it is not for you to cast judgment on people.
Live your own life in a righteous way, stop trying to decide what other people are, this is blasphemy.
God literally segregated all peoples. Just because he said to be kind to one another does not mean to aspire to be mutherfucking Brazil. In fact Jesus himself said that preserving your people and culture is very important. Tower of Babel etc. So sick of idiots taking the bible out of context you just sound like a fucking retard.
I do not decide the fate of other people, lol. I'm trying to solve ours. The righteous path is just what I want to live without degeneration and corruption. And the multiculturalism leads precisely to this.
>tired of people fucking taking the bible wrong, fucking retards
Judge much?
Who are you to cast the first stone?
So all you need to do is worry about your actions, nothing more.
When you feel that your soul is one with God then you can spread the message of Jesus.
That is your only mission. If you do right by God and follow the teachings of Jesus, He will provide you with everything you need.
My mission is an ethnostate, I am sure that this is very suitable for religion, because it leads to the righteous path for the whole society. Do not try to convince me, it is useless
Give me a pill about religion in Reich if anyone knows this.
I think you should start your own religion
>Non white
Pick one.
What's bothering you? Religion is really needed for the brain, it helps.
>Being Christian means genocide your own people in favor of Moslems.
Really? Get outta here!
>Christianity originated in the middle east, is non-white
Did you miss bible class when you were a kid?
I believe that in our traditions - Christianity. Is not for you to decide as you yourself said.
How did you jump to that conclusion?
Give me usefull advices please
I felt not comfortable, although I liked this place
listen pal stop that please
'Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.'
Just my opinion...I think you should start your own branch of Christianity.
The First Church of The Russian Jesus Loving Bear.
I am not even Christian, I am Shinto
>I am not even Christian, I am Shinto
ofc you not, this is easily seeing from the beggining. Maybe even kike. This is not about russian. all white civilization in grim, and we will be a minority.
What is the relationship between Mormons and Catholics? Will I be a Mormon if I have to come from the Catholic Church? What is Mormonism in general? What are their requirements?
ayy lmao
It seems to me that religion is needed primarily as a tradition. And a unifying start for all white people. THEN it is Catholicism
This thread is clearly not as popular as yesterday's thread.
I am Jap-Brazilian.
I seem to know more about the bible than every single LARP Christian in this thread.
Jesus was a simply dude, he would not shoot people or murder others. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
WTF are you talking about?
This is we who are dying of, with the vile permission of immoral people who are naturally Satanists and do not like Christ. I do not know much about the Bible, and I’m unlikely to know much. But god is in my heart.
You know what, Russian bro, this is your thread. I will exit this discussion by simply saying: good luck. I was not here to hijack or spam your thread but it seems to me that i am irritating you and that is not a good directions for you.
If God is in your heart, you are in the right path.
I wish you the best.
Thank you japbro.
You have gone through less degradation, but you still catch up with us, so do not say goodbye for a long time
Ok, I will study on my own