Major Chinese Happening

This is a serious post based off of reports I have heard not only from my clients, but from other international business lawyers. Something serious has occurred either politically in China, or through something in the economy, but systematically western businessman are having their passports revoked and are being arrested by the Chinese government. My client in Guangdong not responded to any of my communications in 48 hours, which comes after him being told that his passport was going to be revoked by the company “Sinosure.” They are holding many westerners hostage. This will be a story in the news very soon.

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I hope those traitors get hung but I know the west is just going to cuck to them somehow.

Chinks aren’t human, news at 11

why would anyone go to (((china)))

Lel sure thing bucko.

Is it happening? Is China finally going down for real this time?

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If I could legally publish the emails I have, I would. All I can say is that what is going on is extremely irregular.

are they stopping westerners, or just (((them)))?

You're literally being taken over by China so I can understand your denial. But fear not, us bearded Americans will save you from communism.

>literal communist country
>what could go wrong
Play stoopid games win stoopid prizes

So what does this mean?

Thank you.

Hey there's nothing i want more than ww3. I've just been burned too many times.

Honestly, there is a chance that it means absolutely nothing, but I don’t know what it means.

velly intellesting - have to see how this pans out following the way they initially seemed to buckle to the Trump ultimatum to scale back the predatory mercantilist economic model then presumably after some sort of internal power struggle immediately back-tracked

>western businessman are having their passports revoked

Don't know if larp.

China can't revoke a US passport. I'd like to believe an international law lawyer would know the difference between a passport and visa.

Even thought the jews fear the Samurai the chinks are even scarier since they eat rats

They are “seizing” the passports, if that fits your terminology better.

WW3 you dumbfuck

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I’ve not heard anything fucky regarding the visas, but they are seizing the fuck out of the passports.

Seizing their passports and revoking them are very different actions so yes.

>China can't revoke a US passport

why not - they can intern a million fucking people & tell the entire global "community" to GTFO. They can pretty much do what they want & will increasingly do so as the US continues its civilisational nose-dive into becoming Mexico with nukes

Might have found an explanation, the full thing can be read in these two blog posts:

The tl;dr:

>China's economy is turning down
>Chinese companies ship bad products now
>Western buyer does not pay them back full price, because bad products
>Chinese company asks Sinosure (China’s Export and Credit Insurance Corporation) to get the money from Western company
>Western businessman gets legal letter, freaks out
>Flies to China to "sort things out"
>The Chinese can legally put exit restrictions on him
>He can't leave until he pays the money

I guess technically OP is correct, "something serious has occurred in the economy" - it's doing worse.

huh that would suck

and you gave them the port of Haifa. You can't control that which has toxoplasmosis. You fucked up.

>Internal dissent in Hong Kong, all over internet
>Trade battle with USA
>Pissed with USA over Huawei spying business
>Seize US business guy passports
>"Look it was evil CIA NSA bad guys creating internal dissent but we got them now"
>Call in army in response to the dastardly Western plot and put Hong Kong down

Got to give it to those bug people it's a great tactic

This! fuck westerners who sold out their countries and invested trillions in China.

This, I hope the PLA cracks their faggot gweilo $kulls

Going tot he country that wants to jail you for money lol, dumb cucks. Should'a used skype.

((Globalism)) must be killed before it kills us - I hope this is another of its tentacles necrotising in front of our eyes

Hopefully corporations will shy away from working with the bug people all together because of this

China arresting and purging globalist jews.

meet with manufacturers and a spot of tourism while you're there

they probably got that software they wanted to bridge their gap and now they don't need us

If they are detaining Americans en masse, that is a sure fire way to get nearly 100% of Americans to instantly stop buying Chinese products not to mention the 1000% tariffs they would certainly face just to be sure.

>can't save themselves from the left

Unlikely, because this behavior is just so foreign (no pun intended) to a Western audience that no one will even imagine it is possible.

One more day closer to the end.
Get right with Jesus blood still runs warm in your veins.

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God fucking damnit
I don't want to learn Russian or Chinese

China economy collapsing for two reasons:
Economic warfare with the U.S.
Massive subsidies of Chinese industries pushing them into debt (they are actually in more debt than the U.S., as a debt-to-GNP ratio, which is damned hard to do).

They have nationalized one bank already, and have had a major run on one of their largest banks.
Things not looking good in China. Expect force to be applied more and more to economic measures.

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>having your passport revoked by a company


fake news, China is not that stupid. The USA has invaded countries for less.

holy fuck, is china that mad about a shitty phone company?

Invading China would not be easy nor would Iran.

We need to all stop fighting and work together. Peace will be the one thing we all need.

I've been telling people for a while there are hardliners in China just waiting for flex for over a decade
Burgers are gonna get sodomized by glowing hot irons
burgerholes gonna get burnt shut basically...

They were probably traitors to their home countries so fuck em.

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If the Chinese wanted US and probably most western companies to rearrange supply lines to cut out China, this is surely the way to do it. If true, it suggests that Chinese leadership is in a total panic. Perhaps HK is the spark that sets everything off.

Funny that the US government won't issue a travel warning if that were the case. Unless they want this to happen. However, if this is indeed the case WW3 is pretty close. Make sure to prep. Don't get caught with your pants down if shit hits the fan. It's better to be a crazy prepper than to be caught in WW3 with no pants on.

Cat redpills are the hardest to swallow

Isnt there a civil war or something


I actually hope that this is a larp. God help us all if it isn't

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Then why the fuck are you so much against EU which is the only thing that can fight against them?

they probably discovered a CIA spy ring trying to recruit chink assets and have to figure out who is who now

unless some meddling kids cause some outrage online ofcourse

Hong Kong. China will come down hard on Hong Kong in the next few days. The government needs Westerners as leverage to get what they want, which is obedient people in Hong Kong.

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that is a very handsome frog

I guess Huawei daughter is worth 10 western multimillionaires

This makes sense - the Chinese government is very afraid of the power of the people.

Anyone that can should leave China now and avoid further contact with them until things are sorted out.

Lol America is going to get so fucked by Russia and China. The jewish slave empire will finally fucking die screaming.

supposedly they 6% pa growth to keep their economy and society together - that's real growth not the official stats

Sho fleg


China is Iran's largest crude oil customer, with total imports last year of approximately 29.3 million tons or about 585,400 bpd, according to customs data sourced by Reuters. That's roughly 6% of China's total oil imports.

Do you think that Xi is in trouble? He is managing neither Trump nor HK well at this point.

This is great news for traitors that sent their manufacturing to China now getting tortured.

I had not thought of it this way. Will China make our neo-liberal traitors pay for their crimes against the US?

Based and, dare I say, redpilled

Yeah, somehow the world forgot that China is a totalitarian communist country, too busy rolling democracy's I suppose.

This is Chinas response to Trump sanctions but also to recent developments in Hong Kong, basically a message to other nations, China must not look weak with Hong Kong and US or the CCP loses power

it can't be bro, communism doesn't work, and china has been working, so it isn't real communism i can tell ya that my man

post a screenshot of you logged into lexis-nexis with a time stamp, OP

>Happening in Gongdong China

Bumfuck nowhere and gongdong China

It's the Chinese province that borders on Hong Kong. Wiki reports that its GDP is about 12% of the overall Chinese GDP, as reported.

The EU doesn't have shit against Russia and China.
We import too much shit from China and if we struggle a bit too hard against Russia, all they have to do is tighten the gas faucet a bit.
The EU is a massive joke, consisting of power hungry elites who don't know what else to do with their lives other than bureaucracy.


the EU is the branch office for the ((fucks)) who are going to turn Europe into the containment vessel when Africa's demographic sewer overflows



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>I heard
>I swear its all true
>Dan Harris
Ok Pajeet

Its gonna be funny when we seize all the chink property that they bought in the USA with no refund and seize all the hidden weapon caches they have been building here that they think we don't know about.
Its gonna be funny when we seize all the chink, property that they bought in the USA with no refund and seize all the hidden weapon caches they have been building here that they think we don't know about.
Its gonna be funny when we seize all the chink property that, they bought in the USA with no refund and seize all the hidden weapon caches they have been building here that they think we don't know about.

>hidden weapon caches
kek wut, who were these caches meant for exactly ?

You could legally immigrate 50k people here without a blip on the radar my man. I'm not saying that guy is legit (doubt.) I'm just saying.

And if you think 50k uniformless people rolling in cells in a multicultural society can't do some damage..

Either way, I don't think anything of the sort would happen. It's all trade posturing. The entire point of everything between the USA and China is to get a better position on TRADE. With EACH OTHER. A war would totally ruin that.

>This is a serious post

stopped reading

I have been wondering about the Chinese "snowfall" style plan for a while now it seems obvious they're up to something.

Hopefully there is torture involved.

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>Might have found an explanation
Thats literally just the same faggot who made that shit in the OP up

(((Dan Harris))) is the Tyler Durden and his blog the zerohedge of trade lawyers.

>Chinese "snowfall" style plan
Go on....

control yer murderous thoughts user, leave them for juden

remember that game Deus Ex?
the original Deus Ex 3 was in the works before Disney hired Warren Spector.
the plot line is very similar to the world of 2020
watch this see what it says about balkanization of the USA

Just watch chinauncensored. Hong Kong is in a million person protest. The Chinese keep playing dirty games and reneging on deal and promises so we are going full cia psyop on them until they fall in line. We lost a lot of assets when that dumb bitch Hillary gave up the servers but we didn’t lose everybody. The Chinese have much note to worry about than us.

don't forget about the Iran/China happening

Tbh, them wall street niggas are no different from a jew to me.

they eat insect
they smell like stale rice

>source: my ass
oh and some article from 2016

>caught in WW3 with no pants on.

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