Trump is flexible. All he needs to do is abandon the MIGA shit and he'll win easily
question is, will he?
Trump losing he’s triggered I bet
>Surely the polls will be accurate this time
Fucking faggot kys. THREE TERMS.
Fail to address any of the campaign promises your base rallied around, surprised when they leave.
Trump will abandon America before he abandons MIGA.
Maybe he should do something for America instead for Israel or the MIC for once.
>question is, will he?
Hmm let's see
>bans bumpstocks
>cucks out on the shutdown
>gave Israel 38 billion dollars
>is currently threatening to ban suppressors
>muh based spics and nigs
>doesn't even mention whites at the state of the union address
>let's antifa run around willy nilly while anybody to the right of Stalin gets thrown in jail
>has not deported the millions of spics within America
Not only will Trump likely lose 2020 based on sheer demographics but the only way he could possibly win 2020 is if he goes literally Hitler tomorrow which his boomer Zionist ass wont ever dream to do in a million years
Remander Texas is going Blue and staying Blue just like the beautiful progressive state of California, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
Sanders will win and Drumpf is going to prison.
it's the truth, he's putting israel first
For the life of me I don’t understand how people don’t remember how wildly off the polls were due to fraudulent polling.
I keep telling everyone that TRUMP has ZERO fucking chance.
So start buying guns, mags and ammo by the metric ton NOW!!!!
Cuz Democraps are gonna outlaw all our funs in 2021!!!!
BuY NOW to prepare for CIVIL WAR!!!!!
MIGA my niggas, r-right?
polls? ok still haven't learn from last election when Hillary was up 90% and lost ok jewboy
>Trusting (((polls)))
Shoo shoo Discord tranny
kill yourself shill rat
he needs to actually do something on the immigration issue instead of tweeting about it while letting the democrats ramrod their russian conspiracy theories into politics
We have the best failures, don't we folks?
You're gonna see people buy guns by the truckload once whatever dem wins 2020. America is going to explode in 2020 once the leftist commies start punishing everybody that's not with them. I'm talking another AWB where we get Australia tier gun laws and the constitution is effectively torn into pieces. You think the commies are rabid now? Wait until they get back into positions of power. All Trump is doing is delaying the inevitable instead of fixing the problem. We're gonna have to fix things ourselves in minecraft once 2020 gets here.
Trump's not gonna do shit. He's had about 3 years now to do something and all he did was start the shutdown after he lost the house and cucked out after 2 months. You remember why he cucked out on the shutdown?
>muh government workers weren't getting paid!!!!!!
You dumb fucking boomer that was the whole point. You just twist their arms until they give you what you want. Trump is either beyond retarded or he simply is a ZOG agent sent to distract America. Invited for him in 2016 but I'm simply refusing to vote in 2020. I cant be bothered with any candidate. I'm simply voting for the chaos candidate that will collapse America as quickly as possible
from the same people saying hillary had a 90%+ chance of winning? fuck off niggers
>shills against the Iraq war and foreign interventions throughout the campaign trail.
>literally hires the guy that got is into iraq and wnats to fuck up iran.
i dont care how much trump triggers fat college kids, if u fall in line for him; Ur a fucking zoomer or have brain damage.
>voting for israel
>Trump wins
>Liberals commit mass suicide
I win
>Bernie wins
>I get free shit
I win
It's a Win-Win for me, so I truly couldn't give a fuck.
What exactly does Trump's victory in 2020 even guarantee us at this point? Le triggured bugmen? EBIN MEMES? Another 38 billion for Israel? Anything of real, tangible value?
So what?
bernie isnt going to win the nomination because the dnc primaries are rigged.
It's over.
who are you going to vote for?
Even alex jones said it was a mistake to support trmp. The fucker abandoned him when he got displatformed...
Based on my lurking, not even pol supports him anymore..
his biggest donors were psychotic jews like sheldon adelson. plesing them is his priority, not us.
>I get free shit
I wouldn't hold my breath on that
a war in iran.
Trump honestly shouldn't even run. The resulting loss and blow to his ego will be far too much to bear for him.
his admin wont be as obstructed by the mueller investigation and he'll have a mandate from the people which democrats would have to violate to prevent his agenda.
trump doesn't care, his only goal was to destroy obama's legacy, and suck as much jew cock as possible, so that when he gets back to new york he's is good graces with jewish business people.
it'll be quite humorous. this is the only WWE story line worth a shit.
What other talking points did they program you with? That one has become boring.
>not Civil War II
Spot on.
>be president of America
>do nothing to improve the life of the average American or the people that voted for you
>Talk about Israel and how great they are with their border wall and universal healthcare despite giving neither of these to America
>Muh Saudis
Fucking hell
I won't be voting for him again.
I don't care if the alternatives are worse.
I'm done propping up a broken system.
Trump is a kike-loving traitor.
Hasn't built a centimeter of his promised border wall and has failed to deliver on most of his core campaign promises.
His Jewish son-in-law recently said that "immigration restrictionists" were a fringe minority of Trump's base and that those calling for stricter control of the border played no significant role in his victory.
Anyone that votes for him a second time is a cuckold by definition.
Fuck him. He's not worth the effort of driving to the polls.
He gave Israel more money than he gave his own border agents
>his admin wont be as obstructed by the mueller investigation and he'll have a mandate from the people which democrats would have to violate to prevent his agenda.
but you were paying attention while that was happening and know why right?
Because you're a nigger.
Fox predicted that Hillary would beat Trump
>Polls confirm: Trump has no chance!
They had Bernie winning against Trump by something like 15 points during 2016 primary season. Polls this far out mean nothing anyway.
So who are you going to vote for?
We do support him, Jow Forums is compromised
Quiet share blue cuck
Now he's saying he wants more immigration than ever and he's serious about it. Because fuck people with real jobs, we need to keep their wages low for businesses!
Pic related, kike-ass nigger:
You can stop telegraphing how eternally assblasted you are any time and start making arguments.
This isnt a fox poll
>a shitskin whose dad is muslim's heart
what if he presses the button on the day he lost?
The the only man I will vote for is Jeb
My argument is that Trump is a backstabbing fucking bastard who never had any interest in doing anything but breaking off as big of a piece of the pie as he could for Jews and Israel. You have no response except asking who I'm voting for. Get fucked.
So a democrat. Congrats.
cant believe people put hope in any poll these days
the salt is going to be epic
being a trump supporter means losing every day, pretty much the exact opposite of what he promised
IF sanders gets the nomination, his absolute ass blasting will result in the socialist progressive agenda being ridiculed for decades, i almost think democrats may nominate him jus tso after he gets disassembled by trump like the cuck he is the democrats can change the party rules and ban his and oacasios ass for good.
Iv never been polled, but if i was id lie right to the pollsters fucking face just to make them look like more of an asshole then i already think they are.
my response is the bill for the 38 billion hasnt been signed and trump hasn't actually committed any real military forces to the ME. You keep flailing about how much trump is doing for israel but what has it been exactly? giving them some fake money? Moving an office to a new city? Participating in some nonsense religious ceremony?
You can't all be this stupid? When has accelerationism worked?
Once we are below 50% white there is no going back. And most of you wouldn't last a year in a civil war, which is most likely never happening since you are all too cucked.
Letting Dems win is suicide imo. No matter how pissed you are with Trump.
It's important that we not just salt mine this time. Go to their safe spaces and rub it in their mentally ill faces. It will be worthwhile.
Oh of course. Blood and soil? No thanks. Drugs and oil? Now you're talking. We desperately NEED another regime change. Once we've glassed the fucking country we can have even more BASED refugees that'll come over and work for peanuts! Imagine if our oligarchs didn't have a constant stream of slaves to exploit that'd be terrible! Our quality of life might even improve!
Great, as a Democrat never trumper this means I don’t even have to vote! Hahaha how does it feel to lose racists? Fellow democrats, let’s just relax while the Trumpets struggle hahaha love wins.
"Maybe if we make it a funny meme the facts will just go away"
Amazing, Trump will usher in American communism. Who would have known?
regardless, an actual violent retaliation wouldnt actual achieve its goals if it doesnt have the will of the people behind it. Lots of people see the problems, but feel like violent action isnt justified until all other alternatives have been exhausted.
Trump is exhausting all of those right now. We got the guy in the house. Every time he wins he proves there's a right/wrong way to handle the nation. Every time he loses he proves that the opposition are acting in bad faith and won't allow you to enact provable solutions politically.
Followed immediately by American Nazism
>this was the plan all along
Better to be ruled by the Jews of the east than by the Jews of the middle-east.
ended the korean war
Didn't he pass a bill that allowed for the early release of black criminals and rapists?
Niggers and Trannies still haven’t learned! The polls don’t exist to inform but rather convince.
The house didn't exactly support Trump. They should have been willing to pull out every dirty trick the Dems did when they were in control, but Bitch McConnell was too much of a pussy to even try it. Fucking "Never Trumpers". Not that I blame any of them in particular. Every scumbag in Washington, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and Wall Street is to blame; and there are no more political solutions left. The only solution is revolution.
That was a declaration of war on white Americans, which directly benefits Jews.
Fake news
less than 1% of convicts qualify for the program.
Holy fucking shit, kike, jump into an oven, the only reason to let niggers out of prison is to let them into a graveyard.
>concern trolling the thread.
Spoiler alert: Trump wins again. Even easier.
the zionist cia psy op failed, america is a complete failure now
How out of touch do you have to be with reality to think that in an economic boom, 3 batshit crazy democratic socialists (bernie, warren and biden) could even be close to trailing POTUS?
God damn you're stupid if you believe any of that, corky.
>Trump wins again
Ok, but do we win? That's what you should be concerned about.
Does he really have the just hair
because people didn't vote to have jews in command. wait till they realize bernie is also a jew..
>Trump will abandon America before he abandons MIGA.
nigger tier iq here folks...and a cuck to top it off.
better vote for tulsi gabbard so she can ensure white america is disarmed and niggers have plenty of welfare to subsidize their crimes right?