Africans created the wheel, without their invention would whites even exist?
Africans created the most functional Tool
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The wheel was used in africa before europe even had civilization, learn to read
Sumeria/Mesopotamia is not Africa, it is the middle east, you gaynigger
North Africa maybe. That's not Niggerland though.
no sub saharan african tribe ever discovered the wheel, it was introduced to them in the form of wagons upon which they were transported out of africa as slaves.
Africans lived there
Africa is still have africa, why would it matter what area it was created in?
Try attacking the argument instead of being a racist
Dismissed and sage
invite thw
You can't even spell
sumeria and mesopotamia are in iraq you fucking retard
Africans forgot how to make clothes though.
dude some random cuck from quora is totally a reliable source niggers are smart and without them we wouldnt even have computers n shieet
They STILL carry shit on their heads over there.
silly nignog north africa was (and still is) divided from niggerland by a giant desert
north africans were (and still are) semitic peoples who are, for all their faults, at least not niggers
This argument would be the equivalent of saying humans never invented the wheel because aliens did already.
Low IQ bait.
Who gives a shit. It's not like you black niggers are using the invention to get to work.
Guys in your opinion which website is has best disinformation propaganda?
Snopes or Quora
The ancient Sumerians were white people.
Apparently south africans used the wheel.
Wheels were in use by people living in what is now Kazakhstan more than 2 million years ago.
The actual history of human civilization is hidden from the proles for good reason.
imagine being a black person and not trying to join the ethical majority in your country, instead sitting on the internet all day subsisting on others and shouting WE WUZ
Why do websites with massive moderation and thought regulation always sway so far left
South Africans?
Found this interest.
>Perhaps you should narrow your question because Africa is a huge continent. Egyptians have used wheels for thousands of years, there are carved illustrations of pharaohs riding wheeled chariots.
>Wheels were used by people who traded with the Egyptians in accordance with their suitability. Wheels are not much use over desert terrain, so camels and pack animals were more useful in transporting goods. But in places south where the terrain was suitable, for example Ethiopia and parts of the Sudan, wheeled carts certainly existed thousands of years ago.
>It's true that wheels for transportation were not used in some parts of sub-Saharan Africa. I don't think we can attribute this to a lack of knowledge of wheels, and in any case, why would such knowledge arrive via Europeans, when wheels were being used in their own continent further north and east? Has anyone actually made the assertion that sub-Saharan Africa had no contact with Egypt or Abyssinia? That seems pretty ridiculous.
>The explanations I've heard have to do with the non-availability of draft animals for pulling carts. This was because of several reasons. Population densities were very low, and generally pastoralists and farmers belonged to different tribes. So the adoption of animals for draft work like pulling plows or carts didn't happen. Their particular mode of farming didn't require much plowing either, because it was a bush-fallow rotation where you clear bush and plant in the clearing. The roots are never cleared, and are in any case near impossible to clear even with plows. So you just plant for a few years then the roots grow back and bush reclaims the land and you move on, only to return a few years later.
I’ve heard this. Do you also see evidence that humans have done much of this before? Cycles for genetic experiments.
>Another reason was the widespread presence of the tsetse fly and trypanosomiasis, which takes a terrible toll on domesticated animals. The disease burden is always present, and while you can herd animals if you feed them well and move them seasonally to avoid the worst of the flies, if you put these animals to work pulling carts or plows the added work stress will kill them.
>It's possible that draft work was introduced several times in the past, but it didn't stick due to these problems.
>The big change brought about by Europeans was the systematic clearing of land, which removed the wild animals that were the reservoirs for the tsetse fly. Prior to the Europeans, population densities were too low and tribes too divided for any large scale land clearing. As large tracts of land were cleared, pockets were created that were relatively free of the tsetse fly, where large domesticated animals could then be used for draft work.
>Also, perhaps we should separate the use of the wheel into transport and pottery categories. While wheeled vehicles were not used in sub-Saharan Africa before colonial times, they certainly used pottery wheels.
Egyptians, or black Africans?
What use did sub-Saharan Africans have for the wheel, and what evidence is there for it? Evidence, beyond “it’s ridiculous that they wouldn’t have used it” (that isn’t evidence).
not even close
This is good and likely.
i sometimes feel bad for them being so dumb
Humanity runs in cycles. Every time we go high in our efforts, we go a little further up. But we always end up falling down again because we're never truly evolved enough to handle the advances we make.
Those in the deepest pockets of knowledge know of these cycles and know it's coming again.
Kindness is always best. Treat them kindly, like children, and everyone remains happy.
Of course. This is the first time we’ve had such massive decentralization and proliferation of technology, something we’re doing in order to avoid the inevitable calamities.
>Africans lived there
few as slaves... and 99% not in Sumeria
Niggers had native cattle resistant to trypanosomiasis.
Sumeria & Mesopotamia is in Asia Dipshit
That's about right, not much we can do.
>you cannot invent something that already exists.
But you can...It's more rare these days because of how connected we are, but 4000 years ago when Nomads lived thousands of miles away from Mesopotamia, it's possible both could have people who invited the same thing.
> Look, blue eyes!
> Ignores the big fucking Semitic honker
Ancient Egyptians are caucasians east mediterraneans:
Biological Anthropology: Caucasian Skulls not Negroids one's:
Ramesses II
Ramesses III DNA test:
Nefertiti caucasian indo-european type:
“[Akhenaten’s] endocranial volume is large (megacephalic), but nevertheless within the normal range for European skull.” (Harrison, Egypt Exploration Society; 1966)
“Yuya’s nose is prominent aquiline and high-bridged.” (Smith; 1012)
“His hair [Yuya] was thick and wavy.” (Gabriel; 2002)
“Thuya’s hair is luxuriant and the same auburn colour [as Tiye’s] the hair is naturally auburn. (El Mahdy; 2001)
“Thuya has a small aquiline nose.” (Kozloff; 2012)
Elite 12th dynasty:
You know you should probably not have your google search in the image if you’re going to deliberately troll like this.
>All nations (...) never invented the wheel
What kind of remedial 4th grade English is this?
They also invented a magical bucket that no matter how much water you fill in it the bucket is always empty. Some say its witchcraft.
This S L I D E needs to be S A G E D !
This. Imagine thinking Sumeria / Mesopotamia was niggerland, not only do brainlets like this need a geography lesson but also a history lesson.
have a sage faggot
sumeria was in the middle east
We wuz Freddie Mercury
Didn`t niggers invent rape, starvation `n sheeeeit ?
North africa maybe. Definitely not sub-saharan africa
>this accurate representation of ancient Sumerians isn't an accurate representation
Semites were once Europeans
sage this illiterate piece of a fucking shit
The idea that the ancient egyptians were 'white' is one of those ridiculous memes that literally makes no sense. Redpill: some of them were white, some of them were black. This painting was made 3500 years ago back when most europeans were still essentially stone age peoples. As you can see, not all of them are 'black' but they're not white either...
Egyptians were white is literally we wuz kangz but for white people... It's so stupid.
Can we have a moment of silence for OP, I might of just smoked the faggot.
So is no one going to point out that spoked wheels were invented in the eurasian steppe and were introduced to the Egyptians by the (((Hyksos)))?
Those are Nubians, stupid mother fucker, the only blacks in Egypt are the Nubian slaves, all Egyptians are caucasoid, stupid baboon ass.
egyptians were white
Also, the wheel was invented probably only twice. Once in the middle east, and once in America (but was used for toys and shit).. Stuff like fire was probably invented only once. This is silly. Once the wheel was invented, it was adopted by everyone that could use it.
all great civilizations were created by us whites
you non-whites are animals subsisting from our crumbs
were are GODS to you, filthy leeches
Sub Saharan Africans. You stupid fucking mong.
What a load of horseshit. This is queen kemsit. If anything it shows the reverse.
It's pretty clear that the ancient egyptians knew that different people have different skin colors, no they did not have some 18th century American racial classification system, that's just nordicist pseudohistory.
Too bad nigger europeans have created civilisations all over even in america like 10k years ago.
Pay attention faggot. The claim is that niggers think they were kings i.e. the pharaohs of egypt. They weren't. All DNA evidence shows the opposite. But niggers definitely were slaves and peasants of ancient egypt. :)
but theyre only counting the greeks and romans, thats fairly recent. the wheel is pre historic
>Learn to read
>Its a Quora entry from some nobody with terrible grammar that Google thinks should be the highlighted search result
Niggers are literally retarded
(((Who))) do you think wants, advocates, and executes thought control?
what did they create the wheel for i wonder
Actual people who have devoted their lives to this bed to differ.
For their horse drawn carriages - they had mastery and dominion over animals, especially horses. In Africa. Thousands of years ago.
fuck niggers
fuck kikes
>Egypt, located on the isthmus of Africa, is an ideal region to study historical population dynamics due to its geographic location and documented interactions with ancient civilizations in Africa, Asia and Europe. Particularly, in the first millennium BCE Egypt endured foreign domination leading to growing numbers of foreigners living within its borders possibly contributing genetically to the local population. Here we present 90 mitochondrial genomes as well as genome-wide data sets from three individuals obtained from Egyptian mummies. The samples recovered from Middle Egypt span around 1,300 years of ancient Egyptian history from the New Kingdom to the Roman Period. Our analyses reveal that ancient Egyptians shared more ancestry with Near Easterners than present-day Egyptians, who received additional sub-Saharan admixture in more recent times. This analysis establishes ancient Egyptian mummies as a genetic source to study ancient human history and offers the perspective of deciphering Egypt’s past at a genome-wide level.
>Egypt, located on the isthmus of Africa, is an ideal region to study historical population dynamics due to its geographic location and documented interactions with ancient civilizations in Africa, Asia and Europe. Particularly, in the first millennium BCE Egypt endured foreign domination leading to growing numbers of foreigners living within its borders possibly contributing genetically to the local population. Here we present 90 mitochondrial genomes as well as genome-wide data sets from three individuals obtained from Egyptian mummies. The samples recovered from Middle Egypt span around 1,300 years of ancient Egyptian history from the New Kingdom to the Roman Period. Our analyses reveal that ancient Egyptians shared more ancestry with Near Easterners than present-day Egyptians, who received additional sub-Saharan admixture in more recent times. This analysis establishes ancient Egyptian mummies as a genetic source to study ancient human history and offers the perspective of deciphering Egypt’s past at a genome-wide level.
blacks steal wheels, they dont invent them
they dont even fabricate them
You're retarded, look up
Yeah right nigger
Quora is a cancer worse than leddit
Did niggers invent rape or did they steal that too?
We are witnessing history being changed in front of our eyes and the new generation is oblivious to it.
That ancient Egypt was largely caucasian middle eastern? Yeah I know...
they stole it. the idea of rape does not exist in africa, it's basically an "i'm bigger than you and your male family members aren't around so prepare your fuckhole" kind of situation. they culturally appropriated rape from humans
Uh that Egyptian, you retarded nigger.
mesopotamia is in africa? OMG WE WUZ KANGZZZ