Found this artical that is well over a year old.
I did not archive it because it leaves the graphics out. Pit bulls really are the niggers of dog world.
Found this artical that is well over a year old.
I did not archive it because it leaves the graphics out. Pit bulls really are the niggers of dog world.
There's nothing wrong with pitbulls that are raised correctly. They make good pets.
Wtf is "Pitbull Roulette"?
Pitbulls are like retards on bathsalts
Portuguese nigger at my job said same thing til his wife’s face got torn a bit while she was sleeping. Lol. You fucking wops must die.
I had to choke a dog once because he attacked people in a park near my old workplace. It was horrible. To this day I can't forget the noises it made. It took me 3 minutes until it stopped moving. I almost lost both my ring finger and my little finger in the struggle. I still see this shit in my dreams.
I have a pit bull. It likes to kill all animals equally. It also wants to snap at children. Honestly it's a nigger dog but it hates niggers unless raised by niggers. So it's tough. I don't fuck with it while it eats. Overall I'd go to war with it over a German shepherd. The new German sheperds are shit. Wolf dog specimens should be used for war. We're gonna need war dogs in the coming campaigns. Starting bonding now to use against hungry chineese should help us use nukes after they eat our best friends.
You know what’s strange where I live it’s always white women with pitbull dogs. Why do white women like pitbulls so much. Are they trying to virtue signals that not all pitbulls are bad monsters or something like that.
Why do you care more about a dog than the eradication of your race?
Same reason they like horses and shit I'd guess. There is Something about being able to control a giant/strong beast of burden that they are attracted to.
Good job, did you enjoy the fear in its eyes as it’s pathetic life ended?
Lol i doubt it, sounds like the pussy still has ptsd from it.
I mean, it had no issue with trying to attack and undoubtably kill folks.
The look on the fuckers face as he died must’ve been priceless.
Reep what you sow
Yeah that's how i see it. If it was his dog i could understand the pain, i have a heart, but I'd also understand that it was nevessary. But if it wasn't then fuck it
The Boder Collie is the hwite man's dog. Labs and retrievers are respectable family dogs.
how many have humans killed? or blacks?
Its what you play everyday when you own one
I have two low content wolfdogs from the same litter(first and last born) and they’re pretty amazing. The interesting thing about them is they speak to each other in specific trillish noises especially when they’re plotting to steal something or hunting voles. It’s spooky