Is there a gender war in the united states?
Is there a gender war in the united states?
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Asian(?) feminism looks a little like this:
>"Smash the white patriarchy!"
>Goes home to suck off her white patriarch.
Define "war".
As long she smashes capitalism, I don't care what else she smashes.
Probably a flip judging by the name
Asians make more money on average than white people, why do they think they're oppressed
Well if the stuff you just posted clear evidence of is what you would consider a gender war, then yes, there obviously is one.
Pretty stupid question.
Low-tier asian women with few prospects jump on the communist bandwagon and start claiming they're oppressed because they technically count as "people of color".
makes sense
"asian males"
those mail-order bride are nothing but parasite, no wonder they want """feminism"""
Huh, what is a 'gender'? Some social shit? I know only about sex here in Finland, it's called the 'familyhalf', means are you the breeder or the bred.
go play your pinko chess game with the devil, you red asshole
I wouldn't say a race war, but minorities are fully taking advantage of their minority status to be flat out blatantly racist toward whites, and social justice warriors and the leftist media fully support this.
A friend of mine was set to get a manager position, he'd spent years at his company and put in his hard work, yet they hired an external minority to fill the race quota. How is that fair?
Turn it around and people would be screaming bloody murder.
Now on to the media. The other day I was watching TV and a commercial for some shitty show starring a fat annoying bitch comes up, and a black woman says, after tasing a white male "I don't apologize to white people" HURRRRRRR SO FUN NAY AMIRIGHT?
But turn it around, if a character in a show said "I don't apologize to black people" he would be fired and crucified right fucking now.
Fuck the double standard.
>in Finland, it's called the 'familyhalf', means are you the breeder or the bred.
Gotta love Finnish practicality.
yeah, trannys keep saying they are the wrong gender
There isn’t a gender war 13% of women have convenced themselves they have it horribly wile men around the world are dying and working there asses off so they [ungratful bitches] can have their Starbucks and smart phones
you have to give it to (((them))) with in half a decade they have turned class warfare into race warfare. How does this everybody vs. white males end?
Aren't asians on the top of the progressive stack of the most entitled?
Why are asian women in the US LARPing as nigresses?
The evil imperialistc. White supremacist, capitalist patriarchy will hit back then.
Stop bothering whites.
The vast majority of women aren't feminists. Far left activists are just louder than everyone else. Women naturally want a man who takes charge.
most people arent radicals either way, the problem is the window shifts over to the left ever so slightly, so that someone who is in the middle sees this and thinks maybe white men are the cause of all the problems in the world
wait until you get a divorce
funny that Asians are also more blatantly racist than even whites, but they get a free pass because they're not, you know, white
>release Force Awakens in China
>Let's make the black guy smaller in the poster. The chinese don't like blacks
>Yvette Felarca
She definitely won't smash you if that's what you're implying, beta boi
"I are smartest potato. See? Have hammer. Smart potato."
Too bad they cant build anything, just smash and pose like the subhuman cretins they are.
its all about black penis worship
I don't find her sexually attractive in the slightest. I just want someone to smash Jeff Bezos in the mouth.
>muh dick...
Flag checks out.
just like everywhere, it's called marxism, and (((they))) are using it in the whole west