So they want to destroy Western civilization by way of emasculating men, empowering women, normalizing transgenderism...

So they want to destroy Western civilization by way of emasculating men, empowering women, normalizing transgenderism, promoting race mixing and open borders. I don't doubt for a second that this is all true, but why? What do they stand to gain from it?

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Other urls found in this thread: - The Last Battle - Part 9.mp4

pls respond

Jews have this religion where they get to eat and rape people. So they plan to kill off 5 or so billion people and then they can each have a bunch of slaves. Its all about Jews having slaves and ruling over mix raced people who have no allegiance to anything or anyone.

The new Jerusalem.

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>What do they stand to gain from it?
And it's a stupid plan with a host of problems I don't intend to type out here. Needless to say it results in the end of the Jewish race too.
But they're too inbred stupid to realize it.

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A sacrifice to our god. He black cube of Satan also know as karl marc

>The greatest danger for a minority group strategy is the development of a highly cohesive, sectarian majority group that views the minority group as a negatively evaluated outgroup. In combating this potential threat, one type of strategy has been to actively promote universalist ideologies within the larger society in which the Jewish-gentile social categorization is of minimal importance. Judaism as a cohesive, ethnically based group strategy continues to exist, but in a cryptic or semi-cryptic state. The exemplar of this strategy is leftist political ideology; however psychoanalysis and even forms of Judaism that minimize phenotypic differentiation between Jews and gentiles, such as Reform Judaism, adopt a similar strategy.
-Page 209 of Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald

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Ever heard of the phrase "cutting off your nose to spite your face"

Because we can

The predictions that the jews wrote themselves say their messiah will not come until Christianity and the white race is destroyed. (among other things).

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