New Zealand

Thinking about escaping this Sino-Franco shithole for good. Is NZ less cucked than Cuckada? Removed the United Kaliphate flag for y'all. NZ isn't very white on paper, but Maori seem based and nihilisticly violent. Ocean niggers, if you will, which is probably why they get along with Anglos so well. Australia is a richer country, but it has less than 10,000 litres of renewable fresh water per person so I don't want to live there.

Los Estados Unidos Amexicanos, Eurabia, and South Apefrica need not apply. Singapore seems nice too, but I don't think I could handle living in such a hot, crowded place.

Attached: newzealandflag.jpg (3071x1535, 210K)

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its the anglosphere in general works off of a general plan i think. Stuff which happens in canada then becomes law in australia, that sort of thing. when you think of the british empire being controlled from the uk or the french empire from france you question the freedom of the world and each country's independence.

Where the hell are you from? Common Law is international, but it's really not a major thing.

Pic related is why I want to get the fuck off this continent.

Attached: 1560718275290.png (768x568, 29K)

>but Maori seem based and nihilisticly violent
Nah, there's two types of Pacific Islanders (including Maoris) that you'll find: one type are pretty friendly people, and the other type are ghetto nigger larpers. If you live in a poor area, you'll just get the nigger larpers, if you don't live in a poor area, you'll find the other types of Maoris.

>NZ less cucked than Cuckada?
They have a total gun ban and we don't. Take of that what you will, retard.

Don't come here.
>no right leaning political parties with any following
>no freedom of speech
>muslim immigration off the charts
>falling white majority demographics in all cities
>astronomical price of living
>high taxes on stupid shit
>weed about to be legal
>extremely malevolent leftist government under Ardern
>corrupt police
>no firearm ownership worth shit, don't even bother, not worth it to own a fuddstick
>maori are NOT your friends unless they're gentrified/middle class
>massive fiscal debt if you want to own property and then you would get fucked by the market anyway

Move to the US. That's what I'll be doing when I can.

Is there any place left for an educated white middle class Person to go anyways?
I feel like our countrys hate us hate us and i dont want to move to japan or korea

Guns are mostly useless unless you're a surural retard who kiss their own meat. I like to fish, not hunt.

The weed about to be legal part isn't so bad, at least we'll have a way to escape reality while our country collapses around us.

Fuck off we're full (and it sucks)

Hows the maritimes m8?

if you come here youll want to live in the south imo

Depends where you live.
Australia and NZ have various levels of cuck depending on the state or region.

Reality is NZ is moderately cucked at the moment due to the current government.

Do NOT come here if you think your going to find quality woman or liberterian types.
Very few of either, our two main cities are as retarded as Melborne australia.

Personally if I was in Canada I would just try to move out of the main cities.

East Germany or Poland.

>Move to the US. That's what I'll be doing when I can.

This is what America is really like.

Attached: baelrog groyper.webm (176x144, 2.24M)

or it'll make you hyper focus on and freak out about society's collapse

There is no one outside of the main cities anymore. They're just death's waiting rooms.

Honestly nz is a bit of a dump. Auckland is little china/big samoa. Wellington is far and cuck capital. Christchurch is rather white (changing rather rapidly). The people here are nihilistic neolibs

>Honestly nz is a bit of a dump.

Attached: nzh_hero.jpg (1280x720, 325K)

every square inch will be sold to (((foreign developers))) who will turn it into an urban shit hole

also for the kiwis ITT:
brian tamaki siding with the shooter

hmmm.... looks like there's plenty of space for high rises to shovel Muslims into

Hello fellow leaf, I haven’t looked into this a ton but last time I did the Czech Republic looked good
>95% white
>far enough west not to be a complete Slavic shithole, far enough east to not be cucked by Western Europe bullshit
>low cost of living
>gun laws rival that of US
>lax drug laws for weaker substances (weed, LSD, mushrooms)
Looked like an ancap paradise to me

not bad

Overseas house sales are down 40% you incapable tool.

Learn to search engine.


Foreigners aren't allowed to buy existing houses but they are allowed to develop new ones, which is what I said.

So is it better than Canada or not?

>They have a total gun ban
no we don't

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