What the fuck is up with Tiffany Trump?
What the fuck is up with Tiffany Trump?
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she caught the tard hard
at least Barron is handsome
Things have been off since she started dating the sandnog.
How about you go over to TMZ. Nobody on pol gives a fuck about tabloid level posts. You’re a fagot OP
>ywn fuck Tiffany
nobody seen drugs before?
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
She also fucks black guys.
She’s unironically the sexiest trump
Yeah, when I look at ivana I see barbara streaisands ugly ass
Eric looks like Dracula
looks like the one girl who did the vice report on incels
trips of truth
Her BMI.
The Trumps are honorary kikes.
Noice! That's what I call perfect body. Not those fucking skeletons from Glamour.
That is why Trump makes americans slave to send their taxes to his daughters home country at over 100 million a day.
This she is getting FAT...
Shes still pretty okay looking compared to most American women though. Shes not too, big that she isn't pretty anymore.
But she better be careful. Her fat distribution is absolutely terrible. It collects in her neck and stomach, barely her thighs.
Fetal alcohol syndrome. Many such cases. Complete loser. Sad.
Love Tif tif. Fuck the haters.
She just is not very attractive. Not horrible, she is like a 5 or a 6.
Shes hot i dont get it... she looks germanic while her brothers look italian wtf
Don Jr just hits the tanning bed. Btw fuck you kike.
she wanted real man
dating abusive manlet
pray for tiffany
bump for
Q Pi
when Drumpf diddled her, she didnt like it the same way Istanka did
Based Ted Cruz Commemorative Edition
Love u too amerimutt
gross dude
Tiff Tiff has to be wild in the sack though. She's got something to prove.
She's the only one who can fake smile. Left guy looks like he is preparing to strangle the camera man.
left is eric
right is don jr
what about don jr's piece with her mouth of sauron fangs, now that's a smile
you gay?
she's still the prettiest of the two though
can't hide those genes behind plastic forever
That little yenta tho.
She's in law school at Georgetown, which is a top tier school. You have no idea how demanding the program is. Nobody looks good in law school, male, female, white, black, yellow, red. Nobody.
t. retired attorney user
why does everyone think she's ugly? she's cute.
How apt for your "digits"
>walk in
>see this
wat do?
Trump’s dynasty makes me want to play CKII and rename my house “House Trump”. Then spread my seed across the nations of Eurasia/Africa. The whole world will become American.
Ask when the babies are due.
>the Jow Forumsacks are learning
I'm gonna fuck her and get in that family
She kinda looks like young brian peppers
Fuck, Eat, Marry, Kill
>1 post by this ID
how are jewish genes so strong?
He must have had a nose job.
The fuck did I just watch
fuck rape marry kill
Memes from 2004
Shes got a touch of crazy
Hail the Dark Lord and his digits of truth.
>the sexiest trump
That spot is already taken.
rape kill marry fuck