Anyone else get hungry during night time? Rate my food, and what are y’all eating?
Anyone else get hungry during night time? Rate my food, and what are y’all eating?
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boiled maggots wrapped in shit?
a shit, I thought that fuckery was limited to the Balkans
Nice try Mehmet
Why the homophobia?
>OP eating tree penises
Eating at night is a bad habit, though considering you live in a land of the long night, I guess it can be forgiven.
Most importantly, OP user, this topic belongs in /ck
Do you guys eat black cock in finland?
I do intermittent fasting, so I only eat between the hours of noon and 1800. I don't know what you have on your plate there, but I would be willing to try it.
This was pretty bad desu, just found some shit in the fridge and took it, the rice tastes frozen
Dolmades are unironically fucking delicious and I pity uncivilized apes that don't know this.
looks like Romanian sarmale may I have some?
7/10- good choice
isn't it amazing that's what we look like on the inside?
i do, i usually eat a cheese sandwich if i get hungry int he middle of the night
your food looks pretty turkish
Is that anything like Zongzi?
Put some ground meat there instead of fucking rice, jeez
The dumb nigger bought it out of the frozen food aisle instead of buying it from a Greek restaurant or hand-making them.
A pickle's penis?
That's Turkish sushi, aka sarma.
>everybody is asian on the inside
fuck off ayyylmao
Eat more fruit you scurvy poofter
Eat satans shit covered cock ya fairy fuggin poofta
Looks like your about to eat some fried Kakunas
Now I got some vanilla ice cream. It’s ok not my favorite choice but its all we had
>seaweed-wrapped nigger dicks
You're fucked, Finn.
Eating greek food ? at least do it properly, they look badly done
>Rice + grape leave
dude, it's missing the tomato, cabbage, eggplant, meat, onions and spices
Wait wait you motherfucker. Did you buy these canned and then just threw them in the microwaves? Ofc they are gonna taste like shit.
I think your freezer is messed up
>the rice tastes frozen
your food is freezer burned
Looks like tolma
Polystyrene is delicious
they were canned. expiry 2023 something, i didnt microwave them
Stuffed olive leaves?
I can only eat one though. Something about them just turns me off after the first one.
This guy knows what's up, intermittent fasting is the key to getting out of the "pit of despair'
Oh that's right, grape leaves.
I fucking hate you so goddamn much, OP. I hope you get raped in the asshole by a giant anthro tortoise with a hooked dick. You disgusting nigger. Fuck you. Die of aids a thousand times. If you ever breath again I will shove a fistfull of razors into your lungs, faggot.
Its fucking stuffed grape leaves you morons and they are good if done right
Found the Jew poster.
You're a braver man than me
It's not seaweed JaVale. They are grape leaves.
>took a shit on a plate and wrapped it in a leaf
majority of Jow Forums not knowing what dolmathakia is.
imagine being uncultured
>Canned dolmas
What is the point of these nasty things? Rice wrapped in a leaf soaking in slime
looks a bit like a turd in the thumbnail, hope it tastes better than it looks.
audio of me breathing
Dolmades? Delicious.
>nigger dicks
>grape leaves
whats on the inside of that seaweed?
Sir, you are going to run the food Pole out of a job.
> calling others morons
>eats leaves
Looks like a block of packaging styrofoam.
Lightly seasoned rice
10/10 healthy nutritious food for Aryans
Christ, have you been so infected by lower class American culture that you look at healthy food and see bugs?
>sees food
>immediately thinks of disgusting crass subhuman characteristics
Kike detected.
Why are you eating like a slave? Ew
Help I'm scared this man likes dick in his ass
I keep forgetting you guys can't afford food up there, eh
What kind of meat is that?
the fuck are you doing?
Keep your shit food, nigger, I'll stick to burgers
Homemade dhal and grilled chicken, with an excellent lager
(heavy breathing)
It's supposed to be cooked so long the meat starts falling off the bones
Try making them yourself next time.It's not hard, you can make a shitload of them for the price you paid for that can and they ll taste amazing. Plus you can easily keep them in the fridge and eat them later without even reheating. Only problem is it will take you a couple of hours to prepare them, especially if you ve never done it before.