Millennial Woes

So what happened to Millennial Woes? I used to enjoy his vids but he went into obscurity (despite claiming he's working on some "secret project") Did he just realized in his mid 30s that muh white race is not gonna wake up and that he essentially wasted his life away?

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Other urls found in this thread:

He noticed fringe edgy right wing politics was losing steam and bailed out to save face.

Woes made a joke about The Golden One's daughter at Scandza Forum and The Golden One broke his jaw. The Golden One has since apologized to Woes, but I think Woes is embarrassed about the whole thing so he probably won't be making videos for a while

No way, what was the joke exactly?

For real? Got any link?

I cant find any info on google, I think he's lying.

How did you know that GO beat him up in the first place?

He appears in recent videos on youtube made by another alt-right youtubers.

I hope he just save some money to make something new content

Self bump, I'll check this thread tomorrow (2 am here)

He realized he's ugly and fat and has shit teeth and a huge nose and he can't compete for the trad thot pussy. That was more than a year ago, and he hasn't been seen doing anything substantial since. Which is a shame, I liked him the best out of all the "alt right" personalities.
He has no work ethic whatsoever, it's not happening.

I'd really like to hear some actual info about all the DM leaks from kiwifarms.

Does anyone know anything about all this towards the bottom of the page?

I read through that thread the other day and I got to say, he's one degenerate motherfucker.

so he's a normal Scottish guy, then?

To be fair the person saying it is some literal who crazy bitch so it could be 100% false.

2 years ago, I tuned into that year-end show that he does with like 20 - 30 alt right / nationalist guests. There were a number of women, and guys in the chat were saying that women have no role in a nationalist political movement, especially as leaders, and Millennial Woes was banning them from the comments section. Then, I saw a Tweet or a video of him talking about women and Jacinda Ardern as leaders and how they have no place as leaders because they destroy everything. He seems to have changed his mind on women in politics.

>He realized he's ugly and fat and has shit teeth and a huge nose and he can't compete for the trad thot pussy

This is your competition, this is what any woman with a phone and an Internet connection has access to.
LEGIT AF, the dating market is so skewed in favor of women that you need to be AT LEAST 8/10 Chad to pull of a trad qt. There's no reason for the average women to give the average male the time of the day (in her prime years) when there are thousands of better options just a few swipes away.

Attached: fafhcugvm3321.png (817x768, 1.06M)

I'm just reading it now, but not finished: (1) Pizza addiction? (2) Masturbation addiction? (3) Operation needed for some diabetes problem with his liver or something? Is this why he's disappeared from YouTube? How did this guy ever end up on the nationalist Right? He seems like he'd well at home in some degenerate ANTIFA or Leftist group.

kiwi farms is literally, without irony or exageration, 80% transsexual basement dwellers, these are the retards that "laugh at lolcows" by spending their day on a glowie honeypot, posting publicly avaliable personal information like that's some amazing feat of internet wizardry

What happened to my formating??

>This is your competition, this is what any woman with a phone and an Internet connection has access to.
>LEGIT AF, the dating market is so skewed in favor of women that you need to be AT LEAST 8/10 Chad to pull of a trad qt. There's no reason for the average women to give the average male the time of the day (in her prime years) when there are thousands of better options just a few swipes away.
Social Media, the sexual revolution and making feminism the national religion of Western world has utterly ruined Western women. They are totally ruined.

How's the dating scene in Japan bro? I've read that something like 50% of +25 yo men are virgins there, is that true?

those guys seem relatively unnatractive / masculine to me, guess i'm just not a bug eyed / eating faggot

>He realized he's ugly and fat and has shit teeth and a huge nose and he can't compete for the trad thot pussy.
He's a faggot.


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Just end it if you don't look like this

Attached: JcTRoNh.png (480x800, 430K)

Attached: tIOULCi.png (1080x1920, 915K)

whoa there, le based top tier chads
incels are pathetic, some of us get dealt better cards in life, deal with it

Okay, I scrolled through the private messages. Two things, (1) Looks like a legit conversation, (2) The girl is fuckin' trash, but it doesn't mean that she's lying, but is possibly exaggerating, about Colin.

>incels are pathetic, some of us get dealt better cards in life, deal with it
You're born to be what you are. You can do a bit. Some guys just win the genetic lottery.

those guys are ugly faggots, and they're dumb fucking niggers, so yeah, it does feel good to be able to think like that in a binary sense
doesn't change anything now does it? if you're a virgin you're just unfit as a man, simple as can be

its not our parents
its not our kids
its not our grand parents

its you, you filthy KIKE

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ask yourself the real questions
nevermind the federal reserve though

that was conviniently timed

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