If there was a pill to make you not attracted to women, would you take it?
If there was a pill to make you not attracted to women, would you take it?
Do I have to turn gay or do I become asexual?
You're overcome with a spirit of lust, you should desire a woman, not lust after one killing your spirit in the process.
Pot did it for me.
Is not jewish the Daddario?She has a nice ass and tits btw.
Why? I'm already not attracted to majority of women since they're blue haired landwhales that already have been through multiple men, a likely divorce and a possible child from a previous tinder fling.
I just don't want to get hurt anymore user.
if asexual then yes, in a heartbeat
Is it temporary? Would be good for when I need to focus on other shit.
Tits are great.
those look like khazar milkers
Its that attitude that keeps you back. Only in struggle you will find happiness
first season was the only good season
I've been on a James Bond marathon, and it's chick after chick. unbelievable. imagine if someone were actually as much of a woman killer as James Bond? he fucks like 4 different 10/10s each movie.
It's called getting married..
what sort of faggot question is this?
you brainwashed liberal nazis are fucked up
It doesn't matter. I can control myself either way.
>sad tits
>no ass
is that supposed to be hot?
It already exists and it's called feminism
No, I would not take the faggotpill.
You turn so gay you star in these types of movies, for free.
Is that Daddario? Is she *gulp* even human?
how about women stop taking a pill to make them more emotionally stable and thereby more attractive?
people are disgusting
human enough for me, user.
Don't need a pill, the damage has been done
nobody is attracted to women. if they didn't have a pussy there would be a bounty on them.
Yes. Sexual attraction is an obstacle and a hindrance in my life. I'd much rather pursue my career in science and play vidya. I typically just treat females like I do anyone else, but I still unfortunately find them attractive.
No way, what kinda faggot questions is this even?
i would.
>be me
>constantly on Jow Forums
>become redpilled on everything
>intellect rises exponentially
>discover /sig/
>begin to lift
>look good
>practice nofap
>never watch porn
>literally become involved in a
tradeschool after my 2nd thread spur of the moment
>also get a job in the field (hvac) so i can take journeyman test as soon as im out...the double-dip
>got my shit together now
>zero female attention
>cant even score a tinder hookup
>still always horny
if i could take it and not lose all the masculine energy and focus i gained from nofap and simply JUST lose my attraction to the vaginal jews, i would right this second.
if i fap right now, i know EXACTLY what will happen. 3 to 4 days of having to drag ass through work, every step feeling like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. i dont want this anymore.
i can tell you from personal experience that there is
its called being an incel and it turns you gay/bi in a very short amount of time
Kek, I know what you mean. This pill is called 'dating.'
this pill is called Jow Forums you fucking newfag
I completely lost the will to even date.
> this incel-tier, virgins who blame women thread is a bunch of bullshit.
That's good advice, thanks man.
"do you know what the did to me? what I would do to all of the sons and daughters of man."
same. Women have become irreperably whorish and unattractive
t.decent looking 26yo
Kike detected. Fuck off with your sitcom humor boomer faggot you don't belong here.
More whores for me!
>tfw the word incel has been bastardized so much
Anywho the lack of any sexual attention from women will drive a man nearly insane. It only gets reduced by distractions like hobbies and work
Biologically illogical.
Pic related when you check your wife's menses tracker on her phone and she only has markers for days she had sex on days you had sex with her.
There is, it's called middle age.
>constantly on Jow Forums
I may have spotted the problem.
what a glorious piece of female anatomy.
podijeli iskustva, jesu zbilja sve i kod nas takve?
gdje ih tražiš?
21 and I never even had any woman to be a gf, and all the "dates" were just either a walk, getting some lunch or a movie.
Sometimes I wonder if the women I went out with even considered it a date at all.
What show is the pic in OP from?
Need to know for reasons...
And miss out on all those BRAPS? Are you fhookin' dense or something mate? Why would any sane person give up on BRAAAAPS?! WHY?!?!
*Rolls face across keyboard while mumbling why repeatedly*
i dont have anything else dude. this is my only family. and half of it is bots and the other half is feds. i am truly alone. sometimes i think i actually DID die that day and i am now existing in some covert quasi-hell where i am the only being that can perceive.
And it's only March
she's hot but marty's wife was hotter
daddario's tits are goddess tier i need those in my face
The pill is called marriage
I can understand, I've been more truthful on here than I have been with my parents
The whole ass thing is a nigger meme for the most part. Don't get me wrong, I like it too but tits are the huwhite male patrician's choice. Also you're delusional if you think the girl in the OP image isn't hot as fuck.
take finasteride.
I'd take chemical castration over the frustration of maintaining these stupid biological impulses so I can focus on my college and business. Not white either, every fucking girl my race is hood af and don't want a college educated man.
Why would I voluntarily become a faggot?
>the lack of any sexual attention from women will drive a man nearly insane
this is exactly what i was implying
i literally had to resort to talking with femboys and trannies i meet up on grindr and /soc to satisfy my need to talk with ``women`` because actual women wont even acknowledge that exist and this slowly has devolved into a fetish where i cannot even get off anymore unless im watching tranny porn
i dont know what to do,i am addicted to this shit and i know its wrong and that i m fucked in the head but i dont know what to do
God, her tits are epic
>Is she *gulp* even human?
She's a succubus.
It's hilarious that the kike mods see no issue with pornography on Jow Forums whenever it suits them.
We are palestine 2.0, where the jews used porn to pacify the palestinians.
Nothing wrong with liking a nice shapely ass
I'm a social fella. I go out to bars and drink and usually have a table or two of friends/acquaintances that I chit chat (mostly) politics and religion with. I'm so fucking detatched from our society, though. I'm a kind of person who can literally find 'beauty' in pretty much anything/everything as objects/singulars, but our society just makes me sick. Women, as essential as they are to a Nation/Folk, in their Modern Western variety are, by majority nearly a lost cause. Should we be given another generation or two in our present direction without some form of Fascism ( even if watered down ) then I hope I'm dead by then.
Haha, me too! HAHA, bwahahahaha!!!! *honk honk*
Sign me the fuck up. I'd get way more shit done if my sex drive didn't constantly distract me.
Lmao get fucked, I already have a 8/10 gf
Replace your animal like urges with active disdain. Women don't deserve love, they deserve subjection. Only then, will you be attractive to women.
>Women have become irreperably whorish and unattractive
I guess it's genetic. Your subconsciousness just doesn't care about women who have tons of other men's sperm in them..
It's an evolutionary mechanism. That's why virgins are worshipped in islamic countries and throughout history. You don't want to waste your lfe + resources on raising other people's children.
Jews have made women unavailable to 80% of men, and men have resorted to degeneracy. It's all playing out in the Jew's favor.
>What a year it has been. 1 bout of chlamydia, 4 pregnancy scares,1 baby due un July, 3 breakups, 4 prank surveillance team missions, 47.5 shags, 48 pies. 100 break downs, 1000 tears, a million laughs, 5 friends for life and 1 empty existence till the day I die
What are Croatian women like?
gross. can anyone tell me about the monk-pill? is it an effective alternative to sexual pursuits?
You fellas mind telling me your general locations? I'll pick up planting where you've quit.
modern women don't consider it a date if they don't chew your man seed
You think that's bad? Try dealing with white trash women. I don't mean country, or redneck. I mean straight up white garbage. That's all there is in my town.
I'm a Atlantean posting on a burger vpn
>tfw I have a sister and her friends generally like me at least platonically
Sometimes a sister is a blessing in disguise
At work I just ignore them. All they do is complain.
>can anyone tell me about the monk-pill?
the thing with monks is that the only reason why they dont go insane is because they devote 24/7 of their time working/praying and have little to no time left to think about sex/women
the difference between a monk and the average incel is that monks are dedicated,motivated and completely devoted to god
on the other hand,incels are without purpose,without some sort of drive to fill them and free them from their hedonistic lifestyle
i suppose that the average incel could go full religion and become a monk,but this would require levels of faith that are only achievable through extreme trials or by being instilled with them from birth
i personally believe in god,but i wouldnt be able to devote myself wholly to worship
Just take the ponypill dude. Different form, same femininity. You'll see that the physical body is just a minor part of your attraction. Asexuality is almost death. Raw sexuality should be refined, from entirely physical towards spiritual.
I don't know how I feel about this... but I also consider Jow Forums to be like family. Peace be with you brother. Your fears are my fears, my triumphs are your victories. I have laughed, ree'd, and cried with you for years now. We need a secret handshake or verbal ritual for identifying each other irl, I would buy anyone of you a beer and put you up when you are on hard times.
Other than sex what is the point?
Off to faggot
Hentai is all I need anyways
>What are Croatian women like?
like every other woman. entitled. incompetent. overconfident.
"Take the bestiality pill, Jow Forums!"
>i literally had to resort to talking with femboys and trannies i meet up on grindr and /soc to satisfy my need to talk with ``women`` because actual women wont even acknowledge that exist and this slowly has devolved into a fetish where i cannot even get off anymore unless im watching tranny porn
What about Romanian women?
There is. It's called the red pill.
true detective season one episode one
Yes, definitely
Not politics.