I just lurk and rarely post, but having seen the influence of pol, there may be some merit to the idea. Have political woke folks have to take a binary stance on street shitting. >these poor people can’t help that their bodies need to release waste
>being anti street shitting is systematic, problematic, and indicative of wealth and privilege
Just throwing this out there, idk if it’s worth any consideration
The left will defend street shitting. They already have, this is a good audience question for a town hall.
Elijah Anderson
Man now you’re making me want to go to a town hall to ask about ‘why single payer healthcare is the best option’
Cooper Ross
Dems love niggers of all kind Trump loves his "legal" curry niggers Tough luck on that one
Jack Walker
No chance at street shitting being seen as negative? Or just both sides condone and won’t see it as an issue?
Alexander Taylor
Love how the chad with the flipped up polo collar is just chilling in the back ground watching. I want to go to San Francisco just to have the experience and freedom to just pull my pants down anywhere and just shit on their streets. It's like going to India! But cheaper!
Leftists love their 80 dollar steaks and shitting in the streets by homeless people. Vegan steaks.
Jaxon Bell
>street shitting is systematic, problematic, and indicative of wealth and privilege what the fuck happened this goddamned country is circling the drain when you have rampant vagrancy, open air illicit drug use, and people defecating in broad daylight in the streets of major metropolitan areas. the absolute state of burgerland
this this just a part of year of pooland's culture in the US.
Ethan Fisher
>Can we force the candidates to take a position on street shitting?
We can't force them to take position on immigration when hundreds of thousands of people are caught trying to cross every month. What makes you think they'll take a position on something like that?
Austin Perez
Bc it’s more simplistic, has no real legislation behind it, seems like a no brainer, etc
Too bad pajeets aren’t higher on the victimhood hierarchy, then you could tie in >Muh culture
Post more pictures of homeless shitting in front of liberals eating outside pretending there aren’t homeless people shitty 20 feet away from where they are eating
Wyatt Bailey
Ebola could never devastate a first world co...
Jose Gray
AMERICA! FUCK YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adrian Moore
I would go there and shoot every homeless person I could see.
Mason Rivera
Telling black people to stop pooping in public is racist.
>pic related is this commonplace in the United States?
James Parker
I know it is in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New Orleans. Probably similar in equally large cities.. Chicongo, De-troit, Baltimore.
Michael Bennett
Street shitting is a staple of what it means to be a modern liberal! There should be an amendment to the constitution allowing street shitting everywhere! It will usher in a new pelosian era!
It’s unconscionable to ask a person of colour to not poop in the street, I mean what did mlk die for?
Ian Cox
Seattle city was accused of racism for pressure washing away dried piss.
Levi James
If a person of color relieves themselves somewhere, that should be considered enrichment of your culture! Power washing is just reverse code for white power! Nazis
Aaron Russell
Checked. Took too long for this.
Jose Martinez
troll the candidates when you can radio, town squares, call in shows
they will all say mental illness but it's a lot of immigrants and homeless the US is a shithole now Trump put all his energy into Israel and let the US become a shithole
Juan Hall
Street shitting is a human right!
Logan Cooper
This is a direct attack on Tulsi Gabbard's campaign.
Ryder Roberts
Liberals think it's evil to tell people not to do disgusting things like shitting in the street and sane people that don't live in big cities want to legalize it because it will bring back the old plagues and kill them all.