why theres so much focus on WMBW couples everywhere? They are more present on TV and in porn now? Why (((they))) are switching from bmww ?
Why theres so much focus on WMBW couples everywhere? They are more present on TV and in porn now...
>Why (((they))) are switching from bmww ?
they day trump got elected ads switched but the programming was the same
Because white men love black women
And I love it
my fucking sides. that was great.
Because black men don't want black women other than to knock themu p and run away, and black women are looking at white men and going
>He has a job
>He has a house
>He's not a criminal
>He doesn't do drugs
>He's not going to abandon me when I get pregnant
and realizing that white men are way better as life partners than black men.
Wmbf is superior
basically this
sauce leaf
Why is this a bad thing? bl*Ckbois seethe
You just have to activate that chocolate instinct. Then after that all you’ll want is the black ladies
You took the time to censor this? Kys OP
Negresses love white men also.
I dunno anons. Just can't stand the idea of a man getting cucked, even if he's black.
It has always been like this in Norway. Probably to make incel subhumans obedient to the cause.
that fraudcel is now a baldcel
>They are more present on TV and in porn now? Why (((they))) are switching from bmww?
because porn and most modern tv and Movies are a money sink and pure propaganda and the only ones interested in Nignogporn where white guys who are cucks or white guys who listen to hiphop and refer to themselves as sadboi. it failed to grasp an audience outside of those allready fully brainwashed so they now try a different tactic.
I can't stand racemixing*
that instinct has always been there
It’s so bad that more black women are hitting on me real hard please stop with propaganda
I know, you just have to activate it
black women and homofaggots have the highest rates of aids
society wants to kill white men
>>but who was surprised?
Try the chocolate. Come home white man
who makes this shit produces it hires the sick bastards to do it?
I don't think actual white people love apes. seeing them in the zoo,sure, but outside of that
This is what females think bl*Ck "men" look like, no wonder they all go for White Men.
Nigger-"men" are degenerate violent incels that are gay.
You're wrong about WMBF being heavily promoted. It is rarely pushed anywhere because it makes nobody shekels. White women (the most important consumers) don't identify with black women, and white males can't see themselves ever being attracted to most black women. So you're rarely going to see that combination heavily pressed in any form of media because it doesn't make anybody money compared to alternatives.
BMWF is pushed everywhere because of advertising: white women are the most important consumer demographic as they control a majority of US household spending and black males are a stand-in for all minorities so that combo makes everybody shekels. You don't have to like it, but that combination makes some logical sense from a short term "Let's hit all demographics in our ad campaign" mindset.
Nobody wants to see WMBF except a handful of nutso black women and super mentally far-gone SJWs.
cause for a negress, a white man would be a huge catch and probably pull her out of the ghetto and out of poverty
Even Black Nationalist "men" watch Slave BWC porn, and MASTURBATE TO IT! LOL!
No wonder Black Women are addicted to White Cock.
It's literally pushed everywhere you incompetent fuck. It's not a bad thing either, Black Women worship the BWC you can see the tall tale signs of it on TWITTER-TUMBLR-INSTA-FACEBOOK, and even some YouTube channels.
IT's natural selection, and Women want the ALPHA MALE.
They don't want bl*Ck "men"
See this, this... is what they all KNOW bl*Ck "men" look like.
This is what bl*Ck "men" watch in there HOME!
It's only natural.
Stop sending pics of the inside of your toilet bowl
Because BMWF doesn’t have the traction they hoped, some white girls might date a black guy to see what it’s like but very few are dumb enough to try to have a LTR with one. WMBF is going to work much better- anything other than black men is a step up for black women.
BMWF never worked, and stopped being a feitsh for 90% of the cucks-libshits-bl*Ckbois
The statistics don't lie, Women are watching more BWC then ever before.
It's just too much, BWC porn is too much for bl*Ckbois, and HAPA's to deal with. IF the JEW's want to make Whites go extinct, they must target the White Man's sexual nature which is NOT a bad thing. WHITE COCK worship is on the rise and it's the new sensation-fetish for American Women.
There's two kinds of black women:
Sexy with a cute face and nice calves.
Sheboons, landwhales, gorillas, with wide shoulders, man-hands, and blubbery thighs and ass and toothpick calves.
Hmmm. Come to think of it that just describes all women.
There's two kinds of black women: sweet, cheerful, and submissive and then there's loud, obnoxious, arrogant, and ghetto.
Hmmm. No, wait, that still describes all women.
Fuck it.
I don't even give a shit anymore.
I'm looking for the good kind of female no matter what color her skin.
Niggers, thots, and whores are niggers, thots, and whores no matter where they're from or what color they are.
For me the only questions left are:
>where do I find a good one?
>how soon can I find a good one?
>how can shit on the bad ones more?
Come home white man
That whole thing is comedy.
A few random Tumblr account fantasies don't count in this discussion.
Find mainstream ad campaigns that seriously pimp WMBF. That combination is comparatively very rare because white females (#1 most important consumer) don't identify with black females.
Find movies where the DiCaprio or Cruise really lusts after the negress. It just doesn't happen that way.
You're wrong, and you're so fucking wrong it hurts.
the stovepipe thighs don't really do it for me.
That’s why wmbf is more natural
OP was banned
They literally don't. That is the point of the psyop.
>just help produce more niglets bro.
That nigger lover got raked
The Tumblr PAGES have over 200k Members.
Not a few random encounters sorry tough luck you incompetent faggot.
No chance that’s a woman
Because black women crave the white massa
Mixed race children are mixed race children, no matter who the father is.
BMWF didn't worked (this was their favourite setting, because they wanted to harm white males psychologically), but now they changed strategies because they need racemixing for their plans.
Apparently they hope that white males are more prone to bestiality sex aka interracial
WFBM has FAILED, and they're going to RAMP UP the WMBF propaganda.
It's just starting, in the next 3 years it'll be extreme.
Tumblr 200k MEMBERS
Plebbit 100k-2 Million in TOTAL across the whole platform MEMBERS.
(Jow ForumsBlackChicksWhiteDicks).
Instagram. You see it everywhere with Black Models.
YouTube channels with 100k+ Subs BFWM Retlationships-Marriages.
It's HAPPENING, and you're trying to COPE.