*sniff* IRAN
*sniff* IRAN
>remember when your bike got stolen last year? That was Iran
there's this one Iranian kid from college, I make sure to beat him up every day to teach him who runs the world (USA)
are you a burger on a VPN or...?
a jew
>Iran has WMD's
Send some of the fucking fat virgin incels on this shithole hatesite off to Iran to maybe.. maybe become real men in the steely conflict that is war. No more mac and cheese and tendies but conflict in the desert sun. I am an old guy but you kids need to become men somehow.
bomb bomb bomb
bomb bomb iran
>go to war so we can fuck up your country even more while you're gone
Based. The only Iranian kid I met in college knew about white genocide and he wholeheartedly supported it.
>weapons of mass diabeetus
>Jow Forums goes to war
Half of the board would be DQ'd at MEPS and the other half would be on trial for raping Iranian lolis.
Situation Normal then?
As a black man I agree
pretty much.. i sometimes thing that soft flab of Jow Forums would be hardened in desert conflict.. but then I think they would just curl into a ball and cry for tendies and fries and Iran republican guard would skewer them with a thousand bayonette stabs.. but how else can the flabby punks of this site become men other than to face the horror of war?
don't forget the majority 50% tho
How many threads are you going to make? I'm sorry that you want to call Trump a war monger but war isn't happening.
Fake but good kek.
Can someone explain to me what is wrong with this retard? What is his end game fantasy? How did he get this way? He seems completely and autistically retarded and enslaved by jews/neocons. How and why?
no nothing is wrong with him he is an american patriot. we NEED to fight Iran.. and then Russia and China. These 3 countries are our sworn enemies and must be destroyed at all costs. And you kids will fight this war and maybe become men in the process.
The infidelegates Dahnald....
Fuck you Saddam Hussein!
At least green text properly.
Doubles and we strike first
Ok Gaylord. Sure thing.
You're a slave
>dangerous uranium levels
Shit /ptg/ cope meme.
mr president, do it now!
Egg man
Coo coo cachoo