One of the notorious deceptive tactics that jews employ when they shape public opinion is reverse psychology. Basically they present a really shitty argument that is easily debunked or irrelevant to the topic at hand, to get you to pick the opposite side of that argument. They may also plant false evidence (red cross papers, fake talmud quotes) so that they can debunk it later "See goy, the red cross papers are fake, that means the holocaust is true"!
Attached is a jidf meme where they try to portray people who call out Trump as jewish controlled opposition as jews themselves. This is obvious horseshit but its the kind of blatant shit that they pull.
>Attached is a jidf meme Please provide proof that this is a JIDF meme.
Sebastian Nguyen
Oh, and please specify whom we should vote for instead of Trump.
Dominic Hill
^See this is a Prime example. Its abundantly clear that both parties are working towards white genocide.
Kevin Sanchez
hi shareblue
Noah Allen
If you have 2 options, option A and option B and both want to genocide white people, which one should you pick? The point really, wether you vote for the "lesser of two evils" is really that you shouldn't expend a ton of energy getting invested in an obviously rigged voting process because thats precisely what they want you to do.