2016 is going to happen again

Bernie will have popular support. Massive crowds. But the DNC have already picked their candidate because their hubris has no bounds and they have a 'strategy'. This necessarily means they will work against or even sabotage the Sanders campaign, again.

Hear me now believe me later. Shoutout to Mario.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The Colonel couldn't win anyway, and enough of this autistic muh polls shit.

It’s over. Reminds me of the last days of Nixon desu

Get off Jow Forums, Boomer.


Fuck you socialist faggots, I'm ridin with Biden

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why even bother polling for bernie? The democrats are not going to make him the nominee and hes too weak to stick it to them

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They're going to make the exact same mistake they did last time by picking Biden lmao holy fuck. Morons. All Trump has to do is call him sleepy Joe and the Space Force. Very low energy Dems, very low energy. You've not learned a damn thing.

Thanks for changing the fb_ filename

Weak? Every candidate literally copy and pasted his fucking platform. Even without bernie they are stuck with his policies.

They probably think Kamala or Stacey Abrams as VP will carry them over the finish line.

Honestly I hope Sanders racks up a high delegate count and gets screwed over at the convention just to make the Bernie bros irate.

Although I would laugh if Trump lost because he's fucking done jack shit about immigration and thinks he can run on MIGA.

Because the possibility of breaking free from the corporate two party system exists. We could actually have an Independent president. No, Sanders is not perfect. But no one is, and he's a lore more trustworthy than anyone else in DC.

And no, I'm not voting for Sanders. Socialism doesn't work, especially not in this country. I'm voting for Trump again.

I'm telling you. The DNC's strategy is afflicted by self-interest: Biden is the one who can give them all cushy jobs afterwards. Bernie would fire them all.

When i saw this meme, i felt a demon take A fire axe and hit him in the forehead. It lopped off his skull at an angle and the blade buried in the seat, the skull was dangling by some skin, blood was pumping out by his heart rythm. What is that? Is that a psychic flash of the future? Crazy!

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>be on foxnewDOTcom
>lePol appears
>would you still love trump or feel the burn
>select "ill match your contribution"
>whole world reports Trumps going to lose again
>MFW it wont be as good as 2016 but itll be close

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Only one website predicted he was going to lose, and that was the fucking huffingtonpost which is a total joke, every other poll had him at 47-49%


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The DNC plan since 2016: not change a fucking iota, but lock down the parts of the internet that expose truth about them.

The DNC literally is following bernies platform, my ass they haven't changed, they gone full blown socialism.

>i swear the polls are right this time
its already begun, honestly i haven't been good enough to deserve this.

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>The DNC literally is following bernies platform
>they gone full blown socialism.

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Nice deflection

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The DNC has the same problem The RNC had in 16'. bernie is an outsider, in 16 they just cheated him, REP's thought of doing that to trump but they were afraid hed go thrid party and cost them the election so they just let him win and planned on him losing then saying some shit like
>look see we told you, even though we cant get shit done we know whats best.

DEms are about to do the same thing, if bernie wins hell get trounced by trump and pelosi and the dem establishment will move to change the rules so socialist outsiders can get fucked off. if bernie wins the nomination, then loses the election dems will crucify bernie and ocasio as the reason for the trump re-election.

It's over for blumpf. Bernie is going to win for sure. Mueller shut down the Russian hackers and paved the way for a fair election for once. Blumpfs Putin puppets were destroyed forever and Barr is going to prison for obstruction.

thiswas your last (((you))) nigger

having difficulty understanding?

the whole crop of new kids in Congress are socialist radical lefties. people like Ocasio-Cortez, or Ilhan Omar. college broads who think we shouldn't be fighting for Israel. they are in control of the party, whether the deep state DNC officials like it or not. all the shitty candidates are repeating some variation of their promises, which were proven popular in 2016 by Sanders.

Did ems crucify Hillary?

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They're trying hard to fuck him. Warren is the latest media push

Trump is in a weak position but he definitely has an opportunity to win again as long as the economy doesn't fall into a recession before then.

Some did. Not at first, but yeah. She had critics.

Useful idiots with pussy hats and love trumps hate signs were too busy raging against the patriarchy to hold Clinton or Democrats responsible.

Jesus fuck you are really retarded, Bernie would trounce trump, everyone knew he won because he faced the worst candidate in fucking history. A fucking paper bag could of beat hillary, its not a fucking big accomplishment. Dem establishment is literally getting culled, nancy's fucking protege got taken out by AOC. The thought that 2020 dems are the same as 2016 is very fucking wrong.

>whole crop of new kids in Congress
>they are in control of the party
so 4 freshman politicians are in control of the entire Dem party? Where did you hear that one grandpa, was it tucker or hannity?

I'll tell you what though.

If a socialist democrat does win the presidency, it's going to be the end. The promise of FREE SHIT for everyone is going to be their Wall. Free college, free healthcare, etc... it'll never pass Congress. Too much pharmaceutical/insurance lobby money coming in, and slavery (theft of labor) is fucking illegal per the 13th amendment.

They are reflections of the current voters mindset, the establishment has no choice but to court them meaning changing their stances if they want to stay in power or end up getting replaced.

>so 4 freshman politicians are in control of the entire Dem party? Where did you hear that one grandpa, was it tucker or hannity?
Read the rest of my post. Concentrate and put the two ideas together. Think hard, spud.

The ONLY platform that the public wants to hear is Bernie's. That's why everyone has copied it and is shilling free shit, because that's the only thing that sells. Biden and the DNC are not in control of the message, the socialist newcomers are. The DNC needs to fall in line with no-war and free shit or DemExit will continue.

Understand now?

damn bernie can beat trump like THAT!?

Honestly at this rate bernie is done, warren is taking his place.

Everyone knows the average Jow Forums poster would fuck Warren if given the chance. user, we know it's true faggot

>1/1024th Pocahontas
No chance. Livestreaming opening a beer and pretending to give a shit doesn't make you cool, grandma.

She has no chance. NO CHANCE.


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Not ever. No way.

why are you saying that like its a bad thing? Aren't politicians supposed to reflect the views of their voting base? It has nothing to do with AOC or Omar, they aren't "controlling" anything they're just saying what most people were thinking. If the majority of voters like socialism the party is obligated to represent them.

The reason bernie is going down in the polls is because his voters are switching to warren.

>t. Joe Biden
even your bf Barack hasn't endorsed you, big dummy.

All Team Trump has to do is recycle every minute of anti-Bernie propaganda the media was pushing during 2016 and he’ll fall apart all over again.

My point is the establishment has lost its power that it had in 2016, they had to reduce the power of super delegates that give hillary her win. They had to adopt bernies platform to make up their loss of the 2016 election. The establishment is desperate to regain control that they still don't have anymore.

I buy that. Democrat voters are retarded.

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Are Bernie bros even a force this time around? After seeing him cuck last season, will any of his fans support this time?

The dems sure know how to run garbage.
Biden is a serial child molester that claimed he would beat the hell out of Trump for "saying" he could grab grown women.
Then there is Kamel Hairus who helped the catholic church bury child molesting evidence.
And it goes on and on.

Kamala isn't even in this race anymore, its biden,bernie and warren at this point.

These polls are retarded if they think Bernie has a chance against Trump in 2020, Biden has a good shot though, unless he goes full lefty

Your gonna die boomer your legacy is finished

Trump losing key battleground states says otherwise.

Warren is the only one that isn't completely fucked in the head and she should own up to exploiting affirmative action by claiming to be part Cherokee. She can talk the good talk but unfortunately she never walks it. Kamala is only worth mentioning because she is poison even as a VP choice to anyone.

Trump will spend half the campaign in six states and win them all.

Except he will also be running against other people who are campaigning there too? The fact trump is losing puts his on the losing side entirely.

She's also the weakest candidate to run against Trump


That's only because her voters are split between her and bernie, if bernie drops out, she will skyrocket.

Honestly, (((they))) won't let him win. The final two will be between Biden and Harris and Harris will be against Trump. I'm calling it right now. If Bernie somehow manages to become the nominee he will be the President, and we can only hope he's competent enough to pick a good VP because holy shit, while most of his stuff is good it is all negated when he wants to bring in more immigrants, legalize every illegal and thinks people who make $250,000/year are part of the middle class while expanding social services to anyone and everyone.

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Imagine the turnout from the real left.

Warren is a shrill schoolmarm who used to work in finance and said she was "Capitalist to her bones". She's a fraud on multiple levels.

This is true. The Democrats have a supermajority in California and they had to backtrack on state level universal healthcare after beating that drum for years.

Shrill,fraud or whatever doesn't matter anymore. After trumps win anythings on the table now.

well shit California was also broke. I don't know how the fuck it still exists.

You live nowhere near mass if you think Warren is sane that bitch is so far left she makes Hillary look like an independent

They leech off of Silicon Valley and Hollywood while they can. Even then I'm sure inevitably Gavin Newsom or the next governor will have the balls to ask for a bailout from DC.


You can see it in her movements. The way she talks and carries herself. All her towels are fair trade, furniture would be from sustainable resources if it wasn't antique hardwood, and her Mercedes is eco friendly. She's basically a capitalist Jill Stein.

bernie knows when to lay down.
DNC knows this, and superdelegates will be used to keep him out anyways.

Their debt is meaningless, they make so much money that no one will take them to court over it.

Well there's also tent cities and shit. Like parts of Florida or Hawaii, people think it's okay to be homeless because the weather is nice.

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The race may clarify a bit after the late June debates, but a lot can happen in a year, both with respect to each candidate and with respect to which issues become prominent. It is possible that no candidate will have a majority on the first ballot, in which super delegates cannot vote. If that's the case, there will be a lot of back room deals going on with respect to candidates bowing out and super delegates aligning themselves. It could be a real spectacle if things go past the first ballot. The last time either major party went past the first ballot was in 1952 with the Dems. Frankly, I'm rooting for that simply because I want to see how it comes out--and what people say about it afterward. It could be the best entertainment of the summer!

>caring about politics
>caring about candidates
>caring about group identities

Nothing personnel kid

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Not really, Biden is polling well because people think hes moderate & think he supports the Hyde amendment, which he did until last week

If Biden goes far left, he will lose more support

uh bro niccolo was all about politics.

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Biden doesn't have the energy to campaign like Trump does

I never said anything about biden tho?
What a joke, biden has been campaigning way longer and more then trump ever has.

Biden at some point will make some incredible gaffs. MSM will do their best to minimize them, but if Biden botches multiple times he'll really hurt himself.

>biden has been campaigning way longer and more
They were all failures. Since the 19-fucking-80s. Trump won the presidency on his first try.

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Trump ran against the worst candidate in history. Like i said, its not an accomplishment.

The polls weren’t wrong in 2016. They said Hillary would win the popular vote by 2-3 points (she did) and MI, WI, and PA were all in single digits within the margin of error. There was a poll the day before the election that showed Trump winning Michigan by 1 or 2 points. I’m sure if you go to RCP they have all the polls archived. They’re there, stop pretending like they were so unbelievably wrong

Also its not his first try, he ran back in 2000


biden is like a low IQ Hillary and even older

That's hindsight revisionism. Before Election Day Hillary was supposed to easily win in a landslide and Trump had no shot thanks to Hillary's electoral firewall in the Midwest.

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Sorry kiddo this is age of rambo. We dont listen to anyone these days. 2020 is year of yourself. The world is yours and everyone outside your family is your enemy. Trump aint gonna stop the hordes and the cops aint gonna help your bitchass when MS13 drives down the street. Everyone on the tv is the enemy. Hell bannon did more for a wall then orangeman. What does that tell you?

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based and hebephilepilled

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No, once again she wasn't. Only one fucking poll said she would win in a landside, every other one had him at 47-49%

The national popular vote is used as a sleight of hand to cover for the fact that polls were way off in several key states. They're using Hillary's huge margin in states Trump never even tried to win (like CA and NY) to cover for being very wrong in states like IA, GA, MI, WI, OH, PA and NC.

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Yes, Bern will take it in the ass again. Biden will be the nominee.

The state polls showed Hillary losing almost every one of those states. Most Hillary supporters had written off Iowa and Ohio by election night

your idiodic cope is so retarded its like 2016 all over again. people were openly mocking Trump for not just giving up. youre either a reverse double shill or a complete fucking retard either way if fags like you are going to continue 2020 is going to be awesome again.

>What does that tell you?
Congress is broken, partisanship is high, opinion and propaganda is taking place of news, and Obama built more wall than Trump because the opinion machine and its paying eyeballs were friendly to Obama and he was "protecting Americans." Trump is portrayed as a baby caging tyrant.


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You didn’t refute anything I said you retard

I really don't know why people say Hillary was weak, she out performed Obama in key states like PA, she got the same number of votes as 2012 Obama & she actually won the primary popular vote over Obama in 2008

Hillary did great, Trump just did greater in a few key states

Obama was a nobody, Clinton was a household name and a powerhouse in the 90's. And she totally fucked up and revealed how weak she was.

>you have to debate my idiocy

nigger youre not worth a response let alone a rebuttal i gave you the (((you))) out of mockery. youre a fucking clown, a loser, a water head. go wear an anti trump shirt, go bet against him winning. dumb fag.

Says the retard who keeps spouting bullshit after he was exposed as being wrong.

>more make believe
he'll be impeached before 2020 anyway no reason to hand me off to the minimum wage propagandist on shift

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Pretty much this.

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Bernie doesn’t have a chance. Even the Dems don’t want a Jewish socialist in office.